Chapter Ten

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Goji thought he knew what being in a prison was like.

He was wrong.

In the "prison" of Queen Rodan's palace, he found a new hell of pain and suffering, which he soon found out was what real prisons were like. 

Queen Rodan's prison was made up of several stone-walled cells stacked on top of each other, making towers. Outside each cell door was a small platform jutting out only a few feet, to allow the guards (and hopefully the prisoner too) to be moved when necessary, without falling to their deaths.

The walls of the cell weren't really made of stone, but parts of them were. Most of the walls (Including the door) were bars, made of some sort of everything-proof steel. Probably to withstand our powers if we tried to escape. Goji thought. Not that that would make a difference, since their powers had all been suppressed.

Clamped to Goji's dorsal plates was some sort of device that would deliver an electric shock every time he tried to use his atomic breath, stopping him. He looked to the cell across from him, and saw a female Ghidorat he didn't know. The poor guy had his wings completely torn out, leaving him flightless. He also had metal collars around all three of his necks, which Goji presumed would prevent him from using his gravity beams. The cell to his left held another monster he didn't recognize, this one a male Anguirusan. 

There were many more prisoners he could see in the other towers, but he couldn't pick out which prisoners were who or what they were, and more importantly, if they were his friends.

"Psst." a voice outside Goji's cage suddenly drew his attention. He nearly jumped out of his scales when he saw it was a Rodanian, but he quickly realized she was pretty young. Strangely, she also had bloodred skin that seemed to give off an orange hue.

"Who are you?" Goji asked, walking a little closer, which, strangely, made him feel hotter (Even though he was up high where the wind currents tended to make things colder)

"I'm Scarlet." The Rodanian said, smiling at him. "I'm the queen's champion."

"Champion?" Goji asked. "Champion of what?"

"The arena, of course!" She said, gesturing to the massive, oval-shaped stadium with sand lining the floor of it. 

"All the prisoners are sent into the arena to fight," She explained. "If they win enough battles, her majesty will let them free, but only if they beat the champion, which is me."

"Has anyone ever won?" Goji asked, but realized the stupidity of the question. She's alive, isn't she? Nobody's won then.

Scarlet shook her head. "I've been her majesty's champion for since I was very young, and everyone always looses to me."

"That doesn't seem fair." Goji said. "What's the point of fighting for freedom if you know you'll die in the end? And why have them fight for freedom at all?"

"For her majesty's entertainment." Scarlet said. "The freedom thing is an incentive to get the prisoners to fight."

Suddenly, she looked up at the sun. "Oh! It's almost time for the first fight of the day. I have to go down to the arena to get ready."

"Wait!" Goji called, and she paused. "The others that were captured with me. Do you know where they are?"

Scarlet frowned, and looked like she was thinking, then nodded. "I only know where three of them are, though."

"Where are they?"

"The Ghidorat is up there." she pointed at the third cell up from where Goji was on another tower. "He's very quiet." She then pointed to a lower cell down on a further away tower. "The Anguirusan is down there." Goji saw Angi's signature pacing, her tail lashing furiously. "And the Baragonian is a few cells below you, so you won't be able to see him."

"Thank you." Goji said. "But wait, there were two more-"

"Can't talk anymore." Scarlet said. "I have to go!"

Goji watched as she flew down to the arena, and exited it into the castle. He then looked hopefully up at the tower where she said Ghid was being kept. Please tell me they didn't shred his wings... Goji thought worriedly.

He let out a sigh of relief when he saw Ghid leaning against the bars of the cage, his back to Goji, wings still intact. They probably didn't tear them out because he's too young to use them as a weapon, let alone fly with them. Unfortunately, Ghid did have the collars on his necks, and every once and a while Ghid would pull at them lightly, as if they were too tight.

Suddenly, a loud trumpet blast caught his attention, and he looked to see a lone Rodanian standing in the middle of the arena, as a crowd slowly grew in the stands.

"I now present to you, her majesty!" the Rodanian said with a booming voice, gesturing at a balcony on the castle several feet above the arena, with a golden throne sitting there, and curtains behind the entrance.

The curtains were drawn by two guards, and the crowd cheered as Queen Rodan stepped through. She had a red velvet draped around her wings and over her shoulders, and two bejeweled golden rings around her horns. With a dignified look on her face, she sat down on the throne at the end of the balcony.

A silence quickly fell over the crowd as every single Rodanian in the stands bowed to her, and then stood back up.

"I have a new possession to show you all today!" Rodan said excitedly. "It's fairly new to my collection.

She clapped her wings, and Goji watched as two guards stepped through the curtains, wheeling out a small platform with a fake tree on it.

Goji's heart sand as he realized who was sitting on the tree;


She was chained to the tree, but the chain was so flimsy it looked like it might break from even a small gust of wind. However, Lea didn't seem at all interested in escaping. In fact, all she did was sit there with her eyes closed, looking asleep, as her wings spread themselves and a rainbow of swirls and starbursts spread across them.

The crowd oohed and aaahed as a look of content settled on Rodan's face. "Isn't it beautiful!" She said. "My very own Divine Moth!"

She's not an IT! Goji thought angrily. She's a monster with feelings and emotions! Not some piece of art to be shown off, wheeled around on a stupid tree!

"Now, bring forth the challengers. Let's have some entertainment, shall we?"

The crowd cheered, and Goji's stomach turned as he realized what was going to happen.

I'm going to have to watch two monsters kill each other.

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