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Annnika sipped on her black coffee, sitting in her office, in one position was tiring. Arching her neck, she stretched out a bit. Today was a busy day for her, she had to go take interview of Sammer Khuraana, he was one of the rising businessmen right now. Annika was confident that nothing would go wrong but when she reached there, in his office, she was informed that he had some important meetings so the interview was pushed some days ahead.

Groaning, she kept aside her third cup of coffee, Shivaay was the sole reason why she had been consuming the coffee from this past week and she wasn't complaining but rather she was now addicted to coffee. "It's lunch, get up" It was Raghav who was standing in front of her, a sly smirk playing on his lips as usual.

"I got work to do Raghav" Annika preseed her forehead with her forefinger, she looked up to see Raghav walking towards her. Now, he leaned against her table, Annika raised her eyebrows at him. "Come on, did boss really give you so much work?" Raghav asked, his eyes moving towards the screen in front of him, reading what exactly she was working on.

Annika nodded at his question, indeed she needed to complete an article which had to be submitted my tomorrow and she wasn't even halfway done with it. "Hey, don't stress, I know you can do it. Just take a break" He insisted, he did care for her and looking at her face, he knew how much she was burdened with work.

"And whoa, coffee? I did not know that" Raghav examined the cup to see there was a bit if coffee left in there, he could also smell her office which was filled with the aroma of coffee. Raghav have known Annika since a year and all this time, he had observed that she was more of a tea person. "Who is this lucky guy" Hearing Raghav, it reminded her of Alisha's remark, they both knew her way too better and it troubled her because she could not hide it from them for too long.

"It is no one. You know what let's go" It was the best to divert his mind off the her habits which were starting to change. Annika shut her laptop, typing up her hair in a ponytail. Raghav followed behind her as walked towards the cafeteria which was on third floor. Annika's mind drifted to the date with Shivaay yesterday, he had gently kissed her back of palm, repeating how beautiful she looked.

From past two weeks, every alternate date, they went on dates, coffee dates to be exact and they enjoyed every bit of it. Shivaay was the person who was so very easy too talk to and then there was his cold side which was for his employers and other people. Annika often thought, how did she become so lucky to get to know the real Shivaay Singh Oberoi?

Raghav sat down opposite to Annika on the table, Alisha spotted the two of them so she came running towards the table. "Guess what? Mrs Rai just complimented me" Alisha exclaimed excitedly making Annika smile, she made space for Alisha to next down next to her. "Lucky you" Raghav stuffed his mouth with burger, rolling his eyes at Alisha.

"Don't be jealous Raghav" Alisha smirked at him, she loved to pull his leg, Raghav scowled as he heard her. "I am not jealous" Annika wanted to interrupt and stop the two of them but she seemed to enjoy the barter at the same time.

The next thing Annika knew was Alisha dumping the cold drink on Raghav making him gasp. Raghav did not seem to stop at that, he grabbed the bottle of sauce and splattering it on her head as well. Annika face palmed herself, she got up, eyeing the two of them. "What is wrong with you two? Are you twelve? Or ten?" Raghav did not acknowledge her question as he was busy glaring at Alisha who seemed to do the same.

Annika threw her hands up in the air in frustration. "Bye guys" Before Alisha or Raghav could stop her, she was gone from their sights. Annika took the elevator to her floor, sitting down on the chair in her office. She thought about the two of them and how they were fighting like five years old, she laughed for a bit but then her phone pinged.

It said 'I will be waiting for you outside your office once you are done working. I know your working hours' Annika smiled to herself, her cheeks reddened, he had done absolutely nothing but sent her a text which had made her blushing. She typed him back asking 'Another date?'. She kept her phone aside immediately when she heard the footsteps approaching towards her office.

Annika's phone pinged yet again but she was afraid to open it when her boss was standing just outside her office. She cleared her throat, opening her laptop to get back to her work before she gets busted. "I read the interview of Shivaay Singh Oberoi and I am sure you can work harder than this" Annika raised her eyebrows, she wanted to roll yet eyes but decided against it.

Annika nodded at her boss's-boss, Mr Kumar whom she called the grumpy old man, though she was well aware he was a good person at heart but his temper and his mood swings Wete hard to handle. She respected him, she did but sometimes she wanted to bang her head on the wall when she would get scolded by her boss.

Yet again, she sighed in relief when he left her office. Grabbing her phone, she read the message which said 'See you soon' Annika frowned, Shivaay Singh Oberoi was indeed a strange human specimen whom she would not understand, maybe with time, she could.


Annika stood outside her office, looking down into her watch every now and then, she did text him that she was off from her work some minutes ago. She was way too excited, like it was her first ever date she was going to. Biting her lip, she looked from him but she found him no where.

She leaned against the wall, looking up at the sky which was turning into a darker shade. Annika glanced at the time one more time, it's been twenty minutes since she was standing outside. She shook off the irrelevant thoughts she was having, the past week for her was like a dream come true, he was not what he looked like, he was funny and warm, just like her.

Shivaay did made her smile and she did admit that no one made her smile this bright. Annika took her phone out, texting him yet again to ask where he was. Dissapointed with no response, she thought he was bailing on her but then she heard the horn next to her. "Get inside" Annika smiled, it was Shivaay in his black Mercedes looking like a hero from a movie.

The bit of anger and frustration she had because of him, vanished into thin air when she saw him. Annika got into the car as quickly as possible. Straightening her knee length skirt as she sat down, letting her hair down the next second. "I am sorry, I am late, my phone died and the meeting took some extra minutes to get finished" Shivaay give her a smile, hoping that he would be able to make it up to her.

"I am forgive you Shivaay Singh Oberoi" Annika giggled, buckling her seat belt, watching him smile at her too. "You look adorable when you smile" Annika wanted to punch his cheeks when they reddened with her compliment but she thought it would be clingy to do so or maybe he would find her strange.

"I am anything but adorable, call me hot" Shivaay started to drive, his eyes on the road. Annika rolled her eyes, she knew his ego was big, much bigger than anyone in this world. "Hot? No, I find someone else hot" Shivaay glanced at her and found a smirk on her face, she was playing with him and he knew. "Oh, right, I am no one then, right?" At that Annika frowned, clutching her purse in her hands, wasn't he jealous? She thought. After a minute if silence, Shivaay burst out laughing, scaring Annika.

"You are a jerk" Shivaay found it rather amusing to hear that from her, he still laughed. Annika scrunched her nose at him, he was acting so very different right now, she wondered how he acted in front if his employees, did he always have them a glare and shouted on them or he ignored them? Shrugging her thoughts away, she turned to look at him.

After a couple of minutes, Shivaay stooped the car, Annika looked outside excitedly but to her surprise she found that they were surrounded by trees and nothing else. "Get down" Shivaay said and Annika hopped down the car next second. The smell of wet mud hit her nostrils and she absolutely loved it, the nature waa indeed beautiful. Shivaay looked at her, she was busy looking everywhere but at him so he stood in front of her.

"What are we doing here?" The road was deserted, there was no one in sight, Annika then heard the sound of waves which was possibly coming from some distance. There was a beach nearby, she knew but never visited it. Shivaay grabbed her hand, walking ahead, towards the seashore. Annika was in delight to see the sea, the water looked ever more beautiful in moonlight.

Walking on the sand with their footwear in their hands, they walked in silence. "Welcome to my favourite place" Shivaay sat down on the sand as he said those words, Annika stood there, gazing at the beautiful scene in front of her. She had an urge to go into the water but that meant she would get wet and she did not wanted to ruin her clothes. "Sit down" He patted softy in the sand, telling her to sit down next to her.

So she did, Annika sat down next to him, sighing softly when she sat in the soft sand. Her legs stretched out in front if her and next moment she was lying down completely. "How do you feel" Shivaay asked, breaking the silence. He lied down on his stomach, looking up at her while she gazed at the sky up. "I feel so good, so relaxed" After looking at the stars above, she looked down at him, he was a gorgeous looking man she had ever come across.

"I love the sight in front of me" Shivaay did not take his eyes off Annika when he said those words which took Annika completely off guard, a small smile appearing on her face. Shivaay moved closer, his warm breath was now caressing her skin, his one look was enough to bring goosebumps on her skin. He hovered over her, not attempting to scare, he moved slowly closer to her.

Annika did what her fingers itched to do, they moved towards his face, running along the length of his face, sending tingles down her skin as she did. Shivaay grabbed her fingers, moving them down his face to his chest, she could now feel his heartbeat. Slowly, he inched closer, his eyes on her lips, he looked back into her eyes, as if he was asking for her approval.

What surprised Shivaay more was Annika wasted no time and placed her lips on his. Annika swore she saw stars when he let her take control, it was perfect, she could feel his smiling as he devoured her lips. Shivaay stayed still for some seconds before withdrawing back his lips. Tugging her hair behind her ear, he pecked her lips two times before lying down next to her.

"Maybe I am falling for you Annika"


I am so sorry for updating so late, no proof read so bear with my typos. I hope I did bit disappoint any one of you with this update.

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