Kabre's Tale

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Kabre awoke with a fright. It had been years since his dreams haunted him so, not since the eldritch beast had been laid low by the four Beasts of the Sheikah's own making.

The Beasts and their makers had promised peace, that through such a sheer use of force could the incarnation of evil be conquered once more.

And peace did come, for a time. The evil one was vanquished and he, along with four others, were hailed as heroes. The princess and the werewolf, when the fight was done, made their home together in their big castle full of tiny people. Tiny puppies came along shortly afterwards, a girl first and then a boy, and proved that the two tribes of tiny people could become one.

There had been whispers all throughout the peace, but Kabre paid them no mind. After all, peace had remained.

A roar shook Death Mountain shortly after he awoke. It was not the mountain itself. Like the rest of his people, he rushed out of his home and looked over the city as they were transfixed by the sight they saw. The Light Dragon, whose sighting was so rare it was considered an omen, climbed the sky as it drew closer to Goron City. As it roared again, tears falling from its eyes as it soared higher in the dark and lonely sky, tiny guards were seen rushing towards the waiting Gorons.

Kabre was the first to greet them. And why shouldn't he be, when he was so familiar to them? They were guards, three tiny people, encircling a midsized pup covered in blood. The smaller pup of the princess' two. He couldn't resist his instinct to open his arms out to the bloody pup, who bolted into them, calling out his name in tears. "What's the matter, goro? Why are you bleeding?"

The lava coursing through his arms didn't burn the pup, it was clear an elixir had already been administered. The little one curled up in his arms, soaking in his warmth as he cried.

The guards drew closer to the pair, bowing to the towering Goron. "The Princess' husband has been killed by her daughter. Prince Karu was found fighting her off."

He tightened his arms around the werewolf prince, not as young but definitely still a child. He didn't know how to respond. "Why here?"

"Many of the Wolfbred in the Castle have been killed, several Sheikah too. The Princess ordered us to take the prince to the nearest ally. The volcano is not safe for her now, so she has escaped to the second-nearest ally. We believe she is safe."

"How dreadful... you are all welcome as long as you need."

Prince Karu and his protectors stayed for two days. Many elixirs were needed, but they were happily provided free of charge. Additional guards came by midday after their arrival, to inform that the Princess was safe in Zora's Domain and her father and daughter were successfully imprisoned. The pair would stand before Hylia, the Princess and her son as witness, three days later.

Karu returned four. His eyes were dim, and the Crest of Hylia was now suddenly emblazoned on his suit's collar.

Hylia had destroyed his sister's soul for his crimes, and chosen him as her replacement.

Initially, Kabre was floored that Hylia would destroy one of her own bloodline, but the statistics on just how many lives had been ruined by the young princess' hand rivaled that of even Calamity Ganon. Two entire tribes chased out of the kingdom into exile, with a wake of bodies behind them.

The former king should thank the Goddess for having mercy on him, and not destroying him too.

With Karu's mother, newly widowed with a third pup on the way, as the new queen and Karu as the new heir to the throne, Kabre simply could do nothing but pray to Hylia that she would guide them forward from this tragedy.

About a season after the tragedy, the Queen delivered her pup. A new prince that she named Kumi. It was as if his father's presence had simply evaporated from the newborn's figure when he left this world: the baby had mostly Hylian skin, with only the ears, eyes and snout of his late father. Twelve year old Karu assisted his mother with Kumi, as much as the Castle staff would let him, as he was prepared to become the first male to ascend to the throne of Hyrule since the Great King Rauru himself. He did not trim his hair at all during this time. To the tiny people, hair is seen as a holder of memories, something that can witness affairs. While the general consensus was the King wished to preserve the presence of his departed father, Kabre knew the true reason was a fear of forgetting his sister's evil and allowing himself or his descendants to let history repeat itself with the other tribes. He kept his hair clean, pulled back in a long, thin ponytail, even as his hair nearly nicked his thighs.

At first, Kabre watched this all from afar as he remained on Death Mountain. When Karu turned seventeen, the Queen invited her surviving Champions to the Castle for Karu's coronation. The reunion's poignancy nearly overwhelmed him; seeing old friends with the clear hole the Hero's death left. Karu was crowned as the King of Hyrule, one of the two last werewolves of Hyrule as its king.

When the time came for the young king to choose an advisor, he shakily approached Kabre and pleaded for his acceptance.

From there on out, Kabre served the Royal Family not just as its Goron Champion, but as advisor to the King too. Two decades after the ancient evil had been defeated, Hyrule was finally healing from its wounds.

To say the king's courage was fragile was obvious. As a child, the king had watched his father and entire people be destroyed by his own sister, then watched said sister be destroyed by Hylia herself. And there is no afterlife for souls that are destroyed. He was still haunted by nightmares of her, nightmares that Kabre could do nothing to fix. The Sheikah and Gerudo were both masters of nightly ailments, but the Sheikah were gone and the Gerudo tried their best. Karu was a wise king, which soon became apparent. He consulted with the Goddess on every matter, no matter how many of his subjects would be affected.

The most vivid memory that Kabre kept of King Karu's relationship with the Goddess he descended from came during a very early morning on the Great Plateau. Karu had made a sudden departure the evening before, a journey he wished to take alone. Kabre was eventually able to talk the king into letting him accompany, but could not argue for more soldiers. Upon arriving at the birthplace of Hyrule, the two went separate ways. There were not many threats on the sacred plateau, Karu need not be so guarded. After sampling some of the regional ore, Kabre found strange flora: a blue and white flower growing in pairs. His king loved to study strange flora, no matter the perceived beauty. Surely this beautiful flower would bring joy to his burdened soul. When he found his king, he found a sight even more beautiful and somber than the flowers placed gently in the burlap sack.

Karu was on his knees, weeping bitterly with hands raised towards the Goddess Statue. His hair had been released from its ponytail, and draped over his back and shoulders like a golden cape as it curved over his body towards the ground.

According to the Hylians, kings don't cry. But this one not only cried, but weeped in the presence of his goddess. Kings don't bow, but this one kneeled fully with hands raised to Her in worship as he did so.

Kabre had experienced many rulers in his years alive, from all different people. But in this incidental witnessing of such vulnerable praise, Kabre knew for certain that Karu was his. The young man had been given every reason to turn his back on the Goddess, from evil and pain and suffering to his own great power. But despite all these reasons, Karu drew ever nearer to Her, and brought his hurting people ever closer to her too. Despite all the power that had been misused in his short life, despite all the courage he lacked as a result... Karu had wisdom. Undying, unwavering wisdom gained from his deepest desire to never stop learning, to always do better for his people, and to honor the Goddess with it all. And that is why Karu is his king.

So that when history repeats itself, and it always will, they will have the wisdom to change the outcome. They can make amends. And just like long ago, they can be united once more.

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