Chapter 14

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It was the day of the performance; the red-light district was flooded by the curious since Sugimori did the play. The audience slowly entered the theater. Meanwhile, backstage, the actors finished the last touches of their costumes and makeup. Renjiro was in his room as he looked at his reflection; his face and neck were painted in white makeup, and his lips were painted red. His black hair was tied with a long, straight black wig put over it; he also wore a woman's red kimono with pink cherry blossoms as decorations. The actor looked like a woman himself; he was to play the main female character of the play. 

He stood up, walked out of his room, and went toward the theater's backstage. As he walked past many workers, they bowed to him out of respect and wished him well in his performance.

The actor who was to play the leading male character is an older actor who wishes to retire and wants to return to the village where he was born. The older male actor was in his late fifties and was to play a married samurai with a strong duty to his clan. Once Renjiro and his co-actor were backstage, they bowed to each other. "Kato-san, this will be our final play together. Thank you for all those wonderful years; you have taught me so much."

"Indeed it will be. You have been the most pleasing of all the people I have worked with. You have mastered the art of kabuki, and I know you will accomplish wonderful things."

"Thank you Kato-sama." 

Everyone then noticed Matsuzo walking toward Kato and Renjiro. "You both look magnificent as always. Kato-san, it is still difficult for me to believe this will be your last performance." 

Kato-san had been a Kabuki actor since his father sold him to the theater when he was thirteen. He became a successful actor but didn't want to work in the theater for long because he dreamed of returning to his home village. He was also one of the tutors who trained Renjiro and other Kabuki actors. The older man was well-respected in Yoshiwara for his acting skills. Kato smiled as he nodded. "Even though I have difficulty accepting the new reality, I have made my dues. I wish to live a quiet life after many years of working to keep fantasies alive." He looked at Renjiro and the other actors. "It is time for the new generation to pass on our legacy. I know they will aim high."

Many actors felt their eyes water but tried not to let them drip so it wouldn't ruin their makeup. Matsuzo and Kato held each other's hands, shook them, and let go. "Alright, everyone, get on your places. We are about to begin!" announced Matsuzo. Everyone did as they were commanded. Matsuzo went on stage, and everyone cheered until they were motioned to silence. "My wonderful guests! It is an honor and privilege to have you all here tonight." Everyone on stage cheered, and among the audience, Yoshitiro sat in the upper part of the theater along with noblemen and samurais. "Tonight's performance will be a special treat for you all, this play was written by Sugimori Noburomi. Also, this performance will be the last show that our own Kato-san will play in since he decided to retire."

Many in the audience murmured to one another, and many looked saddened by the news. Others spoke about Sugimori. "Wait, wasn't he a puppet theater dramatist?"

"Yes, I heard that about him and now he is writing for Kabuki actors?"

Meanwhile, Renjiro, Kato, and other minor actors, including Hirahide, got themselves ready. Renjiro, however, couldn't stop thinking about Yoshitiro. The samurai did mention that he would be in attendance. When it was closer for the curtains to rise, he felt anxious, something he never felt before a show. Renjiro felt anxious that Yoshitiro wouldn't be pleased with his performance. Why did he care if Yoshitiro would be pleased with it or not? Yet, his pride would not accept Yoshitiro's words; he wanted to prove the samurai wrong. Then, he remembered the song he had sung previously, and Yoshitiro seemed more satisfied. 

The actor was thoughtful and realized that he didn't use his acting voice; he used his voice. "Maybe he..." His thoughts were interrupted when the curtains rose, and Renjiro prepared himself. He and Kato walked onto the stage, and on the upper right side of the theater, he saw Sugimori sitting with noblemen to watch the actors bringing his work to life. Renjrio tried to take a glance to find Yoshitiro but couldn't find him. The musicians began to play.

Sugimori named his work "Samurai's Hell." When Renjiro read the play, it was about an older samurai who was married to a woman he never loved; he married out of obligation. However, he met a beautiful young prostitute who her family sold to pay off debts. Some clansmen convinced the samurai to visit the famous brothel where the two main characters met. The samurai wasn't interested in sexual services but more in emotional services. The two eventually fell in love. Kato, Renjiro, and the rest of the actors began to play their parts as the music played. 

Renjiro changed his voice to sound more feminine when playing the prostitute. He moved his hands, arms, and body in suave movements; the audience was in awe of his acting. Yoshitiro watched silently and couldn't deny that Renjiro played his part professionally and skillfully. He almost confused him as an actual woman. The plot was interesting, at the least; it was nearly a coincidence. Yoshitiro felt similar to the samurai character of the play. The samurai was conflicted with the feelings he had for the prostitute. The prostitute loved him so much that she begged him that they should run away together and begin a new life. 

The samurai, however, was bound to honor himself and his clan. He couldn't give the woman he loved what she wanted, and he left her so as not to cause her and himself any more pain. The separation caused the prostitute so much despair that she committed suicide. The samurai heard of his love's suicide, and he wanted to join her but believed he didn't deserve an easy and quick death. The samurai lived with the guilt and drank himself into a stupor; he lost his honor and respect. He lived a lonely life in a forest where he died alone.

Kato and Renjiro played their respective characters with passion and skill. Many in the audience cried at the many parts of the play. Renjiro finished his last scene and decided to rest before the after-party. While acting, he hoped to glimpse Yoshitiro, but the samurai was difficult to spot. The actor hated to admit it, but he hoped to see him at the after-party. As he left, Renjiro heard Kato say his very last line. "YOOOOOO!"

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