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I'm starting my own tag!


(I do play this with my facebook friends and it could reach 100 questions! But I'll limit the number to around 31 now.)

So, I realized that my friends have got their own OCs and was so actively used in the web, so I decided that I'll leave them in the Tag.

OC Tag!


1. Choose 1 of your OC

2. Let him/her answer the questions. No empty answers!

3. Tag your friends who had OC. If the guy has no OC, he/she had to fill in with his own information XDD.

4. You can do this tag multiple times, but for convenience, each author just need to do one.


Now: Choose your OC:

I decided to put one of my main OCs: Kitazawa Rikka

Rikka: ...

Kage: Hehe...consider yourself lucky!

Rikka: Damn it...

Kage: Okay, Rikka, it's time for an exclusive interview.

Rikka: Shut up and just get on with it already...

Kage: Okay. First, do you have any nicknames? And why do you have it/them?

Rikka: I have no actual nicknames. Though, my friends sometimes call me Ricchan, a nickname too cute for my taste. In Ragnarok I was called the Love Mage because me being from a Mage Class and likes to spread love.


Kage: Next, your age?

Rikka: You know asking a woman her age is impolite...

Kage: C'mon, just for interview purposes.

Rikka: Sheesh...fine! I'm 40 years old. Satisfied?


Kage: Your height?

Rikka: 5'5".


Kage: Where did you live?

Rikka: In MLBB Fandom, I live in Kage's Mansion in a secluded part of Land of Dawn. In Ragnarok Fandom, I live in a housing unit in Geffen.


Kage: U have crushes? boyfriends? husbands?

Rikka: Indeed, I was (supposed to be) married to Dean, which is an OC created by CreeperXCraftz. From our (supposed) marriage, we had two children.


Kage: Have you ever hurt anyone?

Rikka: Sometimes, I did hurt my friends in accident or sometimes when I'm in a bad mood.


Kage: Do you have someone who you wanted revenge against?

Rikka: None, honestly.


Kage: Are you paired with someone other than no. 5?

Rikka: Until now, no. And hopefully not. 


Kage: Outside crushes, bfs, husband. Who do you love?

Rikka: I love my family, my friends that I can't mention one by one.


Kage: Occupation?

Rikka: Wizard, Church Staff.


Kage: Hobby?

Rikka: Reading, Cooking


Kage: What are you doing before answering this tag?

Rikka: Oh, I was sorting my magic books. You called me at the right time since I've just finished!


Kage: Eye Color?

Rikka: Blue


Kage: Hair Color?

Rikka: Lavender Purple


Kage: What are you afraid of?

Rikka: Death, Heartbreak.


Kage: Favorite Place?

Rikka: My Study Room, which is also combined with my Bedroom

Kage: *lenny faces*

Rikka: *smacks Kage* Pervert...


Kage: Brothers? Sisters?

Rikka: I have Kage and Kazato as my brothers.


Kage: According to you. How is your creator?

Rikka: I think, Author-san is a weird guy who has obsessions with lavender purple, that explains my hair color. He's also a bit of a fanboy and weird shipper. But at least he treated his OCs well.


Kage: If you're given one wish. What do you want?

Rikka: For the world to be peaceful and happy.


Kage: Which fandom(s) are you in?

Rikka: I'm originally in MLBB fandom. But I also belonged to Ragnarok fandom thus I had a counterpart there.


Kage: If you're given a chance to change fandom, where will you go?

Rikka: Uhm...I don't know...maybe DanMachi or Another Eden? I have no idea, really.


Kage: Love Orientation?

Rikka: What do you think? I had a male husband!

Kage: That...sounds not convincing...XD

Rikka: Ergh...I'm straight...dammit...


Kage: Favorite food?

Rikka: Niku Udon, Niku Ramen, or anything that's Noodle Soup with Meat XD.


Kage: Favorite Drink?

Rikka: Any morning breakfast tea will do. I love English Breakfast the best though.


Kage: Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?

Rikka: Like my brothers, we love chocolate.


Kage: Do you enjoy crossdressing?

Rikka: Well, sometimes I like wearing my husband's clothes. Believe me but I do like seeing myself in men's clothes.

Kage: *speechless*


Kage: Is there someone you want to be married with?

Rikka: Nope...I'm grateful with my current husband and family, thank you very much.


Kage: Quotes?

Rikka: There's always a way to solve any problems.


Kage: If you are in a HS! AU, what's your favorite subject.

Rikka: Maybe Literature/Languages since I like reading. History could do but my memory is not that good.


Kage: What do you like from your husband?

Rikka: I could say, despite him being so quiet, he's affectionate and a caring father as well. Our family life is not all ups, but he could always adapt well with all of them.

Kage: What a happy family...

Rikka: Sure...


Kage: Can you mention another OC (your author's or another author's) that has some meaning/connection to you?

Rikka: Well...aside from my husband Dean and my children Chisaki and Shuuya, I also have quite some good impression on Dean's brother, Creeper, and then Creeper's friends (?) like Zein (by -_TheDarkFaker_) and her family, they're one funny and notable family, also May (by -maylunoixia-), who had some complicated backstory but yet she managed to endure it all, that makes me admire her. And more others.


Kage: Thank you for answering the questions, Rikka. Now to end, please tag at least 5 of your friends!

Plus anyone who read and wanted to do it XD.


All right. Whew...that was long. Well...imagine when I'm doing this with my other OCs around two or three years ago, the question count hits more than 100 questions...that's...err... embarrassing but fun as well too!

Anyway. Thanks and see you soon!


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