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The next morning, Annika was on autopilot mode, the night felt long, she couldn't go back to sleep after only being able to sleep for half an hour. And she ended up sitting up sipping coffee three in the morning, and she knew, within an hour, her dad would be getting the surgery. Radha had found Annika ready to leave the house as soon as she had come down the hall, assuming she wasn't able to sleep properly too.

Now they both sat outside the operation theatre, impatient as ever. Annika was sitting silently, playing with her fingers in nervousness. Radha did not try to make her talk, the silence was peaceful for now. Annika saw her mother from the corner of her eye, she was staring blankly at the floor, bags under her eyes.

How many nights have been sleepless for her? A wave of worry passed through her. How could she be so selfish that she hadn't bothered thinking about her mother's health. "Maa, since how many nights you haven't slept?" Annika asked, turning her head towards her. The question caught Radha off guard. How many nights? She couldn't remember.

"I don't know Annika, there are some nights when I couldn't sleep at all. But there are nights when I did get some sleep but since past few days, I don't think I have slept enough" She admitted honestly, but she regretted telling it as soon as the words were out, it would only make Annika more worried. "But I'm alright, there's nothing to be worried about" She tried to cover up.

"Maa, don't lie. I'm so sorry I wasn't here, I should have been here days ago, it's all my -"

"Annika, no. Don't blame yourself. His condition wasn't bad back then, it's only been three days, I didn't want you to get worried, I wanted to know the proper condition of Harish before I told you. And I did, as soon as I knew about it, I called you" A sigh left Annika's mouth. She rubbed her face with her hands, confused as ever. She felt drained and exhausted. Radha ran her hand over her head and rubbed her back, trying to calm her.

"Only a few more hours, he'll come back alright. I know" Once again, Radha assured her. She patted her shoulder, telling her to lie her head down on her shoulder and Annika did, her eyes closing as soon she felt heaviness in her head. "Maa, you need to sleep too" Annika mumbled, almost falling asleep.

"I will sleep Annika, I will once we all will get home" Annika hummed, not being able to stay awake any longer, she let herself fall asleep. Radha took a deep breath in, she looked at the time, one more hour to go.


Annika was woken up by the noise in the corridor. Radha was still sitting as she was before, sensing movement, she looked down to see Annika was up and was now looking at the nurses who were walking by and making some noise by the strolly they were walking with. "Some more minutes and we'll know his condition" Annika heard her mother say and she nodded her head but felt soreness in her neck muscles.

She felt a bit of pain in her shoulder joints, she moved her hand towards her neck, massaging herself. "Do you need some ointment? Wait here, I'll get it for you" Radha was up before Annika could have stopped her. Too tired to go behind her, she let her go. Annika took out the phone from her pocket, she hasn't checked her phone since yesterday. She did inform Mrs Rai that she wouldn't be able to come to the office for a few days.

She found texts from Gauri and her boyfriend, both worried about her. Annika replied to both of them individually, telling her about the situation here and assuring them she was alright. Annika glanced at the date one more time, trying hard to remember what it was today, but in vain.

She checked the news, going through articles and then it crossed her mind, it was the gala day. Annika cursed herself inwardly. Shivaay didn't even mention it to her, probably because she had so much on her plate already. Annika ran her fingers through her hair. She decided to message Shivaay.

'I'm so sorry. I didn't know today was the gala day'

His reply came instantly. 'Shut up. Are you serious right now? Why the hell are you apologizing? Annika, don't you dare blame yourself. And as for me going alone and other stuff, I assure you that I'm perfectly okay with going alone'

Annika read his reply several times, not knowing what more to say. It wasn't like she could do anything right now, her father's situation was more important than anything else at this moment. Her phone beeped, a message from Shivaay. 'Stop overthinking, I wish I was there, with you. But I can't leave, this stupid gala is important. But you know what? Maybe I should just come there'

Annika replied instantly. 'Hey, hey, hey, no, I'm sure dad will be alright, ten more minutes and he will be done with the surgery. And attend the gala, it's an order'

'But no, seriously, just say, and I'll be there, I'm not even kidding. This gala can really go to hell'

'No Shivaay. I'm okay, I'm alright' She sent the reply button and kept her phone aside, taking in several deep breaths in. Annika saw her mother coming back towards her, with a tube of ointment in her hand. Radha sat down, applying the ointments on her shoulder joints. Annika felt a bit relieved now, but still, she was very nervous as any second the doctors will be out of the operation theatre.

She closed her eyes for a few minutes before she heard the door to the room open. Both Radha and Annika stood up, tension filling in the atmosphere. The doctor didn't wait any longer and approached them. "He's alright, the operation went smoothly. But I can't let you meet him right now, wait for a few hours. Other than that, there were no complications, take care, Miss and Mrs Mehra" Saying, the doctor gave them a small smile and walked past them.

Annika let out a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad to hear he's alright now" Radha exhaled, exhausted as she sat down again. Annika noticed her mother wiping away the tears from the corner of her eyes. Radha exhaled, her eyes with Annika's who was looking at her with gloomy eyes. "Come on, you must be hungry mom, you should take some rest. Go home and sleep for sometime" Radha wanted to protest, but she knew, if she didn't fall asleep, she'd faint and that meant Annika would be more stressed so she rather nodded her head.


After several hours of sitting idly in the hospital corridor, Annika looked outside the window, it was dark outside, the night air brushed past her and she breathed in the fresh air. Her mind was still running in circles but she was at ease, knowing that her father was better now. The doctors told that they could meet him tomorrow morning as he was yet to gain consciousness.

Few hours ago, Shivaay had said that he was leaving for the gala and might not hear from him tonight. It was a big night for him after all and Annika couldn't be more proud of him. He had always worked hard, putting in everything, his efforts, his sleepless nights, it was deserved, the appreciation and the gala night.

Annika let out a soft breath, she played with the locket hanging around her neck, several days ago, she had gotten a surprise parcel from Shivaay. She had been eager to see what he had sent and her heart immediately melted when she held the small locket which had an 'A' carved from silver metal. She tried to give it back to him, considering it was very expensive but Shivaay refused to take it back, telling her - he had enough money for this lifetime and for his kids and grandkids.

With drowsy eyes she felt her shoulders stiffening with lack of sleep. A yawn escaped her mouth, she shook her head not wanting to fall asleep. Scrolling down her phone, she came across several photos of her boyfriend on the websites, he looked dangerously handsome in his black armani suit he wore, his hair styled perfectly, a strand falling on his forehead, the smile on his face wasn't the one she saw every time on his face. It rather seemed as if he was forced to smile for the night and for the cameras.

And then she came across what he had to say for the night - 'I wouldn't be here without my family, they had always supported me, held me when I fell hard and my friends, who encouraged me to keep going. From then, I never looked back, it has been a rollercoaster ride for me' Annika smiled, she could hear his words, she could picture his perfect face, his eyes which would have been filled with joy.

It was two in the morning now, but there was no word from Shivaay, she wasn't overthinking it, she knew he would have been too tired to text or call her right now. She felt proud of her boyfriend, for achieving something so big at such a young age. If only she would have been there, alongside him, celebrating his success today.

And then she came across another article, the headlines screaming - 'Shivaay Singh Oberoi spotted leaving with Tia Kapoor'


Ehhhhh sorry for leaving it here, forgive me, lmao. Not sure when I will update next, thankyou for all the patience.

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