Adiza Os : 'Happily Ever After!'

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This is my first ever write-up of any kind on Adiza. Those who follow my writings might know that I don't write on Adiza and there are reasons for it.

But when I wrote this short write-up, I got a feeling that this suits more for Adiza. So yeah, here I am.

Are you all excited?

Zain watched Aditi inhaling a large whiff of solace in the night air and be mesmerised in the feel of it with closed eyes. The cool breeze heavy with mist and typical ocean smell danced her little curls around her shoulder.

Keeping every safety lesson at bay, he mimicked her posture, leaning against the short balustrade on the deck supporting his forearm over it. Up close, the sound of the waves crashing and competing was clearer, and so were his thoughts.

His thoughts about Her.

As he tried to memorise her face thrown backwards with closed eyes trying to dip in the serenity of this silvery silent night, he thought, 'Maybe Cruise wasn't that bad an idea.'

It so happened that one of their friends suggested a cruise trip for a few days of relaxation before they kick-start with the new commitments in their career. Zain had some photo-shoots and media-bytes lined up about his upcoming show and was so going to back-out. But went ahead anyhow for his love for the ocean and his friends.

Liar! He was up for the plan the moment he got to know about her joining in, without reluctance, with all her wish and will. All his excuses remained stuck to his throat as he managed his planned schedule.

"What are you doing here? It's so late Adi."

With a soft smile, Aditi acknowledged his presence beside her.

"Somebody needed my attention." Her cryptic reply left him bemused. She has developed a new habit of talking in metaphors these days.


"Myself," she stated and returned to her staring at a distant point source of light that he assumed to be coming from some lighthouse.

He wanted to chuckle at her response. For an extrovert like him who is surrounded by people 24/7, a concept of repairing and evolving in the company of self was a far from the understanding thing.

But, looking at Aditi, he knows this is possible. So what if, he doesn't believe in it.

He meekly cleared his throat to beat the nervousness this girl brings to his otherwise easy-going persona. However, the voice was too weak to break her trance.

"Have you heard about 'Happily ever after'?" Zain asked, not meeting her eyes.

So what if his heart was hammering against the sounds of winds and waves, his desperateness to talk to her was beyond. Honestly, it's been too long a time they had spent ignoring their feelings, covering it behind the shield of friendship.

Too long a time, they have wasted.

"You mean the one that exists only in fairy-tales?"

"You never know, that point you are staring might also be that 'happily ever after'," he said expectantly, his pointed finger cutting through the pitch black of darkness spread ahead of them.

Aditi seemed to be thinking through his words for some time.

"That makes sense, cause it's as far as unreachable."

"In that case, Adi, would you mind joining me on a trip to 'Happily ever after'?"

He finally let those words tumble down his mouth that he had been wanting to ask her for months. He expected her to laugh at his unconventional way of asking such a significant question but she frowned, thinking deeply. Not a bad sign either.

"And what if we couldn't make it till there?"

Her whispered insecurities conspired to take her emotions away with the wild winds, lest he made a move closer to her and held her hands, tenderly.

"We would try to search a reachable alternative of it while in our journey, defined by our standards and not by World's definition."

Aditi frowned again. Looked at the hazy light source she was staring and back at Zain. He couldn't decide it to be a good or bad sign but fervently hoped for the former.

The air was suddenly thick with more anticipation than the mist of the ocean.

"Let's do it! But where's my ticket to board-in?"

There her playfulness resurfaced, bringing along the adorable smile, from where all these started. Sheepishly, he pulled out a box from his pocket and slipped a ring in her finger. "Your ticket!"

A silvery reflection of the shiny piece of jewellery fell over her face as she examined it in awe, but her face glimmered more with a tiny hope that her eyes held.

He slowly moved his face ahead targeting her lips while she leaned assuming his target to be her cheek, making them bump their foreheads, clumsily and awkwardly.

'How come they have the perfect first kiss in the movies and novels.'

He pinched close his eyes at the missed opportunity while she giggled throwing her head back, stirring the silence of the night.

And at this moment he knew, a new journey has begun, their Journey towards their 'Happily Ever After'


It's been long since I have written something substantial.

To all those waiting for an update on Spring, I apologise, I have lost my flow of writing that story. With short write-ups like this one, I'm expected to be back on track. Kindly, bear with me.

Lastly, don't forget to drop down your reviews about this one. Would be waiting.

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