Prologue: Midas origin

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Midas Menz a Kong Faunus who was born for greatness wanting to explore the world but do to his parents over protection he never got to experience what the world looked like.

Midas is 7 years old as he was swinging from branches of the forest he looked up high in the sky to look at the beautiful blue sky but then he heard something that he hasn't heard for awhile now. The laughter of children he climbs down and safely falls to see other kids who were playing what looked like to be a playground he was interested in it and went to go there but someone picked him up by the leg he looks up to see his father Jason.

Midas: Hello father.
John just sighs as he gently put him down.

Jason: Midas what did we say about going to far?

Midas: I know I know but look at them. They look like there having so much fun. Can't I go there and say hi for a couple of minutes.
John sighs as he kneels to get to his son level.

Jason : I know but Midas you know how many of us are left.

Midas: Not that many but they won't know what I truly am.

Jason: Midas humans already discriminate against Faunus but how do you think they'll react when they find out you can transform into a big giant gorilla.
Midas sadly looks down at the floor Jason them smiles and puts his hand on his shoulder.

Jason: Hey we should get back home your mom is making your favorite.
Midas then smiles.

Midas: Really? Take me! Take me now!
Jason chuckles as he grabs his hand about to take him to the place but looks back as he gives off a glare to a specific child who was playing with the other children.

Finally after a few minutes of walking they got home and walked inside the house to see his mother Kelly.

Kelly: Hello you two.

Midas: Hello mother!

Kelly: Hello my little bundle of joy you just made it in time for dinner sweetie.
Sniffs the air.

Midas: Mmmm smells soooooo good.
Ace then appears behind him.

Ace: Boo!
Midas then jumps as he quickly growls at Ace his sister.

Ace: I'm sorry but I just hade too.

Ace then grabs Midas and quickly sat him on the table ready to eat Kelly and Jason smiled as they joined him at the dinner table.

Minutes later Midas was full as he gave a loud burps.

Jason: Was that good kiddo.
Midas then gives him a thumbs up.

Kelly: We'll put your plate in the sink and head up to bed ok.
Midas nodded as he put his plate in the sink and walked up to his room as he put his sleep clothes on but then he hears his parents talking about him going to far. He wasn't interested until he heard his dad say.

Jason: him going to far from the forest wasn't my biggest concern. My biggest concern was I saw one of them.
His mom stayed silent for a minute.

Kelly: Like the ones we are rivals with.
Jason nods Midas is interested now but then he hears his parents walking upstairs as Midas lays in bed as his parents finally meet up with him.

Kelly: Alright honey ready for bed.

Midas: Yeah Mom Dad. Who is them?
Both of his parents looked at each other then back at Midas.

Jason: That's ummm. That's a story for another time.

Kelly: Let's worry about tomorrow instead.
Kelly then kisses Midas forehead.

Kelly: Good night sweet heart see you in the morning.

Midas: Good night.
They both smiled as they left Midas room turning off his light. Midas lays down but couldn't help but think what they were talking about but he closes his eyes and falls asleep.

Midas wakes up as he couldn't help but hear what sounds like tribal drums. He got out of bed looking for the sound but only hears it's muffled sounds Midas looks up and realizes that the sound is coming from the attic.

Midas: How am I going to get up there?
He then sees the ladder.

Midas: Maybe if I jump off and grab the handle my weight can open it up.
Midas starts to climb on the ladder then sees the handle he jumps out and grabs it as the door opens it then starts to climb around and goes inside he looked at his surroundings surprised to see so much stuff that he's never seen. He sees a robot he wipes the dust away and it says Mogrues but as soon as he taps it. It falls into pieces. Making him flinch back but then he hears the tribal drums again and he sees an old cloth and there was a bright brow light he got close and finally the drums stopped as he took the cloth off and what he saw surprised him.

Jason: Looks like you found out.
Midas quickly turns around to see his dad.

Midas: What is this?

Jason: (Sighs) You might want to sit down. We have lots to discuss.

8 years later Midas is 15 as he was watching his favorite show G.I Joe but as he was watching the show switches to Teen Titans go as he looks to the side and sees his little brother Shawn.

Midas: Hey what the heck dude I was watching that!

Shawn: Yeah but I want to watch teen titans go.

Midas: Yeah I was sitting here first. And this show is always on your not going to miss anything.

Kelly: Midas let your little brother watch the show!

Midas: Oh come on this show is practically on all day G.I Joe only comes on every Saturday night.

Kelly: Hey you can either sit there and watch the show or walk away.
His brother smiled at him Midas just gets annoyed at how smug his brother is as he walks away goes into his room and lays down as he looks at his scroll looking for anything entertaining. And what made it worse is that tomorrow he hade to go to church. In the forest was an abandoned church that some Kong Faunus go to and some homeless people and Faunus go too. He was always frustrated to go especially since his parents always forced him to go he sighs as he just looks up at the roof wondering what the outside world looks like.

The next morning Midas and is siblings were in church as he spaced out most of the things they were saying then the inevitable happened where everyone stood up Midas stayed seated until he felt someone tap his shoulder he looks up to see his dad looking at him.

Jason: You should really stand up.

Midas: Why there are people here who are sitting.
He points at all the people sitting.

Kelly: Well we're not them are we now stand up.

Midas: I can't just stay seated.

Jason: Ok your being disrespectful and you need to stand up. Now.
Midas gives a annoyed sigh as he stood up.

Few minutes later he was finally free as he was in his normal clothes as he climbed the biggest tree to feel the wind but looks down and sees Vale he was thinking about going down there but then thought about the many warnings his parents told him.

Midas: Well maybe I can walk down there just a little.

Few minutes later he walked out of the forest and made it to vale and was absolutely amazed walking down vale he saw tones of people who were humans and people who were just like him a Faunus. He walked in the store and was again looking all over the place.

Man 1: Hey kid.
Midas turned to look at a man in the counter.

Man 1: Are you ok?

Midas: Yeah I'm fine it's just I never been here before in fact I never seen this many people.

Man 1: You haven't?

Midas: Yeah. Is this your house?

Man 1: What no. This is a restaurant.

Midas: What is a restaurant?

Man 1: Your joking... Right?

Midas: No.

Man 1: Um well a restaurant is a place where people eat.

Midas: Wow that's so cool. I never been in a restaurant before I only eat at home in the forest.

Man 1: You live in a forest.

Midas: Yeah my mom and dad didn't want me going outside of the forest because people would discriminate me and they said and evil force is after my kind.

Man 1: Yeah sadly there's a lot of people who discriminate against Faunus. But there's people who believe in equal rights and Luckily you ran into one them.
Midas smiles.

Man 1: Tell you what. I'll give you a free pizza and drink on me.

Midas: Really.

Man 1: Yup.

Midas: Thank you.

After he finished his pizza he continued exploring he finally made it to the play ground that he wanted to go two when he was 7 he sits at the couch watching the sun set.

???: Beautiful sight isn't it.
Midas turns around to see a man with grey hair small glasses and a cane and next to him was a woman with blond hair glasses and has a crop in her hand

Midas quickly stands and quickly is on the defensive.

Midas: Who are you!?

Ozpin: Please calm down we're not here to hurt you. I'm Professor Ozpin this is my assistant Glynda Goodwitch.

Midas: So you're a witch?

Glynda: What no.

Ozpin: Hmm it seems you've lived in that forest for quite awhile now.

Midas: What. How did you know that.

Ozpin: There's a lot I know about you. Especially your kind. You have potential you can save many lives.

Midas: Like a super hero?

Ozpin: More like a huntsman. Would you like to join Beacon.
Midas got real excited but then realized.

Midas: Yeah but my parents. They most likely wouldn't want me to go.
Then they hear a loud explosion and there was a bright blue light.

Glynda: I thought I was specifically clear for him to stay out of trouble. (Sighs) Sorry Professor I have to take care of something.
Ozpin nodded as Glynda walks away.

Ozpin: Well let me tell you something. This is your choice not there's. They don't decide your destiny you do. So when ever you're ready.
Ozpin gives him a card.

Ozpin: Give me call.
Ozpin walks away as Midas looks at the card to show a Scroll number. Midas smiles as he walks back to the forest putting the card in his pocket but then he hears two people clear there throats that being his mother and his father we're staring at him with a stern look. They made it home and Midas was arguing with his parents then his brother Shawn pops out from the couch.

Shawn: (Singing) Your in trouble your in trouble.

Midas: Shut up Shawn!

Jason: I thought we made it perfectly clear that you are not to go far.

Kelly: So why the hell were you down there?

Midas: I was just curious ok. I wanted to know but it's not that bad.

Jason and Kelly: Not that bad?!

Jason: You do realize what type of people are out there right?

Midas: Discriminatory people yeah I know you've told me through out my entire life. But there are people out there who are good and accept me for who I am.

Kelly: Midas I don't think you understand the type of dangers that are out there. There are people out there who will kill you because they are afraid of your power.

Midas: Then let's show them that they don't have to be afraid. If we just—

Jason: No.

Midas: But you didn't even—

Jason: No.

Midas: Can you just hear me out!

Kelly: Don't you be yelling young man. When we say no we mean it!

Midas punches the wall cause a hole surprising everyone even himself.

Jason: It seems to me that you exploring with no one watching as gotten into your head. For now on you are grounded for a month. You will not leave this house unless we say so do you understand.
Midas eyes widened as he looked down.

Midas: Yes.

Jason: Go.
Midas runs to his room and slams his door closed as he Cries in his bed as he knows that his one thing that felt like freedom was gone but then he thought of what Ozpin said.


Ozpin: They don't decide your destiny you do.

Flashback ends as Midas as a look of determination then gets up takes his scroll out and starts to type The number.

Ozpin: Hello?

Midas: It's me Midas. I want to join beacon but my parents grounded me so they'll be watching me all day.

Ozpin: Hmm. Well when you all go to bed sneak out and get as much stuff as you can. You'll need it for the trip.

It's 12 and everyone was asleep except for Midas who hade his shoes on and some clothes but then he hears the door open he turns around to see his sister Ace.

Midas: Ace.

Ace: Hey I heard about you going to beacon and well.
She then gives him a big hug.

Ace: I just wanted to say goodbye before you go.
Midas smiles and hugs back then they finally let go as Midas opens up his window and smiles as he gives her a thumbs up then jumps out as he runs towards Vale Ace then closes the door as she locks it.

And so the young Faunus started his journey but he isn't the only Kaiju joining this adventure.

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