Chapter 9

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Screams echoed throughout the streets. People ran for their lives, terror in their eyes. The location was Osaka, Japan. And it had just become subject to another kaiju cat attack. This time though, there was a fight between two.

And one looked very familiar.

"Your reign is over Showa Godzilla! After tonight, I will be the new king!" Anguirus bellowed. The spiky furred cat bared his sharp teeth in defiance to his opponent. Said opponent was none other than the new king of the monsters, Showa Godzilla.

"No Anguirus. You will be dead after tonight," Godzilla spoke slowly. His words held a hint of a threat. A death threat. The black cat with white stripes was not one to mess with. Everyone knew that. And for one reason and one reason only. He was the son of the late king Gojira. And no one messed with the son of the king.

Clearly, Anguirus never heard of that before. Now it was time for him to learn a lesson he would never forget. That is, if he survived. Godzilla smirked as he thought of that. Anguirus was no match for him. The spiky furred kaiju cat would soon learn that as the king pounced.

The battle was on.

Fur flew everywhere, followed shortly by blood. Teeth and claws flashed in the light of the moon and the flames. The two kaiju cats fought with fierce ferocity. All the while, they destroyed the city in their wake. The people of Osaka were running for their lives, trying not to get crushed by the giant kaiju cats battling in their city.

Despite being slower than his opponent, Godzilla knew he had something that Anguirus didn't. And that would be his atomic breath ability. The white stripes on his back glowing, he inhaled deeply before exhaling. Misty white flames struck Anguirus in the face, blinding him temporarily.

This was the opportunity Godzilla was waiting for.

Letting out a thundering roar, Godzilla lunged forward and grabbed Anguirus by the throat. His teeth sank into flesh. Yowling in pain, the spiky furred kaiju cat struggled to free himself. But all of his efforts were in vain. Biting deeper and deeper, Godzilla would not stop until at last he heard a loud snap. Anguirus went limp a moment later.

He was dead.

Promptly dropping the dead kaiju cat onto the ground, Godzilla nudged Anguirus with his paw, just to make sure. The spiky furred kaiju cat had no reaction, his neck bent in an odd angle. Yep, he was dead. As an extra measure, the king fired his atomic breath on the corpse, causing it to go up in flames. Satisfied, Godzilla tipped his head and roared his triumph to the heavens. He hoped his dad was watching, wherever he might be. And he hoped that the world had gotten his message.

There was no messing with the king.

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