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The crisp air of autumn and smell of the pine trees which didn't seemed to be much far away from where she sat was making her drowsy. The cup of tea in her hands which spread warmth across her skin, a tingling sensation, she liked it anyways. The window had everything on display, the intoxicating smell of wet mud on the forest floor and it wasn't helping her concentrate on her work at all. There she sat, with a hand on her chin and her eyes gazing at the beautiful scenario outside.

She was so busy observing the wildlife outside that she did not notice someone was standing infront of her office door. "Miss Mehra" A strong yet polite voice broke her trance , she stumbled a bit in her seat before standing up on her place. "I know the view from here is perfect and peaceful that almost all of us loose our concentration on what we are doing but I expect you to go back working Annika." 

She sighed out in relief as she heard her boss's-boss retrieving footsteps as they harshly hit the marble floor. Annika closed her eyes for several seconds before shooting a glance outside and shutting the door's of the window at the next moment. Even though everything in this world seemed to fascinate her, she knew that she never had time for such things, even a small insect could make her think wonders.

Annika lazily typed today's report, wanting to head back home and lie down on the bed, snuggling into the sheets of her comfortable bed but she knew better, until and unless she wasn't done for today, they won't let her leave. "Annika, Mrs Rai is calling you" she threw her head back, squeezing her eyes as she thought of  the possibilities of why she was being called by her boss yet again.

Technically she worked under Mrs Rai who was the sweetest person Annika could have met but as her liking for Annika grew, she started to rely on her more which lead Annika to do more of work than anyone in the office. The assistant stood in the doorway, waiting for Annika to make a move and get up.

The screeching sound of the chair being pushed back and her legs stomping on the floor making everyone in the office  to believe that she was pissed and irritated. Annika convinced herself to keep a fake smile intact on her face as she entered her boss's office. "Annika, dear, come inside." Ever so slowly, like a snail, she stood infront of her desk. "Yesterday's article did wonders, everyone is eager to read more from you" At that, a genuine smile had crept her face and for some good minutes she was happy.

"I wouldn't be more proud Annika, sit down dear." Mrs Rai's sweet voice was like a music to her hears. She sat down on the wooden chair, silently, not making a noise as she saw her boss's nose deep buried into reading something. "I have got some work for you and I know you will do it as gracefully as you do your other job too" The kind of trust she had on Annika seemed unbreakable, working for her for more than a year was enough for Mrs Rai to believe that she was kind hearted and hard working.

"So, you wanna hear it out?" Annika nodded her head, waiting for her to open her mouth. 

Mrs Rai grinned and continued to talk. "I want you to go and take Shivaay Singh Oberoi's interview in an hour" Annika's eyes widened at that, her mouth agape, waiting impatiently for her boss to crack up and start laughing but all she met was with silence and a smile on Mrs Rai's face.

"Ma'am, you mean the CEO of oberoi insdustry? Did he get some time for this really?" That was really a question for her and for her boss to. It was difficult to get an appointment itself in his company but there they were, ready to send off Annika to his company any second. "Dear, it was my boss's hardwork that we got a chance and I expect you to give your best today. I have already made arrangements, the driver would drop and pick you up as usual. The questions and a recorder are ready too, just fix your hair a bit" 

Annika wiped her sweaty palms on her black knee lenght skirt. The air around her felt hot, she tried to calm her breathing. "Dear, have some water" Mrs Rai could see Annika tensed up a bit, it was an usual sight for her as well as for Annika. Grabbing the glass of water, she gulped down the content in a go, putting it back on the coaster. "Now get up, you don't wanna be late and get yourself in trouble, do you?" With that she shook her earning a smile from Mrs Rai.

Annika grabbed the recorder and the file full of questions and clutching it closely to her chest. "I will see you later Ma'am" She took some steps backward and turned away to leave, a sigh escaping her lips. All she had heard about Shivaay Singh Oberoi was that he was ruthless and merciless, she wouldn't deny she was afraid because right now her legs were wobbling. In her entire career of journalism, she was never this nervous to take a interview of someone but now she sure was.

Standing infront of the mirror, she fixed her dress, taking a tissue and wiping her face with handful of water. Tightening her hold on her loose hair, she took a hairtie off her skirt pocket and tied it around her hair. Looking at herself for one last time and satisfied with how she looked, she took a deep breath in. Her watch told her that she had only some minutes before she left.

Opening the file full of questions, she read each of them thoroughly, trying to mug up some but all vain as she fiddled with her fingers. "Girl, you are going to take interview of Shivaay Singh Oberoi? God, let me tell you, he is hot" Annika cringed at Alisha's words, she couldn't make a head out of what was going on and there was her friend, talking irrelevant things.

"Shut it Ali, I am stressed. I don't even know how am I going to face him, I heard he is always furious and angry" Alisha giggled at her friend's worry, though she knew what kind of a person he was but all she cared was for his extremely good looks. "Oh come on, it's nothing when you have a sexy beast sitting infront of you" Annika shook her head at her immature thoughts. 

"You are crazy" 

"Every girl is crazy for Shivaay Singh Oberoi except from you" Annika huffed out being irritated, Alisha only laughed at her misery. "Listen, it will go good, don't worry, now get going" Alisha gave her an assuring smile which made Annika realise that she was running late already. "See you soon Ali" Annika waved at her as she ran towards the elevator.

Once she was out of her office, she looked for the driver and she found it standing on the other side of the road. With steady steps, she stopped infront of the car and she recognized the company's driver and so did he. Getting in, she saw numerous buildings passing by, her foot continuously tapping, her palms sweating, she hated this, hated being so nervous.

The car soon came to a hault, making Annika sweat profusely as ever. Biting her lower lip, she got down the car not before thanking the driver. Her head moved up towards the high raised buliding almost touching the sky. It looked magnificent and standing in front of it she felt like a liliput. Her legs soon entering his office and number of thoughts running in back of her head.

All she wanted was to run back home and lock her door and never step outside again but she knew right now she was stuck and she could not back out any moment. The receptionist gave her a look as she moved towards her. "How may I help you?" Annika took a deep breath in before answering her question. "I am here to take an interview of Shivaay Singh Oberoi from TNT" Annika clutched her purse and the file closer to her.

The receptionist nodded her head and went back to her laptop, doing something before looking up at her again. "You can go now, take the elevator from here to floor twenty and take a left from there, you will see his cabin, the name written on it would help you" Annika nodded and gave her smile to which the receptionist just pressed her lips together.

Now she stood in elevator, alone in the one metre wide elevator. As soon as the lift stopped, she was standing on the twentieth floor. Taking a left as told by, she kept going until she read his name. The name which screamed money and power. She was hit with a familiar smell of coffee, espresso or kaali coffee as she liked to call it. How could she not recognize it, it was her stepfather's favourite thing to consume every now and then.

Annika knocked on the door, inviting a death wish upon herself.


No proof read, correct me if you find any typos or grammatical errors :)

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