Chapter 5: Enemies to friends

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Zion and Midas continued walking in silence looking for any more team mates.

Midas: (Thinking) This sucks I'll have to be teammates with that monster for the rest of beacon.
Zion then looked at Midas.

Zion: What's your name?

Midas: Why do you care?

Zion: Because I want to know who I'm working with.

Midas: I never knew your kind could care.

Zion: You know scratch that you're right I don't care who you are anymore.
Midas then turns to look at Zion.

Midas: Why the change of heart.

Zion: Because your being an dickhead for no reason.

Midas: I won't be judge by a ruthless asshole like you.

Zion: And what makes me so ruthless because I'm a Godzilla Faunus.

Midas: Yes the matter of a fact your kind don't think about nothing except for destruction!

Zion: If that was true then I would killed you with the Grimm!
They got in each other's faces growling when they hear rustling in the bushes.

Midas: Another Grimm.
Midas runs into the bushes.

Zion: No wait!
But Midas didn't listen as he gives a battle cry and tackles the figure to the ground he was about to punch her when he sees it was Ruby.

Midas: Your... your not a Grimm.

Zion: That why I said wait.
Midas got off of Ruby and helped her up.

Zion: You ok Ruby.

Ruby: Yeah.

Weiss: You!
Zion looks to the left and sees Weiss walking up to them.

Zion: Oh great just what I needed.
Weiss growls in frustration.

Weiss: Great now I got to work with two of the biggest dunces in this school.

Zion: Nice to meet you too princess and your not the only one in the group.
Weiss looks at what Zion is pointing at and sees Midas who waves at her.

Weiss: *sighs* Just don't slow me down.
Weiss starts to walk off and Midas fallows Zion and Ruby look at each other and then they fallow her as well.

At the Cliff Glynda walks up to Ozpin with a big scroll in her hand observing the students.

Glynda: Are last pair has been formed sir. Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. Poor boy I can't possibly imagine them getting along. Still he's probably way better of then miss Nikos.

Ozpin: Hmm.

Glynda: I don't care what those transcripts say that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat. I guess will find out soon enough and then there's...

Ozpin: Something wrong?

Glynda: Well then there's Ruby Rose Weiss Schnee Midas Menz and my son. They all already showed that they can't get along with each other. Is it really wise to keep them on the same team especially Midas and Zion. I couldn't help but noticed that he was looking at some type of cloth and it was some type of painting of the ancient war between the Godzilla's and Kong's.

Ozpin: Well Glynda here's one thing you should think about. Sometimes the worst of enemies can be the bests of friends.

Back with the group Weiss was walking around trying to find out where to go while Ruby and Zion where sitting down and Midas couldn't help but look at Weiss and how beautiful she is.

Weiss: Ok it's a official we passed it.
Ruby and Zion then finally get up.

Ruby: Why can't you just admit you have no idea where we are going?

Zion: Good question.

Midas: Like you know where we are going.
Zion head cartoonishly slides as his face turns red out of anger and is steaming.

Weiss: Because I know Exactly where we are going. We're going... to the forest temple.
Ruby growls in frustration.

Weiss: Oh stop it you don't know where we are going either!

Ruby: Well at least I'm not pretending to know everything!

Weiss: What is that supposed to mean?!

Ruby: That means your a big stupid jerk and I hate you!

Weiss: *Growls and walks off* Just keep moving.

Ruby: Just keep moving hurry up waa watch where your going. Why are so bossy!?

Weiss: I'm not bossy! Don't say things like that.

Zion: (Thinking) That's a lie.

Ruby: Stop treating me like a kid!

Weiss: Stop acting like one!

Ruby: Well stop acting like your perfect!

Weiss: I'm not perfect! Not yet anyway but I'm still league's better then you.

Ruby: You don't even know me.
After hearing Ruby say that Zion felt his heart crack a little and he didn't know why. he felt so bad for her and then he felt rage coursing through he walked up and stood in front of Ruby.

Zion: You see you just proved her point.
Weiss then turns around to look at Zion.

Weiss: What!?

Zion: Everything she accused you of his correct and more. You're stubborn you're rude to others. You've tried putting me and Ruby down. And she's been doing this better then you ever have!

Weiss: Excuse me!

Zion: You heard me!

Weiss: What type of stupidity is in your head. She is just a child that snuck into beacon.

Zion: Ok here's something you're not realizing Ozpin asked her to be! You! You hade to sign up here! There's major gap!
Midas then stood in front of Zion.

Midas: Shut up!

Zion: What!

Midas: You think your so mighty and powerful don't you. Well let me give you a news flash your not!

Zion: Ok are you being spiteful dude! I was hoping you would be a really cool and chill guy but it seems I judge wrong.

Midas: You have no right to judge me! Especially since in ancient times you're kind fought with mine and banished us.

Zion: Your kidding right! You are judging me by what type of Faunus I am and an accident war! Something that happened years ago. Well it seems to me you are just as bad as the people who discriminate against us Faunus.
Midas eyes widened.

Midas: What are saying!

Zion: I'm saying that you are a discriminatory ass hole like the other people that discriminate against Faunus! You didn't even get the chance to know me and if that's how your going to act then you shouldn't be a huntsman! *Looks at Weiss* same goes to you!
Ruby then sees his dorsal Finns and eyes are glowing blue she then grabs his arm.

Ruby: Hey calm down ok our tensions are just high let's calm down alright.
Zion growls Weiss continues walking and Midas thinks about the things Zion said to him and fallows Weiss. Then eventually Ruby and Zion do the same thing as she lets go of Zion arm.

Ruby: Thanks for defending me.

Zion: No problem.
after minute of awkward silence They get to a cliff and still can't find the temple.

Zion: Man still can't find the temple.
Zion expect Midas to give a snarky remark but he didn't he was quiet. And he's face it seemed a little sad and like he was thinking of something.

Zion: (Thinking) I'm not going to lie I do feel a little bad.

Midas: (Thinking) Damn Zion right. I discriminated against him not knowing what he's actually like. And now when I think about it all my dad told me is that we were fighting. He never told me what started the fight in the first place.
Then finally Ruby got gasped.

Zion and Midas: What?

Ruby: The Nevermore we can use it as a ride.

Weiss: No way. That is a bad idea and I'm not doing it!
The group looked at Weiss then at each other. Then it cuts to all 4 of them riding the Nevermore anyway.

Midas: This wasn't a bad idea Ruby!

Ruby: Thank you!

Weiss: You two are insane of course it's a bad idea!

Zion: Well we're making some progress!

Ruby: Yeah we're fine! stop worrying!

Weiss: I am so beyond of worrying!

Ruby: In a good way?!

Weiss: In a bad way! In a very bad way!

Ruby: Well why don't we just jump!

Weiss: What are you crazy!
Then she sees that Ruby Midas and Zion jumped off.

Weiss: Why those slimy little—!

Ruby: Heads up!
Zion quickly grabbed Ruby and swings his body around so he could take the impact of the fall Midas started screaming as he was falling but then Jaune goes flying into him and go flying into the tree Midas shacks his head as Jaune clears his throat to get Midas attention.

Jaune: Hey Midas.

Blake: Did those three fall from the sky.

Yang: I.
They then hear growling from the forest to see a Ursa.

Nora: Yeehaw!
The Grimm the falls down dead.

Nora: Aww it's broken.

Ren: Nora... please... Don't do that again.
Ren then sees that Nora is gone as Nora is looking at the relic then Grabs it.

Nora: (Singing) I'm queen of the castle I'm queen of the castle.

Ren: Nora!

Nora: Coming Ren.

Blake: Did she just ride an ursa.

Yang: I.
Then Pyrrha comes running out the forest with a Deathstalker chasing her.

Zion: Hey Ruby do you mind.
Ruby looks down as she realized she was sitting on his chest Ruby immediately gets up.

Ruby: Oh I'm so sorry!
Zion chuckles as he got up.

Zion: your fine Ruby.

Yang: Ruby!

Ruby: Yang!
They were about to hug each other when Nora got in the middle of them.

Nora: Nora!

Blake: Did she just run all the way over here with a deathstalker on her tail.
Yang growls as her eyes turn red and her hair catches on fire.

Yang: I can't take it anymore can we all just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again!
In those two seconds Zion goes to grab a relic but there was one relic that interested him it was like it was calling to him to pick it up. On the right side was a Faunus that hade features like him and on the left was a Faunus that hade features like Midas they were both sitting of a throne like kings.

Ruby: Umm Yang.
Zion then looks up to see Weiss still hanging on to the Nevermore.

Weiss: How could you leave me!

Ruby: I said jump!

Blake: She's going to fall.

Ruby: She'll be fine.

Ren: She's falling.
Jaune saw her falling and smiled.

Jaune: (Thinking) Yes this is it. My time to shine I can see it now.

In Jaune's mind.

Weiss is falling in the air but then Jaune catches her as he lands she looks at him and Jaune stares back with his eyes sparklingly.

Jaune: Are you ok my snow angel.

Weiss: Yes I'm ok now that you're here thank you so much my hero!

It fades back to reality as Jaune has a goofy smile he shocks his head ready to jump and catch her but then a figure below him jumps up to her and catches her first as he lands on the ground to reveal Midas.

Midas: Are you ok?

Weiss: Um yeah thank you.

Jaune: Oh come on!
Zion walks back and sees Pyrrha go flying but he catches her with one arm but then grunts and puts her down he looks at his shoulder and sees it's bruised a little from the fall.

Yang: Great the gang is all here we can die together now.

Ruby: Not if I can help it!
Ruby runs in and gives a battle cry but the deathstalker swipes her with its pinchers.

Ruby: Don't worry everything is fine.
The deathstalker starts to chase Ruby and she starts to run away but then the Nevermore throws it's feathers at them one of them caught Ruby's cape.

Yang: Get out of there Ruby!
Ruby starts to tug on her cape but to no avail.

Ruby: I'm trying!
Then the deathstalker swings it's tail down to stab Ruby.

Yang: Ruby!
Zion then dashed in front of Ruby and caught the tail but is grunting as he feels the pain in his shoulder.

Ruby: Zion!
Zion then looked back at Ruby as his eyes glow blue with his dorsal Finns and shoots at the feather stuck on Ruby's cape freeing her.

Zion: Go!

Ruby: But you'll die!

Zion: It was worth it saving you.
Yang then grabs Ruby.

Yang: Come on!

Ruby: No not with out Zion.
Yang didn't listen as she started dragging Ruby away.

Ruby: No wait! Zion!
Zion smiles but then gets on one knee as the Deathstalker stinger gets closer and closer to his face but then Midas dashes in cocking his arm back.

Midas: Midas smash!
Midas then punches the deathstalker making it stumble back a bit Zion looks back in shock.

Zion: You... You saved me.

Midas: Not yet That thing is still standing.
Zion gets up and is ready to fight when Weiss uses an ice crystal to freeze the deathstalker tail.

Weiss: Ruby you are so childish. And dimwitted and Hyperactive and don't get me started on your fighting style. And I suppose I can be a bit... difficult.

Zion: A bit?

Weiss: Fine fine I am very difficult. But if we're going to do this we're going to have to work together. If you would stop trying to show off I be a bit... nicer.

Ruby: I'm not trying to show off. I want you to know I can do this.

Weiss: Your fine.
Weiss walks off as Zion smiles but then feels a tap on his shoulder to see Midas.

Midas: Hey look I... messed up big time. I was being such an ass hole because the type of Faunus you are. And you were right I was just as bad as those who hate our kind. So I'm sorry I hope you can forgive me.
Zion smiles as he offers a hand shake.

Zion: Apology accepted.
Midas smiles as he takes his hand and shacks it.

Zion: Midas right?

Midas: yea— Wait how did you know my name?

Zion: You yelled it remember.

Midas: Oh right what's your name.

Zion: Zion Goodwitch.

Midas: Oh your related with that lady who was with mr Ozpin.

Zion: Yup.
Then they hear the ice crack seeing the deathstalker was about to free itself.

Ruby: Come on we have to get out of here!

Zion: No I'm staying behind to fight this thing.

Midas: And you won't be alone.
Midas stands by Zion side.

Ruby: But you two won't make it!

Weiss: She's right. Why fight that thing it will only slow you down.

Zion: Us not you.
Ruby and Weiss look at each other then back at the two boys surprised about what there going to do.

Midas: Go we'll be fine.
Weiss nods then looks at Ruby who looks at Zion a little sad but the smiles.

Ruby: Thank you guys. You won't be forgotten.
Ruby then runs off as Weiss runs with her they see them go in a far distance and then they don't see the group anymore as the deathstalker finally got free.

Zion: Alright Midas ready to play whack a mole.

Midas: I don't know what that is but yeah let's do this!
They run at the death stalker the deathstalker try's to grab Zion but he rolls into the gap of the pincher Midas then jumps and punches it in the head Zion then tail whips it in the head stunning it a bit Zion and Midas jump on top of the monster and start punching it multiple times in the head but finally it shackles them off he hits Zion sending it flying Midas dose a shoulder bash pushing it a little bit until it pushed Midas off.

Midas: Hey can't you use your blue breath attack?

Zion: Trust I would love to use it right now but it's not at it's strongest point yet all I can do is wound the pinchers and maybe destroy it's head but that's if it doesn't block it.
They both started dodging the Monsters attacks but finally Midas gets an idea.

Midas: Zion do you think you can shoot of the tail.

Zion: Yeah what's your plan?

Midas: When you Shoot off the tail I'll grab it and Impale it into its head.

Zion: Alright that's a fine plan.
Zion turns around and ready's his atomic breath as the Deathstalker swings it's tail at Zion he shoots his atomic breath shoot it off making it screech in pain Midas then grabs the tail and runs at the deathstalker. The deathstalker tries to run but Zion shoots the legs to make sure it doesn't go anywhere and Midas stabs the death stalker in the head killing it.

Midas: Wooo that was awesome!

Zion: You know it!
They high five each other.

Zion: Now let's go meet up with the others.
Midas nods as he then looks at Zion.

Midas: Hey will your atomic breath be like that forever?

Zion: No it just needs to recharge. It's like a battery you know. It usually takes up a minute or two to be fully charged.

Midas: Huh so why didn't you shoot at the Grimm. You could hade killed it.
Zion then looks down thinking about it.

Zion: Huh I don't know. I guess I thought about Ruby safety first before killing that thing.

Time skip they made it to beacon and watch to see the teams.

Ozpin: Jaune Arc Lie Ren Pyrrha Nikos and Nora Valkyrie. You obtained the white rook pieces. For this day forward you'll work as team JNPR. Led by Jaune Arc.
Midas and Zion started clapping for him.

Midas: Looks like vomit boy is team leader.

Zion: Yeah well he's special.

Midas: What makes you say that?

Zion: I don't know I just feel it.

Ozpin: and finally. Ruby Rose Weiss Schnee Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long the four of you retrieved the white Knight pieces. You will work together as team RWBY. Led by Ruby Rose.
Zion and Midas started clapping for her.

Midas: The team is named Ruby lead by Ruby Rose.

Zion: Just go with it.
It was finally over as they were about to leave Glynda Goodwitch walked up to the two boys.

Glynda: Midas. My son Ozpin would like to see you.
They both looked at each other confused.

Finally they were on the elevator riding up to the Ozpin office Glynda walks out and the two boys walk out with her.

Ozpin: Why hello Zion and Midas. Come take a seat.
They both sit down.

Ozpin: So you're probably wondering why I brought you here.

Midas: To tell us that we failed the test and that we can't attend.

Ozpin: Well normally yes but look at this.
Then it shows footage of Midas and Zion saving there class mates.

Ozpin: You two show great potential of being huntsman. Not only did you two risked your lives but also the chance to become huntsman. That is something I can't let go so from this day forward you two will be a team.
Zion and Midas eyes sparkled.

Zion and Midas: Really!

Ozpin: Yup. You also brought a relic remember.
Zion and Midas was confused until Zion realized he still hade that relic in his pocket and took it out Midas gasped as he looked into it.

Midas: No way is that...

Ozpin: Yup it's a Godzilla and Kong Faunus.

Midas: So Kong Faunus and Godzilla Faunus lived in peace once.

Zion: You have to tell us more!

Ozpin: Don't worry you'll get your answer just not now.

Zion: Oh come on Oz.

Ozpin: In do time you will know but now isn't the time.

Midas: *Sighs* I guess you're right.

Ozpin: Now get to your dorm you'll need lots of rest.
Time skip they get to there dorm and Midas was writing something on his note book while Zion was asleep and Midas starts to write.

Midas: (Thinking while he's Writing) Today was crazy I got to fight crazy ass monster and meet a lot of talented and remarkable people but I also learned a valuable lesson. That is the Godzilla's aren't as bad as my father says they are. It's a lesson I should have learned a long time ago but it took me to meet a guy named Zion to learn. My father always told me that the Godzilla's where destructive monsters who enjoyed the suffering of others who did not have feelings of emotion. But Zion showed me that he's kind is exactly like us multiple times. And I've been thinking about the past so much that it clouded my judgment. So I'm going to walk away from it and to let it go.

Midas then grabs the cloth that shows a painting of a Godzilla and a Kong fighting.

Midas: And it starts with throwing this away.
Midas then throws the cloth away as it lands on the ground.

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