Random Mission 1: Groceries

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Kido: *opens the door* who was the one who finished all the food again?!?!

Everyone: *points at Konoha*

Konoha: *eating biscuits*

Kido: *faceplams* I should have known.

Hibiya: I tried to cook him some food but he was already eating almost everything

Bold: I already took some of the food but he ate most of it. *points at the table*

Yuko and Momo: *guarding the food*

Kido: *sighs* I have to go shopping for food again for the 5th time this week

Konoha: *nods* I need more food

Bold: Stop eating food, damm it!

Konoha: But Bold-chan......... *tries to look adorable*

Bold: *blushes* Some-someone tell me how to deal with him, please!

Ene: *pouts* How can Bold get Konoha?

Momo: Is Ene jealous of Bold?

Ene: *blushes* n-no! I think you are because she is closer to Hibiya than you!

Momo: Since when did I say that I like that boy?!

Jade: *pops up* Momo, we need help guarding the food

Yuko: *pops up too* And who said about liking someone?

Momo and Ene: AHH! *jumps back*

Shintaro: COKE TIME! *jumps to the coke*

Yuko: *takes all the coke* No coke for you!

Shintaro: But Konoha is taking all the food! I needed to save the coke!

Yuko and Momo: WHAT?!

Konoha: *eats all the food*

Bold: *done blushing* HARUKA KONOHA KOKONOSE!

Konoha: *flinches*

Everyone except Bold: *slowly walks back*

Jade: She-she only using his full name when she is ang-angry like this!

Bold: *drags Konoha out the door*

Konoha: mmh hmm? HMM! *Someone? HELP!*

Everyone: May you survive hell, Konoha

Bold and Konoha: *go put the door*

Kido: *turns around* As I said, we are going to do some shopping

Everyone: Let's go!

*At the shopping mall*

Seto: Ahhhhh, there is so much veges here

Yuko: New discovery, Seto is vegetarian

Seto: I'm not!

Marry: Are you, Seto? *looks at him innocently*

Seto: I'm not! *shakes hands everywhere*

Kano: Admit it, Seto~

Seto: Not you too!


Everyone: *looks at Kido*

Kido: If you say anything more, I would make all of you shop on your own!

Momo: You-you wouldn't do that to me eh, danchou? I am an idol...

Kido: *eyes Momo* I'm talking mostly about you, Kisaragi...

Momo: *flinches* Ye-yes, danchou!

Everyone: *walks around and buys things*

Person 1: *bumps into Hibiya*

Hibiya: *falls down* Hey! Watch it!

Everyone: HIBIYA!!

Person 1: *laughs* Hibiya, you can be at least a little nice to other people.

Hibiya: *looks up slightly* You know my name?!

Person 1: *sighs* You don't even know your own sister's name.

Hibiya: Bold?!

Bold: That's right! I have come back from making Konoha feel hell!

Kido: And what is that? *cracks fist*

Bold: *smirks* Putting a ton of food in front of him but he can't eat it

Kido: He should get worst

Ene: I have the tape here!

Bold: I didn't even have a camera there!

Ene: But you did have a phone, right?

Bold: You went in my phone?!

Ene:  *smiles* Yep!



Ene: *pouts* That's mean, goshujin

Kido: Ok, everyone! *claps jands*

Everyone: *looks at Kido*

Kido: Just start shopping or a fist will be the only and last thing you see today.

Everyone: *sweatdrops and continues buying food*

Bold: SUSHI!!!!!

Hibiya: You still like that?!

Bold: *takes all her favorite sushi and walks away like nothing happened*

Sushi shop: *more than half of the sushi gone*

Everyone: *sweatdrops more*

Bold: *looks at them* What?

Everyone: Nothing!

*after a while*

Everyone: *bought everything they have and walked back to base*

Kido and Konoha: *puts down most of the bags*

Kido: *walks to the kitchen*

Seto: *looks at Konoha* I'm hungry.....

Everyone except Kido: Us too.........

Jade:  We have a lot of already cooked food.....

Everyone except Kido: *smiles and eats the food*

In the end, Kido never let anyone shop with her for a month and locked the rest in a room for that month except for Jade, Bold and Yuko because they had to go to school.

Moral: Never let someone or a group of people in front of food

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