Chapter 32: The strange farm

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Skip to after Jinn told the story because I don't feel like writing all that.

Yang: Salem can't be killed. You all heard her right?

Ozpin: I—

Yang: There's so much you could have told! How could think that this was ok!?

Ruby: Professor. What is your plan to beat Salem?

Ozpin: I... Don't have one.
Qrow then punches Ozpin in the face sending him flying into a tree.

Qrow: No one wanted me. I was crushed. I dedicated my life to you because you gave me a place in this world. I thought I was doing something good.

Ozpin: But you are.

Qrow: Meeting you was the worst luck in my life.
There was a long silence until Ozpin decided to speak.

Ozpin: Maybe your right.
His eyes started to glow as he switched places with Oscar then Oscar holds his cheek in pain.

Ruby: What happened?

Oscar: He's gone.

Yang: That bastard! Tell him where not done yet!

Oscar: No this is different. He's gone. It's like he locked himself inside my head. Our head? I hate this! I want it to stop!

Weiss: He just left us!?

Blake: What are we going to do now?

Maria: Enough! We need to get a move on. It will turn dark soon and everyone of you is spewing of negativity.
Maria then uses her cane to help Oscar up from the ground.

Maria: There's a trail over there. Trails usually lead somewhere.

Yang: Lady I don't know who you think you are but—
Maria then slams her cane on the ground.

Maria: No buts! I understand that your angry. Honestly I'm still coming to terms that this is humanity's second time around. But if we don't move we die. And I'll be damed if I live this long just to die out her to die in the cold!

Ruby: She's right... Come on.
Everyone grabs there stuff as they get ready for the road Midas helped Weiss with a few things.

Weiss: I got it honey.

Midas: Alright.
He then sees Zion leaning on a tree worried he walks towards him to check on his friend.

Midas: Hey you ok?

Zion: Yeah just thinking about a few things.

Midas: Are... Are you angry?

Zion: Honestly I don't know what feel. I don't know if I should be angry at him or sad for him. Unlike everyone else I'm in the middle. I want to say something but I'm afraid of what will happen if I do.

Midas: I know how you feel. I'm in the middle too. But we have to keep moving. For everyone here.
Zion then nods as he sees everyone is ready to leave.

They have been walking for awhile now and Ruby noticed how Zion hasn't been himself lately she gets concern and catches up to him.

Ruby: Hey you ok?

Zion: Yeah just thinking about a few things.

Ruby: You were very close to Oz weren't you.

Zion: Yeah. He might had visited only a few times but he showed how much he cared about me. He was like an uncle. So the events that we saw is very difficult to comprehend.

Ruby: I'm sorry that you have to go through this.
Ruby then grabs Zion hand.

Ruby: But your not alone. I'll help you every step of the way.
Zion Smiles but Yang just looks at Zion for a few minutes.

Qrow: *Sighs* It looks like it's not going to lead up.

Blake: I just want to get the stupid relic to Atlas.

Weiss: Let's hope we don't have to walk there.

Yang: I thought trails lead us to somewhere.

Maria: Do you have nothing better to do then harass and old defenseless lady.

Zion: Can we not fight please. I rather not attract any Grimm.

Yang: Well relic is already doing that.

Zion: And you want to make it worse by arguing?

Ruby: Shh everyone quiet. Do you hear that?
They listen and hear a metallic like object swinging they then approach a farm.

Blake: Well at least one good thing happened today.

Weiss: It looks abandoned.

Ruby: It's still better then this.

Qrow: Come on I think we could all use some rest.
They enter the farm they then walk towards the house the house in front of them Weiss Covered her arms as she was cold Midas then wrapped his arms around her to give warmth since he has the arms of a Kong and has lots of fur. Weiss snuggles in a little.

Ruby: This is strange. All of the abandoned towns I saw they were all damaged but here it's... It's different. It all fine.

Weiss: Maybe they left in a hurry. Before things took a turn.
Qrow turns the door nob and sees it was unlocked.

Qrow: Stay on guar—
Zion just walks in surprising everyone because of his recklessness everyone else joined in but they saw nothing.
Maria then walks in.

Maria: Close the door! It's cold enough out there as it is.
They close the door then use the furniture to keep close shut.

Blake: I saw a chimney from the outside. Maybe we can get a fire going.

Weiss: Please I'll go get some blankets.

Qrow: Yang go with her.
Yang goes with Weiss while Oscar Qrow Mira go in the living room. Zion stays with Ruby he looks at her and sees that she's talking with Blake once she's done he wraps his arms around Ruby and places his chin under Ruby's head.

Ruby: *Chuckles* What's all this for?

Zion: Because I just want to cuddle with my girlfriend.

Ruby: Aww you want some attention. Tell you what once we get this fire started and get some blankets we can cuddle as much as you want. I can even give you some scratches.

Zion: That would be nice.

Midas: Aww you two are so cute.

Zion: Thanks for ruining the moment.

Midas: Your welcome.
They then hear Weiss scream Midas immediately runs upstairs with Zion fallowing then Midas smashes through the door breaking it.

Midas: What!? What's wrong!?
He then sees two dead bodies a couple that have rotted away in this house.

Midas: Dear god.

Weiss was sitting across the fire place Midas then wraps a blanket around Weiss. He smiles and was about to leave when Weiss grabbed his hand Midas then sat next to her and then she wraps the blanket around Midas as they both share the blanket and use it and there body heat to warm each other up Qrow comes back and looks at everyone.

Qrow: It's the same in every house.

Yang: What?!

Qrow: Bodies. In every bed and every home. It's like the hole estate went to sleep and never woke up.

Weiss: Then we're not staying here right?

Qrow: We don't have a choice. Storm outside is getting worse. We freeze to death before we could even make it anywhere.

Maria: Well better get comfortable.

Yang: Like that's going to happen.

Ruby: Alright let's search the place we might find something.

Oscar: Yeah even a car.

Qrow: Alright but everyone stick together.

Blake: Uhh I can stay with Yang.

Yang: Alright fine as long as we can find anything to get out of this house.

Zion: I'll search to see if this house has any food.
Zion gets up and walks out of the living room and sees the door across from him he opens it and goes in. And sees tons of bottles of alcohol.

Zion: Man this would be Qrow's spot but he's not in the right state of mind right now. It's probably best we keep this up place closed.
Then everything starts light up he turns around and sees Weiss Midas and Ruby had joined them.

Ruby: Qrow did say to stick together so.
Zion smiled as they went to the next door they opened it and sees more alcohol.

Zion: More Alcohol great.

Ruby: Well at least we know how to keep the fire lit up.

Weiss: Guys do you really think we have to go to Atlas.

Midas: What do you mean?

Weiss: Well you heard Jinn. Salem can't be killed. What's the point in all of this.

Zion: Sis we can't just give up.

Weiss: I know I know. It's just I'm really tired and I really hate this place.

Midas: Me and you both.

Weiss: What's that.
Ruby then turns her scroll so the light can show a rusty metal door.

Zion: A place that shall not be adventured.

Weiss: It's just wine cellar.

Zion: That is chained up.
Ruby then screams in excitement.

Weiss: What? What is it?

Ruby: Food!

Weiss: Can food.

Ruby: Trust me with enough salt it will taste just fine.

Weiss: It's better then nothing.
All four then grab a can.

Weiss: But I seriously hate this place.
They then walk out.

Midas: You know you two still haven't answered our question.
Zion then looks at Weiss.

Zion: That is?

Midas: Why do you call her sis.
Zions eyes widened realizing he hasn't told them yet.

Zion: Oh yeah I forgot to tell that me and Weiss are.

Weiss: Siblings.
There was silents for few minutes.

Midas and Ruby: WHAT!

Zion: I knew they would react that way.

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