Chapter 23: Rocky road to Atlas

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Midas starts to climb the ladder to the roof of the ship he opens it and sees 10 griffins trying to attack the ship They then see Midas as two fly towards him trying to scratch him but he then dodges out the way as he punches it in the face making it go flying towards the other Griffin then he grabs the other ones wings and tears it off then throws it off the ship one try's to scratch him but he caught it's arm and grabbed it by it's neck he heads butts it punches it a few times before putting it in a head lock and throws it the griffin's started to surround him but then he hears a voice.

Jack: Hey!
He then turns around to see Jack holding an Axe and Gun.

Jack: Catch!
He then tosses an axe to him as they were now back to back.

Midas: I thought you said you didn't have anymore weapons.

Jack: I thought so too but I managed to find some weapons in the packages. And we're going to need them.
They got ready to fight as the Jack shot two of them one in the chest and the other in the head Another swooped down trying to swipe at Midas but Midas caught the claw and chopped it's arm off and then swings the axe down splitting it's head In half then he jumps at the next one slices the wing off then swings the axe in it's mouth he then continues to hack away at the Grimm as Jack is shooting at them he then sees one coming at him but
He rolls out the way then shoots at it again killing it this time he then runs towards the next Griffin and kicks it then shoots it in the mouth multiple times The last one was flying in the air but then Midas throws his axe at it hitting it in the head.

Jack: Nice throw.

Midas: Thanks. Sorry about the axe by the way.

Jack: No problem let's get back in.

They get back an talk about what recently happened.

Jack: I have to say you were really bad ass out there kid.

Midas: Thanks but I have to say you were phenomenal out there. Especially the way you kicked that Grimm. That was—

Jack: Yeah like I said I'm not no ordinary pilot.

Midas: Yeah. I think. I need. A little. Rest.
Midas then falls asleep.

A few minutes later he feels someone taping his arm a bit.

Jack: Hey Midas buddy.

Midas: Yeah.

Jack: We're almost there so I just wanted to wake you up.

Midas: Huh.

Jack: What?

Midas: You had an opportunity to shoot me. But you didn't.

Jack: Well because you're not a bad person. You showed me that a long time ago. So you have my trust. And plus what your doing is exactly what did when I was a huntsman.

Midas: You were a huntsman?

Jack: Yeah. I was a huntsman long ago I was always looking for something exciting. And even though There many missions that gave me the thrill I wanted. There was always something missing. Then I met her. And that's when I realized. That I knew what I desperately wanted. Love.

Midas: And then someone took her away.

Jack: Yup. It was her parents. They said that I was too dangerous for her and tried to take her away but then I snuck in there and took her back. Like your doing now.
Midas smiled hearing that.

Jack: So what happened to your friend?
Midas eyes widened.

Jack: You two seem like great friends so what happened?

Midas: He... He's gone.
Jack eyes widened hearing that.

Jack: What?

Midas: During the battle in Vale when those two were falling. He fell so high that he created fire around him and when he landed there was a huge explosion. No one found his body but he was presumed dead because they said no one could survive the fall.

Jack: Damn I'm so sorry for your lost.

Midas: So Weiss is probably the only person I have left.

Jack: Really what about your parents?

Midas: There discriminatory against Godzilla Faunus. Well my dad at least.

Jack: Don't you have any other friends.

Midas: I do but Blake ran back home Yang has ptsd from the fall and Ruby....

Jack: You two don't get along?

Midas: No it's not that it's... Every time I see her I see Zion and I just can't really travel with her. Especially how I wasn't strong enough to protect him.

Jack: Kid I think you have to realize that you can't put all the blame to yourself. Zion choose to fight and I think he was happy that you lived on. And I think he would want you to live on and help people.

Midas: And how would you know that.

Jack: Because that's how I would feel if I died and my friend was going through what your going through.

Midas: Yeah. Maybe your right.

Jack: Hey look we're close to Atlas.
Then the ship gets hit by something as it starts to fall.

Jack: Hang on Midas!
Jack starts to pull up to soften the landing they landed as the ship skidded onto the snow.
Inside the Ship Midas Growns in pain.

Midas: Jack are you ok?

Jack: Yeah. God what hit us?
Then they hear a loud roar.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Midas walks towards the back of the ship and it opens and surprise to see that Giant Grimm.

I don't own this art work by the way

It roars as Jack comes out to see what it is.

Jack: Oh my god.

Midas: Can the airship still fly?

Jack: Yeah but that thing is going to crush us by then.

Midas: Stay inside the ship until it's safe.

Jack: What are you going to do?
Midas then runs towards the Grimm as it charged at him.

Jack: Midas wait?!
As they got closer Midas then transforms and grabs the Grimm by the throat and throws it to the ground.

Jack: Holy shit!
Midas then grabs by the tail and starts to slam it around then the Grimm managed to escape then jumps on Midas he scratches him in the face has he tries to bite him but Midas heads butt it the Grimm falls off but then it lands on the ground and then it throws Midas across the area it then runs at Midas but Midas punches mid air then he grabs the Grimm head as he closes it's mouth then snaps it's neck. Midas then sees the ship and runs towards it as he transforms back into his Faunus form. He enters the ship seeing That every thing is messed up he then runs to the ladder to see the Jack.

Midas: Is everything ok?

Jack: Well there is a few things damaged but other then that everything should be fine. I just need to repair a few things. Thankfully I brought a repair kit. Oh I also have to get everything back in there boxes.

Midas: Hey I can help with that.

Jack: That's not necessary.

Midas: Hey this my choice to help not yours.
Jack smiles as Midas smiles back.

With Weiss Jacques was talking with a man and a woman about business when she sees a painting she was about to walk towards it when Jacques stopped her.

Jacques: Where are you going?

Weiss: I'm just getting a drink.

Jacques: Sweet heart we have people for that.
Jacques raises his hand but Weiss grabs his hand and lowers it.

Weiss: What no I can get it. I'll be right back I promise.
Jacques just stares at her but then continues his conversation as Weiss walks towards the painting as she starts to have a flashback of Midas.

Flashback Weiss was reading in the library as she was reading something.

Midas: (Wispers in her ear) Boo.
Weiss gets startled as Midas laughed a bit Weiss growls but then smiles as she rolls her eyes. Then she got an idea she leans in and kisses Midas on the cheek as he stopped laughing his face turns red as he then falls on to the floor and hearts to fly out the air Weiss gives a small chuckle to his reaction.

Weiss is finally back to reality when a boy with blue hair and Yellow eyes starts to talk to her.

Rich kid: It's beautiful. You two match.

Weiss: Yes it's a lovely painting.

Rich Kid: That was me trying to break the ice. How am I doing so far.

Weiss: *Sighs* Your leaving a lot to be desired.

Rick kid: Well I always appreciated honesty.
He then offers a hand.

Henry: Henry. Marygold.
Weiss then takes his hand.

Weiss: Weiss Schnee.

Henry: I know I saw your performance. *Clears his throat* You were wonderful. And I'm not just saying that because you pretty honesty remember. So you thinking about buying it?

Weiss: No. I don't think so

Henry: Yeah kinda pricey for a painting.

Weiss: It's to raise money!

Henry: Oh really for what?

Weiss: For what?

Henry: *Chuckles* I will admit I only come here for the food and drinks.
Then takes a drink from a tray.

Henry: And the extraordinary company of course. So what is it another Mantle fun raiser or something?

Weiss: Get out.

Henry: What?

Weiss: Get out or I'll have security escort you out.

Henry: But I haven't done any—

Weiss: Leave!

Henry: Pfft what ever.
Weiss then crosses her arms frustrated that he would say such a thing especially when all of her friends put there lives on the line to save Beacon especially when Zion and Pyrrha died protecting it and she had to leave Midas who she knows is suffering right now. She even believes the Midas hates her. Another tear falls down as she sees the sign show the world we care but then she hears a couple talking about Vale again.

Women: It's no surprise what happened to vale. It was a long time coming if you ask me.

Man: Honey.

Women: What you said the same thing last night. If there so arrogant to think they can get by with out any prober kingdom defense then I say good riddance. Especially when they let those two monstrosity in there city.

Weiss: Shut up!
Everyone looks back to see where it came from and everyone was looking at Weiss.

Weiss: You don't have a clue none of you do!

Women: Excuse me!

Weiss: You all are just standing around talking about nothing. Worried about your hair your money your stupid problems that don't mean anything! And as for those monsters you just mentioned. There the reason why remnant is still in one piece!
Jacques then grabs her wrist.

Jacques: Weiss that's enough.

Weiss: Let go of me!

Jacques: Your embarrassing the family!

Weiss: I said let go!
She was able yank her arm away from Jacques but falls and then her Glyphs appears on the ground as she accidentally made a glyphs of Midas Kong form who pounds his chest and roars then starts to charge at the women.

Women: Please I'm sorry I'm sorry just leave me alone!
It then jumped at her but then it got shot by Ironwood.

Women: Arrest her! Well what are you waiting for she's insane she should be locked up!

Ironwood: She's the only one making drinks around here. Thanks for the party Jacques.
Ironwood walks off Weiss looks up to see Jacques glaring at her.

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