Chapter 21

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The day slowly became afternoon, and in the Shimadzu compound, the clan members had finished preparing for a glorious event: the arrival of the members of the Inaba Clan. Many Shimadzu Clan members were excited, especially the council and clan head. Yoshitiro, however, was anything but thrilled. He was in the compound's beautiful gardens, with a pond covered with lined stones, making it look like a mini river. There were cranes and other small birds that made the gardens their home. Many long green trees surrounded the gardens, and small green and dark pink bushes gave it a tranquil feeling.

Yoshitiro sat on a large boulder in the pond's center, meditating. The samurai sat straight and still; not a single muscle moved. After he visited  Renjiro and returned to the compound, one of Tsumataka's men informed him that his betrothed would arrive the next day. Yoshitiro hardly thought negatively about his clan head's decisions; a samurai believed that it was an honor to obey and serve. 

For the first time in his life, Yoshitiro felt conflicted.

Last night, he told Renjiro that he would be given three days to decide whether to meet him on his own accord. Yoshitiro always made the time to visit Renjiro, but now it was the actor's turn. Not only that, the samurai couldn't forget the kiss he had with Renjiro. The image of the kiss slowly made its way into his mind. Then, he remembered the sensation of the kiss, warm and wet. Yoshitiro couldn't help but question himself why he did what he did. It was as if his body had a mind of its own. Yet, deep in his heart and tamashī (soul) desired the simple yet passionate act, even though he tried hard not to admit it. Yoshitiro knew Renjiro would be conflicted but believed the actor would meet him on the third day.

Footsteps were heard; Yoshitiro slowly opened his eyes and saw Daisuke, who wore Kamishimo,  a two-piece outfit that consisted of a light gray kataginu (sleeveless jacket) that was on his dark green kimono and his light gray hakama (trousers). "Yoshitiro-sama, meditating before you meet your betrothed?"

Yoshitiro sat still on the boulder as he looked down the pond's tranquil waters, trying to feel calm in its calmness. "One needs calm; there is much in my mind."

"Understandable. I would have much to feel and think to be betrothed to one of the clan head's daughters. To think your betrothed would be from the famous Inaba Clan is an honor." Daisuke was happy for his mentor; the fruits of his loyalty and skill would come to fruition. When he looked at Yoshitiro, he noticed his mentor was emotionless and thoughtful. "You seem not to be excited. If any man were in y our position, they would be thrilled to have such a wife."

"I am doing my duty for my clan; it is as simple as that."

Daisuke was surprised by Yoshitiro's mentality; he viewed his engagement and future marriage as a duty. "Well, your mind might change when you see your betrothed. Also, Isamu-sama ordered me to inform you that members of the Inaba Clan have arrived, and you are to be summoned to the meeting hall."  

"Very well, you may go." Yoshitiro watched as the young man left; he knew Daisuke was shocked by his lack of emotion. The samurai never had a strong interest in marriage but knew that his clan head would arrange one for him one day. However, when he first glanced at Renjiro in one of his performances, he couldn't help but feel intrigued by the man. The more Yoshitiro watched Renjiro, the more he realized that the actor had more in common with him.

Their duties made them lack the understanding of their true selves. 

Yoshitiro admitted that his duties as a samurai made him lose his perception of who he was and what he wanted. He and Renjiro grew up in a society that didn't care what one wanted for themselves; duty was what mattered. The older man slowly stood up and was about to walk on the stepping stones but then noticed a crow landing on a nearby tree. The bird looked at him; Yoshitiro did the same, but he eventually walked away.

Once the samurai was out of view, the crow cawed; its sight never left where Yoshitiro had walked off.

Meanwhile, outside the Shimadzu's compound, wooden carriages and horses arrived. The prominent members of the Inaba Clan had arrived. Isamu and other council members were outside the compound as they patiently waited for their guests to get out of their transportation. There was a group of more than thirty individuals: eighteen men and twelve women. One of them stepped forward, a man who looked to be in his mid to late fifties, standing five feet and four inches tall. He looked slightly chubby, giving him a jolly appearance. He had gray hair on the side of his head and a bald spot in the center; his eyes were dark brown. His light and thin beard touched the tip of his upper thin lips and did nothing to cover his yellow teeth. "Isamu-san, it is good to see you after such a long time."

"Masamichi-sama, having you and your family visit us is wonderful. Tsumataka-sama couldn't stop speaking about you and your family's arrival," said Isamu while he bowed. The two men bowed and then patted one another on the shoulder. Isamu then noticed a young woman with three women walking behind her. "I assume that this is your lovely daughter."

Masamichi smiled as he motioned his daughter to walk forward. "Yes, this is my only daughter, Tsuma. She may look bashful, but my daughter couldn't help but speak non-stop about meeting her betrothed."

Isamu noticed that Tsuma tried to hide her blush by looking away, but it was futile. He felt thrilled that Yoshitiro would marry a beauty of the Inaba Clan. "You all came a long way, and everyone awaits your presence. We all look forward to the meeting of a perfect match!"

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