When Kain Found You...

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A/N: This story is dedicated to MistyAngle2 -- a very kind Wattpad user who happens to like the Final Fantasy character: Kain Highwind-- just like me! :) Knowing Misty has been going through a bit of struggles, I decided to write a story just for her! I know you're not very active anymore, but I really hope you like it, MistyAngle ^.^ Hopefully it'll bring a smile to your face 😄✨


(Y/n) = your name 👍

(H/c) = hair color 👍

(E/c) = eye color 👍


Wind gently blew between the strands of your (h/c) hair as you happily skipped to your boyfriend's house-- which happened to be the one and only, Kain Highwind. Apparently, your poor Dragoon wasn't feeling very well at the time. However, you were definitely already prepared for this day though; taking notice of Kain's coughing fits during previous date nights. To be honest, you weren't all that down about Kain's illness... Of course you still worried for him, but that was your chance to actually take care of HIM for once!

Held in your slender hands dangled a basket full of goodies that were sure to brighten up Kain's day to some aspect...You were so excited to give it to him, you began bolting to his house instead of your same ol' skip.

Not even bothering to knock on the door, you quickly entered Kain's mansion and kicked your shoes off-- causing a rather loud clank to ehco through the quiet hallway. "Guess who's here!" you called out, practically singing.

All you could hear was a very faint mumble in the distance, but smiled widely once you figured Kain might have been trying to play along and actually guess that time.

Smoothly, you slid over to the entrance of Kain's room, where he lied upon his king-sized bed, propped up by a few bejeweled pillows. A slight red color misted across his nose. Not to mention his very pale completion... Yikes.
Kain sniffled a tad as he tried to twitch his lips into a grin-- obviously glad to see you.

Your poor boyfriend looked oh, so sick...but also pretty darn adorable!

Kain tilted his head, causing his long blonde hair to fall over his right eye. "What is that you have there?" He gestured towards your basket. Despite Kain having a pretty stuffed up nose, his voice still had that silky tone to it...No fair!

You took a seat on the edge of his bed. "You're gonna have to guess again!"

The Dragoon hummed a bit as he thought for a mere second. "Is it for me?"

"Of course! It's a goodie basket-- to help you feel better!" You rolled your eyes. As you pulled out each item, you named them off excitedly. "A new box of tissues...A can of yummy chicken noodle soup...And a purple teddy bear!"

Handing Kain the teddy, you uncontrollably giggled, knowing purple was his most favorite color.

"Thank you, (Y/n)..." the Dragoon spoke softly, his violet eyes locked on the stuffed animal. "When I found you, I definitely found sombody who cares."

You blinked in slight surprise. "But of course. Anything for my Candy-Kain!"

"Now (Y/n), we've been over this before."

"Yeah yeah, I know... No stupid nicknames."

You both shared a good laugh.


Days passed, and thanks to you, Kain was feeling alot better--so much that he claimed he could master "a hundred jumping jacks". Yeah, right.

His skin returned to its normal, fair tone...His nose no longer looked like a red Christmas light...and not one cough emerged from his mouth.

As you and Kain walked through the park, the sun pouring over like a cup being filled with water, you noticed in the corner of your (E/c) eyes-- a pretty good sized grin stretched across the Dragoon's face.

You raised an eyebrow. Usually Kain wouldn't smile this much...even around you. He usually had a dead serious expression planted on his face, no matter what you two were doing together. Not only that, but he would also seem fairly alert when there was obviously no need to be.

But today, for some reason, he's acting the complete opposite.

"All right," you decided to finally speak up. "who are you and what did you do with my boyfriend?"

"Excuse me?" Kain chuckled as he shook his head a tad, fully aware you were teasing him.

"That right there," you pointed directly at his smlie. "is a little rare for Kain Highwind."

Your boyfriend allowed his hand to slither around your waist, only so he could tuck you closer to his body. "Why wouldn't I act this way, sweetheart? After all, when I found you..." Kain paused just to place his palm on your cheek. "...I found one more reason to smile."

Blush had suddenly crept onto your face then, your eyes being as wide as sauce pans. Kain's never said anything to you like that before...

Regardless of being a tad confused, you shut your eyes, flashed him a smile and tilted your head to the side. "Aww, thanks, Kain!" you giggled.


About a week later from that day, Kain had sent you an unexpected text, claiming that he had a big surprise for you. You ran your nails through your (H/c) hair, not even caring if you got your fingers in a tangled mess. Kain had been the definition of 'sweet' these past weeks and you had no idea why he only started acting this way now. You were flattered by his actions, butterflies fluttering in your stomach each time you reminisced on each heart melting moment. But then you were also afraid Kain was trying a little too hard to impress you. Was he trying to prove that he could be a better boyfriend? Was he fearful of losing you?

The answer lied within whatever this 'surprise' was, you assumed.

Taking your time, you only walked to the Dragoon's mansion, the sound of your pounding heart getting louder and louder with every step you took. You kept your eyes attached to the ground for most of the small trip, until a voice that you knew all to well caused your head to rise automatically. "Hello, Darling," said Kain.

Before you knew it, Kain's mansion was practically right in front of you-- with the man himself standing upon the small set of stairs that led to the finely detailed front door. His hands rested behind his back and a blonde ponytail made itself comfortable over his shoulder.

"Kain," you began, walking up the steps until you stood directly next to your beloved boyfriend. "Look, it's not that I don't appreciate all this attention, but..." you stared into Kain's breathtaking violet orbs, making it rather difficult for anymore words to emerge. After a moment of hesitation, you finally blurted out, "...I just wanna know why...! You've been way too sweet lately and...!"

Kain shifted his gaze to his left, heaving a short sigh. "Because, (Y/n)..." Kain spoke in his usual deep tone-- almost too deep for comfort. The blonde moved his hands from his back to his stomach as he calmly walked down the very few stairs, only to stand in front of your figure and get down on one knee. Held in Kain's fairly large hands was a little velvet box.

Your (E/c) orbs widened to their fullest. No-- there was no way he was gonna...

"...when I found you..." The Dragoon opened the box with ease, revealing the most beautiful piece of jewelry you've ever seen. You clasped your hands over your mouth in shock as your eyes had weld up in tears of joy, making your vision a blurry mess.

"...I found the rest of my life."

The End


A/N: This story was inspired by the song up in the multi media square 👆

I hope this story brightens your day at least a little bit, MistyAngle! :D I hope we can chat a tad more in the future! ❤


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