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If Annika had ever imagined she would be going on a date with a multi-billionaire she would have laughed out loud at herself because she knew, fairytales were not real, they just made you believe that one day a Prince Charming will come riding his white horse to save you from all your miseries. She liked to stick to the bitter realities than to believe in those fairytales which would only leave you heartbroken.

They walked side by side while she being in her night pajamas and instead of feeling weird and outcast, she felt herself, as if she was allowed to be in her own skin and this made her heart flutter in happiness when Shivaay had told her not change and she could come with him in those losse clothing while he himself was walking a charming suit. This had made her smile immediately.

"Take a picture it will last longer" Slowly, Shivaay turned to look down at her, he could see her, staring at him like he would go away if she blinked and he saw her from his corner of his eye, was it possible that their was more to her mystery? Because she was full of surprises and he was acting like a give year old kid who was excited to open each gift which he had received on his birthday.

Annika blushed and looked down at her bellies, it has been mere five minutes of walking and here he was, teasing her as if he was trying to make her comfortable with him and sure he wanted to be herself around him and he wanted her to open up to him. Shivaay smiled, gazing at her face which was turned away from him but after some seconds her eyes caught him staring at her and what she did not expect from him was that he kept staring at her.

His blue eyes shone brightly in the darkness, he broke out of trance, looking away for her with a smirk playing on his lips which had made Annika curious about him, she wanted to jump inside his head and wanted to know what he was exactly thinking about. "How much more time" She huffed out a breath of annoyance which made Shivaay chuckled lowly which made Annika to snap her head back ou to his face again. She knew they barely walked a meter, hell, she knew it has only been ten minutes but her impatience was growing.

"I see, you are very impatient Annika, I like it" He winked at her, not catching the meaning behind his words and nor did he anyways, he just enjoyed watching her tease when she would confusingly look around to get back at him but she never did. Now as she was silent, he did not like it, he never meant to make her quite, he wanted to crack open her shell. "It will take two more minutes if I am right" Shivaay answered her and to which she just nodded.

He knew sometimes silence was peaceful but right now it was killing him, she couldn't look up at him and it irked him, did he do something wrong? Maybe pulling her leg too much was not too good. He wanted to apologize to her for acting that way. "Hey, I am sorry if I hurt you by my words" He tucked his hands into his pant pocket and Annika suddenly laughed. The melodic voice of her's filled the air and his ears were delighted to hear her sweet laughter. He was losing his mind, sweet laughter? What did that mean? He shook his head and concentrated his eyes back on Annika.

After a minute of clutching her hand on her stomach, tears pouring out of the corner of her eyes and her she had leaned on his shoulders for support. Shivaay could only gaze down at her and try to capture the entire moment in his brain, trying to imprint her image in his mind, how he wished to take his phone out and snap a picture of her right at this moment. Annika cleared her throat and detached herself from him.

"Mr Oberoi, you should have looked at your face, it was hilarious. Relax, I was not at all hurt, just a bit bad at throwing back" Annika explained while he just shook his head at her, a night was probably not enough to know her, it would take more than hundred to analyze her. "Well, I can always teach you" Shivaay grinned like a teenager to which she rolled her eyes, men.

They kept walking and after a minute Shivaay took out a cloth from his pocket and stood in front of Annika, she frowned at his actions. Without a single word, he had tied the black material around her eyes, she opened and closed her mouth several times as he continued to tighten it around her. "Mr Oberoi, are you trying to kill me?" Annika asked in a teasing tone and he chuckled, dropping his hands back to his sides.

"Yeah and then to get rid of your body, I am going to throw it in the forest, perfect dinner for the animals" If her eyes would have not been covered, he would have seen her rolling her eyes. Shivaay clutched her arm,leading her towards the path which was unknown to her, they kept walking in silence and his heart beat was increasing with each step they took closer to the place he wanted them to go.

He stopped, his head turning towards her who was just blankly standing their. "You can remove the cloth now" He whispered close to her face, she could feel his hot breath lingering on her skin, she sucked in the air, hard. Annika slowly took off the cloth, the first thing that caught her attention was the table and a chair standing infront of her, they were decorated with fairy lights, a set of candles in the middle of the table and several utensils covered with lids.

Annika gasped, her jaw dropping down, she wanted her jaw to touch down the ground if that was possible, her eyes twinkling in happiness, was he kidding with her? Was there some other girl going to show up magically? What was she even thinking? Her eyes followed to the person standing next to her who seemed to enjoy the view in front of him, her, he was admiring her.

"Do you like it?" He asked lowly, unsure if he could even form words and scared that he would stammer while speaking. She slowly bit her lip, was he really asking this question? She shook her head at him, she thought by her looks he already knew how much happy she was. "I love it Mr Oberoi" This made him look down at her with a wide smile.

"Come, let's go" He gestured her to go first and he followed the suit, walking with steady pace, she looked closely at the efforts made to look so much like those dates she had imagined in her dreams, it was way to dreamy for her.  Shivaay took the chair out for her, him being a perfect gentleman had swoon her heart. Annika passed him a smile, liking the way things were unfolding.

After the both settled down, he kept his both hands on the table, staring at her as she looked down at the food in front of her. He took his phone out, keeping it near to his chest, he clicked a picture of her and she looked magnificently beautiful even though the sky above her was dark. Annika took the lids off the utensils and breathed in the aroma of fresh and mouth watering food and she looked up at him with a grin.

Indian food, the roti and the paneer Sabzi was calling her to devour it and all Shivaay did was stare at her, he had fun watching her. Her stomach grumbled and a chuckled escaped his lips making Annika bite her lower lip a bit harder. She couldn't be apologetic for that because it was him  who had made her starve. "You can eat Annika, don't ask for my permission not after what I did" Annika sighed out hearing him, he did not need to think about that now.

"Hey, listen, it's ok. What has happened has happened , it can't be changed. So let's just enjoy this and don't feel guilty please, you have made it up to me now" She passed a smile to him which took his breath away, what was she doing to him? He hated the way he was acting and thinking, it was all too fast, way too fast for him.

Annika dug into her food and so did Shivaay, for sometime there was a pin drop silence, stealing glances of each other time to time but never staring at each other for more two seconds. After several minutes of awkward silence, she cleared her throat to gain his attention and he did. "So, when are you going for the photoshoot for the interview?" She asked him, wiping her lips with the paper tissue which was placed on the table. "It is this week but I have a busy schedule so I may or may not turn up"

At that she nodded understandingly, he was a busy man, she couldn't blame him, she never thought he would turn up after not answering her text but here he was, trying to make things better, trying to make her smile and most importantly telling her that he had time for her. "Thankyou for taking out time for me but who did all this?" Annika looked around herself, they were certainly somewhere far away from the city and considering her house was at the edge of forest, she could only think that they were near to the forest.

"My men, I had instructed them before coming to apologize to you" He leaned forward in his seat, his voice came out gentle, their was a tint of power in the way he spoke, she knew he liked control and she was well aware of the fact that his named screamed danger.

"Can I have a dance with this beautiful lady?" Annika giggled as she heard word Beautiful slip through his tongue, did he really find her beautiful or was he just playing around? She remembered that one time when a guy in her senior year, a player has taken her out, he made her feel special but in just snap of his fingers, he called it off, he broke her heart, just like that and from that day she had loathed every player.

Shivaay was not one of them, she knew, she just knew, I didn't matter how but she did, the vibes she received from him were far from a playboy one's, he wasn't just another regular jock. She nodded at him and he got up immediately, extending his hand out to her and she slipped her hand into his.

The warmness of his skin had made tingles run down her arm, this was the first time she ever came in contact with his skin and it awfully felt amazing. Not trying to sound like a freak, she got up from her seat, she was so lost in her thoughts that she did not realise he had started to play the music.

The music filling the air was soft and sweet just like a lullaby and when his arms went around her waist she knew, her knees went weak and for support she had snaked her arms around his shoulder, gazing up at the gorgeous man which was swaying her heart away.

"This is the perfect date Shivaay"


I know their first date was meant to be a coffee date but after this one their would only be Kaali Coffee dates ;-)

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