Chapter 20: Battle for Remnant

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Midas was to hurt to get up as Ghidorah slowly walked towards Midas then the middle head bit his neck the left bit his leg and the right bit his arm Midas roars in pain as the Ghidorah's necks starts to glow orange as they are sucking the life energy out of Midas. Midas tries to fight back but can't he roars in pain again as he is ready to accept his fate but then an Atomic breath his Ghidorah making it tumble on the ground Midas looks where it came from and saw Zion in his Godzilla form Zion then walks in front of Midas as he glares at Ghidorah who is starting to get up Zion looks at Midas who wants to fight with him but Zion gives off a puff telling him that he's got this Midas nods as he starts to run and transforms into his Faunus form.

Midas: Zion you better know what your doing!
As Midas continues to run he hears a voice.

Qrow: Hey kid!
He turns around to see Qrow.

Midas: Qrow?

Qrow: Yeah Zion told me to come get you fallow me we're going to get you into a ship.
Ghidorah starts to get up as it glares at Zion and Roars to Intimidate him But Zion growls as he roars and charges at Ghidorah. Ghidorah flys towards Zion as both Kaiju's run at each other and finally when they clash they make a huge Shockwave that everyone felt Zion slamming the left head into a building then grabbed the right and bit down onto its neck then slams the head into the ground the middle head was biting his shoulder but Zion then scratches its neck to get it off his shoulder then grabs its horns as and starts to spin and throw it into a building Ghidorah try's to charge back in but Zion tails whip Ghidorah making it fall Zion then stomps onto the left neck as it squeals in pain as he grabs the middle head forcefully opens it's mouth and was about to shoots it's atomic breath but the right head shoots at Midas gills making him fall walk back as he roars in pain Ghidorah then gets up as it bits his neck the other biting it's side and the other biting his arm they fly in the air and drag him across the streets of Vale but Zion pulls the right head off of him and shoots his atomic breath into Ghidorah's chest which sends it flying into other buildings Zion gets up grabs it's tail and remembers what Midas did and he spins and Throws Ghidorah again. back with Midas. Midas was in a ship with Qrow as they were taking him back to Beacon.

Midas: Hey so once you drop me off what are you going to do.

Qrow: I'm going back to vale and—
Qrow couldn't finish as he heard something crumbling In the mountains. As something starts to break out and it was two Wyvern grim as they gave a loud screech and started to fly towards Beacon and where dropping black sludge and started to become Grimm.

Midas: How close are we to beacon.

Qrow: Where almost there.

Midas: Good because I'm going to jump.
The ship got to beacon and Midas got ready to jump.

Glynda: Midas wait you'll need a plan of attack

Midas: I have a plan. Attack.
Midas then jumps off as his body starts to glow orange.

Qrow: I like him.

Glynda: Of course you do.
The ship flys off as Midas lands now in is Kong form he pounds his chest and roars

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mean Zion has been dominating the fight as Ghidorah is being thrown around like a rag doll Zion tail whips Ghidorah into a building then runs into the and slams into it Ghidorah falls into the ground then Zion lifts his foot and stomps into Ghidorah chest they try to bite it but Zion lifts his foot and stomps on it again making it roar in pain back with Midas the Wyverns roar at Midas as Midas gets ready to fight as he runs into the Wyvern then close lines both of then he then folds the grims wings and starts slamming it around but the other wyvern flys into him and puts one foot on his face and the other on is chest but Midas immediately slams it onto the floor but the other one charges in and bits him in the arm Midas immediately punches it and it falls into the ground Midas forcefully opens it's mouth but the other Wyvern charges and tackles him to the ground as it starts to bite him the other charges in but Midas grabs it with his foot and is trying to hold back two monsters at once Weiss watches in horror as she is about to run off to help but Yang stops her.

Yang: Are you insane!

Weiss: That's my boyfriend Yang he's in trouble I need to help him.

Yang: Weiss wait!
As Midas continues to struggle to hold them back the one Midas was holding back with his hand gets hit in the face and eye it looks to where it's getting hit and sees Weiss using her Glyphs to shoot fire dust at it Midas eyes widened knowing she's in trouble is then slowly walks off as Midas try's to grab it the Wyvern smacks him with his tail making him stunned a bit Midas then growls as he kicks the Wyvern with his free foot leaving it stunned as it walks back the Wyvern charges at Weiss but Midas catch's it by grabbing its tail then slams it into the ground he then roars and starts to spin as the other Wyvern was coming at him he uses the Wyvern as a weapon and hits the other one and it goes tumbling to the ground Midas then drags the one he was holding on and stomps on its head crushing it Midas then sees the other one get up and he drags it by it's tail folds it's wings and starts to slam it back and forth then starts to slams it's fist onto its body and finishing it off by ripping it's head off he roars in victory as he lifts it's head and throws the head onto the ground he looks at Weiss then transforms into his Faunus form and faints as he falls but Weiss manages to catch him.

Weiss: Someone! Help us!

Ren: Weiss!
Weiss then sees Ren and Nora running towards them.

Nora: Come on let's help this big guy.
Nora puts Midas arm around her neck and Weiss dose the same as they get him to the safest part of beacon when they make it there they see a bunch of huntsman hurt and to her horror Yang had lost her arm. They then place Midas on the ground as the doctors go to check on him they then hear Zion's load roar as the battle continues. Zion charges his atomic breath and shoots at Ghidorah. Ghidorah shoots it's Gravity beams and they have a beam struggle as both sides and push the other beam attack back then it explodes both creatures slide back but Zion continues to walk towards Ghidorah but the right head notices a wire full of electricity it bites into it sucking up all of the power and

It hits Zion as he try's to back away but the damage was done as Steam comes off of Zion's body Ghidorah then flys into Zion as it wraps it's tail are Zion and his neck as it starts to squeeze tightly  and lift up Zion into the air as Zion goes limp Ruby and Weiss were running to the tower when Ruby looks back to see Ghidorah lifting up Zion into the air.

Ruby: Zion.

Weiss: Ruby.
Ruby face then changes to a determined as she continues run towards the tower Zion vision starts to fade as he couldn't fight back anymore he closed his eyes but then he started to see everyone that he cared about Glynda Ozpin Yang Blake Weiss Midas and the love of his life Ruby and then the final person was a man who had a black hair and brown eyes but the most shocking thing was that he had the same Faunus features as him.

Jacob: Don't give up. My son.
Zion's eyes opened as now he is pissed he starts to claw at Ghidorah's chest as it makes a small roar then he starts to roar and try's use his dorsal Finn to cut the tail to no avail Zion then looks at the wing and his eyes dorsal Finns start to glow blue as he shoots the wing of Ghidorah making a huge hole Ghidorah tries to regain control but Ghidorah starts to fall with Zion as they are falling back to Remnant's atmosphere they caught fire but are still fighting Zion bits into the left head and then rips it off the middle head try's to shoot Zion but he grabs the head and turns it to shoot off the right head Zion then shoots his atomic breath in Ghidorah's chest and the atomic breath goes through Ghidorah's chest out of his back and then it explodes into millions of pieces Zion then looks down and sees he's going to land into the water but knows he won't survive he smiles as a tear falls down.

Zion: (Thinking) Good bye. Everyone.
He then falls into the water as there was a huge explosion of water and atomic energy.
Everyone at Beacon were shocked by what they saw but then a bright white light flashed at the tower of beacon and the screen turns white.

Timeskip Midas was waking up and his visions starts to come back as he gets up and he Growns then he sees Weiss.

Midas: Weiss?
Weiss looks up and tears fall down and she runs towards him and hugs him.

Weiss: Midas!
She then kisses him a bunch of times.

Weiss: I'm so glad you're ok.

Qrow: Yeah she did not leave your side.

Midas: Aww thanks... Hey where's Zion?
They all look at each other scared to tell him the truth.

Qrow: Uhh kid. It's a bit hard to...

Weiss: He's gone.
Midas looks at Weiss who looks down in sadness and a tear falls from Midas face.

Midas: No. that's a lie. It can't be. Oh god!
Midas starts to cry as Weiss hugs him Midas hugs back as both teens starts to cry. Qrow then leaves them. Finally after a very few check ups Midas was walking around the campus and sees the injured huntsman and huntresses.

Midas: Where's everyone else.

Weiss: Well Ruby's is still out but we don't know when she'll wake up Yangs alright but her arm was cut off and she might have ptsd and Blake left.

Midas: Left? Left to where?

Weiss: We don't know.

Jacques: Weiss!
They both looked to where they heard the voice come from to see Jacques.

Weiss: Father!? What you doing here!?

Jacques: I have come to take you home. It's clear as day that it's not safe for you here. Especially people like him.
Jacques looks at Midas and Midas glares back.

Midas: Weiss you don't have to go back with him right?
Weiss then looks at Midas with sadden eyes.

Weiss: Midas I—

Jacques: Come on don't waist your breath on this animal.
Jacques starts to drag her away as Weiss try's to pull back to talk to Midas. Midas immediately chaises after them he leaves the campus and sees Jacques taking her to the Ship he chaises after them but is stopped by the atlas military Midas then transforms into his Kaiju forms and roars

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Weiss immediately yanks her hand away from Jacques as she runs towards Midas as the atlas military focus there guns onto Midas but Midas immediately calms down seeing Weiss.

Soldier 1: Miss Schnee step away from—

Ironwood: Put your guns down.

Soldier 1: What are you—

Ironwood: Put. Your guns. Down.
They were hesitant but did Midas bends one knee to look at Weiss closer.

Weiss: Can you transform back. Please.
Midas then transform back into his Faunus form she walks up to him and puts her hand on his cheek.

Weiss: Oh Midas.
Midas then holds the hand on his cheek and leans on the warmth she starts to cry and hugs him. And he hugs back.

Weiss: I'm sorry. I have to go.
Midas eyes widened realizing what that means as he steps back a little.

Midas: No... Please don't go.

Weiss: I'm sorry I have to.

Midas: Please don't go.

Weiss: I'm sorry Midas.

Midas: Your all I have. I don't want you to go. Don't go. Don't go.
Hear Midas hurt voice broke her heart as she knew she had no choice they both kneel on to the ground as Midas looks down and tears fell down his face Weiss then put both of her hands on his face and made him look at her and he could also see the tears rolling down her face.

Weiss: I'm sorry Midas. But I have to. But know that no matter where I go. I will always love you.
Midas starts to tear up as Weiss wipes a tear from his face.

Weiss: I love Midas Menz.

Midas: I love you too.
Weiss kisses him one last time as she gets up and walks into the ship as the ship leaves Midas starts to cry again as he punches the ground and screams in agony.

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