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Description: Typically tall with broad shoulders and chest, long tail and backs covered in curved and rigid dorsal plates, Gills on neck, squarish snout and diamond-shaped head, like a snake's. Body color and dorsal plate shape may vary from a dark grey to a pale green.
Powers: Can shoot atomic breath from their mouths, breathe underwater using their gills, emit atomic energy pulses from their bodies, Night vision for seeing in deeper waters.
Ruler: Currently ruled by King Kiryu
Domain: Lives in marshlands and partially underwater areas in the swampy region, which is on the east coast of Monsterland.
Alliances: Currently allied with Queen Golden in the great war


Description: Quadrupedal with powerful hind legs that they can use to send themselves flying through the air, spiked shell on back and spikes protruding from the tail, Prominent horn on the end of their snout and two long front teeth (only males have those two) and six-horned crown on the backs of their heads. Males have longer or curvier horns to show off during mating season.
Powers: Can withstand extreme heat, very durable in battle, can roll into balls, and also shoot the spikes out of their tail.
Ruler: Currently ruled by Queen Angila
Domain: Lives in the sandy region which is near the western coast of Monsterland.
Alliances: Currently allied with Queen Dorah in the great war.


Description: Scaly back and rough skin, reptilian face and bat-like ear flaps, prominent horn in the center of their heads. Body color ranges from a purple-ish brown to bloodred.
Powers: Excellent at burrowing (they can do so at incredible speeds) and can breath fire out of their mouths.
Ruler: Currently ruled by King Baragun.
Domain: Lives in the rocky canyons region just north of the sandy region.
Alliances: Common ally with Anguirusans, therefore allied with Queen Dorah.


Description: Two-legged dragons with up to three heads on their bodies. Their wings can fold into elbows and hands, and they have two tails with retractable spikes on the ends of them. Body color ranges from a bright gold to a tan-ish yellow.
Powers: Can create superstorms (if strong or powerful enough) and can fly. Can also shoot lightning bolts out of their mouths.
Ruler: Was ruled by King Ghidorah, but he was assassinated which started the great war between his three daughters for the throne; Kaiser, Dorah, and Golden.
Domain: Lives in the mountain regions in the center of Monsterland.
Alliances: Queen Kaiser is allied with the Rodanians, Queen Dorah is allied with the Anguirusans and the Baragonians, Queen Golden is allied with the Godzillasauruses.


Description: Bird-like creatures with large winged arms, short tail, break and two horns on the backs of their heads, and armored bodies with spikes on their stomach.
Powers: Said to have lost ancient, fire-infused powers, but currently only Queen Rodan is known to have them. Can fly at speeds so high the gusts of wind they create can level forests.
Ruler: Currently ruled by Queen Rodan.
Domain: Lives in the volcanic mountain region on the north region of Monsterland.
Alliances: Currently allied with Queen Kaiser in the great war.


Description: Insect-like bodies with white, black, and orange fur (females only have orange fur) multicolored wings that can change color like a chameleon, and feather-like antennae on their foreheads.
Powers: Reflective scale cloud can bounce back beam attacks, otherwise they are weak and useless.
Ruler: Currently ruled by Queen Mothra.
Domain: Lives in the tropical rainforests in the southeastern region of Monsterland.
Alliances: Too useless to be part of the great war.


There will come a day

when all Kaiju will be slain

but to prevent this great purge

seek out these few to stop the war:

A Lizard from the ocean depths,

A Dinosaur from the sandy plains,

A Reptile from the canyon range,

A Dragon with golden scales,

A Bird of fire from the mountains,

And last but certainly not least,

An Insect of paradise from the jungle

for they are not all what they seem...

(It's a lame prophecy, I know, but I'm not very good at poetry)

(Hope you liked it and don't forget to comment!)

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