Chapter 38: The Ancient Kingdom

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Jinn: The two species struggled to work together they would fight in a lot of occasions but thanks to Gojira and King they would stop them and keep the peace but finally after months of hard work and compromising they United. And both Faunus species thrived together but the next action the two brothers had would change there history forever.

King watched from a far and saw Normal Faunus in cages and wanting to be free. He had a look of sadness wanting to free them he then feels Gojira put his hand on his Shoulder.

Gojira: Hey King what are you doing out here.

King: Oh well I was just admiring the view and... I couldn't help but noticed that. *Points at the cages* There are many others who look like us stuck in cages when they should be free. I can't just sit here and let them suffer. I need to do something about this!

Gojira stayed silent but then spoke.

Gojira: Alright then. I'll help you out.

King gasped a little and looks at him.

King: Gojira you don't have to—

Gojira: That's thing King. I'm not doing this because I have to. I'm doing this because I want to.

King then smiled.

Gojira: Meet me at the library.

Gojira then walks off.

Jinn: And so for the past few weeks they strategized how to free the Faunus they watched there every move finding certain weak points and where and where to move and get them out. And so after finishing there plan They explain there plan to there tribe and taught the group of people who didn't have any combat experience how to fight once all the lessons were learned they were ready to set the other Faunus free.

King: Now remember this is just a rescue mission where not here to start a war. But if there is a group of guards you need to take out then do it. But do. Not. Kill.

All them nodded as they started to crouch and sneak towards the location that the Faunus are at.

Two guards where standing around just looking at there surroundings without a care in the world but then a giant tail and a hairy arm hits the guard in the back of the head knocking them out the rest start to sneak in trying there best not to make a sound King sneaks in meanwhile near a lake guards wher walking by looking at the water sometimes but what they didn't realize is that a bunch of Godzilla Faunus's including Gojira are beneath the water. Swimming to where all the Faunus where captured. Finally they met up with the others and they saw the captured Faunus they walked towards the cages and the Faunus stared at them shocked by there features.

King: We're going to get you all out.

Jinn: They successfully got all of the captured Faunus out of there caged the mission was a success. It took months but they eventually was able to stop the slavery of Faunus and formed there own kingdom. Of course the humans have tried to raid there kingdoms but each time they tried they failed. But of course some lives where lost and it angered a lot of the Faunus.

Kong Faunus 1: We should hit them back! *Slams there hands on the table* We got the numbers and power to beat them!

Godzilla Faunus 1: Yeah let's show them
What it means to mess with us!

Crowd: Yeah!

Gojira stared at his subjects but King walked towards them and all eyes were on him.

King: Are you sure that's what you want?

Crowd: Yeah!

King: You are indeed correct we have the numbers and the power. But we can't attack the human kingdoms.

Godzilla Faunus 2: Are you serious!? After everything they done?! Points at a cat *Faunus girl* They took this pour girls ear! *Points at a goat Faunus* Then they took his horn! The humans need to know what it's like to feel pain!

Crowd: Yeah!

King: Then let me ask you this... What happens when you kill a humans mother who's innocent.

The crowd went silent.

King: Yes there are humans who are full of hate and deserve to die. But what about the humans who had nothing to do with this. Not only would we be as bad as them but we would be continuing a cycle of hatred and vengeance. It would never end.

They all stayed silent as they couldn't argue with his point.

King: But if anyone wants to make a rebuttal you are welcomed to speak your mind.

Again silence.

King: Alright your all dismissed.

They all walk off but then sees Gojira has something in his mind King then walks towards him and puts his hand on his shoulder.

King: Hey is something wrong?

Gojira: Huh? Oh no I'm just thinking of something.

King: Like what?

Gojira then looks at King for a bit.

Gojira: I need to show you something.

Both Kings where walking down a cave with a lit torch.

King: What's the meaning of this brother.

Gojira: I discovered this cave when I sensed this aura.

King: Ok. What's so important about it.

Gojira then put his hand on the wall of the cave and immediately a blue portal appeared. Making King eyes widened.

Zion: I also went through the portal and it is safe to travel to.

King: How were you able to get back?

Gojira: I stayed in the same position I was placed and used my aura to make a portal back. King... If we go to a war and are kind could be endangered. We should tell them about this.

King: Well good thing we won't and—

Gojira: King.

King could hear the sternness in Gojira's voice hearing how serious he was King then sighs.

King: Alright. Alright. We should head back.

Gojira: Right.

They then walk out of the cave as the portal fades away.

Jinn: Even though Gojira hoped that they wouldn't have to worry about it. He knew deep down that something dark and tragic would happen. He could feel in in his heart and soul.

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