Chapter 25: Tracking the Branwen tribe

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Weiss wakes up from the dream she was having as she shook herself awake she then feels something on her side she turns to see Midas she smiles as she starts to play with his hair then she kisses his cheek.

Midas: Man it's so great to have you kiss me again.

Weiss: Were you awake this hole time!

Midas: No but I did wake up to feel you kiss me on the cheek.

Weiss: Your such an idiot.
She then looks down.

Midas: Hey why do you look so sad?

Weiss: Well I just wanted to tell you... I'm sorry. For leaving and.

Midas: Why are you apologizing? You have nothing to apologize for.

Weiss: But I do. I left you when I should have been there for you. Especially when Zion died. You've been so kind and caring and I.
Tears began to fall from Weiss eyes.

Weiss: I couldn't do or give you anything. I'm such a terrible girlfriend and—
Midas then grabs Weiss arm but not to tight where it hurts.

Midas: That's enough. What happened to you at Beacon was out of your control. You couldn't do anything about that. And you don't need to give or do anything for me. You being here and being my girlfriend and loving me is all I need.
Weiss was shocked to hear those words as she wipes a tear as she smiles.

Weiss: Thank you.

Midas: Your welcome.
They started to lean to kiss each other but then.

Pilot: You two making out back there.
They both back away out of embarrassment.

Midas: Thanks for ruining the moment dude.

Pilot: Your welcome.

Back in Mistral Ruby and the rest of the group made it to Haven getting ready to ask the academy's headmaster Leo Lionheart for some help. Ruby then takes out the key Zion had as she looks at it for a couple of minutes and wipes the tear away.

Jaune: You know Zion would be proud of you.
Ruby looks over and sees Jaune.

Ruby: You really think so?

Jaune: Yeah. You kept on moving forward and you never gave up on your goal. That's what he would have wanted.

Ruby: Yeah. He would be proud of you too. Him and Pyrrha.

Jaune: Yeah. I hope so. As the group continued to proceed into the building Ruby looks up at the sky.

Ruby: We made it Zion. We made it.

Back with Midas. Midas was enjoying the view of the sky when in his reflection he saw Zion watching him his heart jumped seeing this he immediately turned around and saw nothing he looked at his reflection again but nothing was there he starts to breath heavily as memories of the fall of beacon start to purge through his head and seeing his friend death. Seeing Zion fall into the water.

Weiss: Midas?
Midas looks back to see Weiss.

Weiss: Midas what's wrong?

Midas: It's... It's nothing I promise I'm fine.
He puts a thumbs up.

Midas: See.
Weiss leaves it alone but knows that deep down he's lying.

Weiss: Hey why don't you get some rest ok.
Midas nods as he sits down leans wall and starts to fall asleep after his minutes of sleep the ship starts to shake and it wakes Midas up. Midas gets up and walks out.

Midas: Hey what's going on?!

Pilot: We're being chased down by a queen lancer we're not going to make it!
The ship then takes another bump as the lancer hit the ship again. Then on the radio he hears Weiss.

Weiss: Turn over the ship! Now!
He then turns the ship as Midas starts fall into the roof of the ship.

Midas: You could of gave me a warning!

Pilot: Sorry about that!
Then he turns it back as the ship got hit again making Midas face plant. He looks up and sees that there about to crash. Weiss tries to use her Glyphs to slow down the momentum of the fall then they crash as Midas is tumbling across the ship he blinks a few times and sees everything in the ship is destroyed he sees the Pilot he walks up to him to check if he's alive and thankfully he is. He's just unconscious Midas then gets out as he looks around for Weiss.

Midas: Weiss! Weiss where are you?!
He jumps down to see that there are three unknown people and one of them was wearing a Grimm mask and was caring Weiss.

Midas: Hey you can't take her!
They turn around to Midas weakly limping towards them.

Midas: Give her back!
He then falls to the ground.

Bandit 1: What should we do high leader.

Leader: Leave him. We'll let the Grimm take care of him.
He lifts up his arm but only sees Weiss leave his field of vision he growls in frustration but knows that this level of distraction will alert the Grimm so with little energy he had left he gets up and starts to climb the tree then a sits on the branch and leans onto the tree as he starts to rest.

Meanwhile with Weiss. Weiss started to wake up she looked at her surroundings as she realized that she was in a cage.

Weiss: Wh— What's going on where am I?

???: You know.
Then a girl with short brown hair with Blue icy eyes came out of a tent.

???: I never thought I would see a Schnee in this camp.
The two bandits quickly started to stand up.

Bandit 1: Vernal.
Weiss then glares at her as Vernal starts to slide her fingers on Weiss weapon.

Weiss: What do you want?

Vernal: Straight to the point. I like it. We don't normally deal with trafficking people. Not really worth are time. But once we realized we had a Schnee that changed.

Weiss: You going to ransom me to my father. Is that it?

Vernal: It's a shame you're a Schnee. You would do quite well in here.

Weiss: I would never sink to your level.

Vernal: Just keep quiet and corroborate and you'll be back in your mansion before you know it. Don't make this complicated.

Weiss: What's going to make this complicated is when my sister finds out I didn't make it to mistral. You know my sister don't you? Winter Schnee special operative of the atlas military. She's in Mistral now and when she hears I'm missing it won't take her long to find me. And you.
Then the two bandits start to laugh.

Weiss: What's so funny?

Vernal: *Chuckles* I don't know if it's more funny or sad but you're clearly out of the loop. Your sister Isn't in Mistral anymore. No Atlas personal are in Mistral anymore. General Ironwood closed the boarders and called all of his little troops and tin cans. No ones coming to rescue you.
They continue to laugh as Vernal walks off Weiss shacks her head in defeat when she remembers one more person that can help her.

Weiss: Well someone else will come and get me.
Vernal chuckles as she looks at Weiss.

Vernal: Oh and who is that?

Weiss: He was with me on the airship. He won't stop until he finds me.
Vernal was confused until she realized who she was talking about.

Vernal: Oh you mean that Faunus. How can one Faunus give any of us any problems.

Weiss: You'll find out.

With Midas after his long sleep he starts to go to the direction where they took Weiss as he continues to fallow but then sees that there are different routes.

Midas: Well that's just great.
Then he sees that there are tracks on the floor he can fallow.

Midas: I really hope these foot prints will take me to the right direction.
Midas continues to fallow them and after awhile he finds a gate that is full of armed bandits.

Midas: *Sighs* Well maxim effort.
Midas starts to walk out as all the bandits point there guns at him.

Midas: Hey you wouldn't happen to see a very pretty girl with white hair and blue eyes would you.

Bandit: Leave. Now!

Midas: Um ok let's try and make it easier on yourselves. You can give Weiss back and we'll just leave you alone or I'll just force my way in.
The bandits looked at each other and laughed.

Bandit 2: You really think that you can—
Midas then punches him over the gate they look at him surprised.

Midas: Anyone else?
They all shot at him but he quickly dodges out the way as he grabs the gun yanks it away and smashes it over the bandits head then throws it at the other one who was running at him with a knife.

Midas: Told ya I would force my way in.
He walks towards then proceeded to punch it. Over and over and over again until it finally busted open and he saw Yang Weiss and a giant Knight that Weiss made all the bandits Midas then charges in knocking down any bandits in his way so he could meet up with Yang and Weiss.

Weiss: Hey why did you come here you should have stayed at the door.

Midas: I'm not going to leave your side. No matter what.

Yang: You got yourself a loyal one Weiss.

Weiss: Let's not worry about that what are you doing here?

Yang: Well that's my mom and she can take us to Ruby.
Raven sighs in annoyance as Weiss and Midas were shocked to hear the news.

Midas: That's your mom!?

Weiss: Your mom kidnapped me!?

Yang: You kidnapped her!?
The tribe started to get riled up as they started to change at the three teens.

Midas: Welp looks like we're going have to punch our way out of this one.
They then charged at the entrance where all the bandits were blocking but then a lightning bolt strikes in the middle.

Vernal: Enough!

Raven: Thank you. If you all don't keep it together this place will be crawling with Grimm. Give the girl her weapon back.
Vernal looked at Raven but then tossed Weiss her weapon.

Raven: You three in my tent. Now!

Yang: Why?

Raven: If you're really going after your sister. You'll need to learn the truth.
Raven walks in her tent.

Yang: Sorry about—
Weiss then immediately hugs Yang.

Weiss: Missed you so much.

Yang: I missed you too.
The Knight began to disappear Midas then clears his throat Yang and Weiss look at Midas.

Midas: Aren't you forgetting somebody?

Yang: Come on you big goof ball.
Yang then hugs Midas then they released it.

Yang: Now come on. Let's get to mistral.
All of them smiled as Midas was about to enter the tent he sees Zion again staring at him he blinks a few times and sees that he was gone. He then enters the tent.

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