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Hi ya!

Soooo I would like to post this two shot on Kaira. It's a cute pair which has caught my interest. So I wanted to try out one of my fics with this pair. Yeah, don't be surprised if you find a RagSan version of this. Hehe...

Not much familiar with the Kaira fics. Please suggest some good fics and authors on this pair if someone has. Thanks. 😁

Hope you like. 🌹

A fictional story based on my imaginations.  The song mentioned is real though. 😜

🌟 Naksh and Naira aren't related in this fic. 🌟

Moving on... 💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations.


Her Echo in his Heart

People started as they watched the strange woman shouting and mumbling to herself, waiting for the other person to receive her call on the phone.


"What do you mean hello?! Where are you?" she chided.

(Ehehe...sorry sorry. I was buying this teddy an-) 

"I can't believe you're late because of a stupid teddy bear!" she screamed into the phone.

(But I wanted to get it for you Keerthi.)

"I am not a child Naksh! I'm at the airport, waiting for you to pick me up since half an hour. And you? You're wasting your time picking teddy bears?!"

(Arre Keerthi dear, tr-)

"Shut it! Don't try to 'Keerthi dear' me. Just get here soon damn it! I'm waiting at the park near the airport." saying so, she cut the call and looked at the phone in anger. 'Why can't he be more responsible?! The teddy isn't more important now. Picking me from the airport should be his first priority. Ugh! Idiot!' she shook her head and looked around the crowded park.

There was movement all around with kids playing, people chatting and the sound of the passing vehicles. 'So much chaos!'

"I can't sit in this ruckus!" marching off, she walked away towards the park she saw at a distance. "Ah! Peace."

" 🎶 Little do you know I...need a little more time... 🎶 "

Keerthi gasped as she heard the melodious voice. She looked around trying to locate the singer.

From the corner of her eyes, Keerthi saw a girl sitting silently on a public bench below a tree at the distance. 'That part of the park looks so calm. No wonder she looks so peaceful.' Keerthi smiled to herself and walked towards the girl. "Hi!"

The girl looked up at her with a slow turn of her head.

As Keerthi looked at her face, she could not help but admire her beauty.

The girl's face was beautiful. Her skin was white and her eyes were a pretty shade of brown. Her face was without a pimple, a dream come true for any girl. 'She looks like a model. I wish I was this beautiful.' Keerthi mused.

She was broken out of her thoughts by the girl's voice.


"Hey. Um...do you mind if I sit near you?" Keerthi asked politely.

The girl smiled sweetly. "Of course not, Miss...?"

"Keerthi. My name is Keerthi Singh."

"I'm Naira." the girl responded with a smile. She looked over at the luggage Keerthi was carrying. "So? New in town?"

"Nah. I'm just here to attend the wedding of my boyfriend's big brother."

"Ah, I see."

"Yep. I wa-" Keerthi's phone buzzed, interrupting her. Her face scrunched up in anger as she saw it was Naksh calling. Keerthi cut the call and sat down near Naira with a huff.

Naira looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Sorry for being nosy, but is something wrong?"

Keerthi let out a tired sigh. "It's okay, you're not being nosy. And as for who it was, it was my idiotic, nitwitted boyfriend, Naksh!"

"Eh? What did he do?"

"Instead of hurrying over here to pick me up from the airport, he's busy buying teddy bears!"

Naira chuckled. "Well, maybe because he wants to make you happy."

Keerthi rolled her eyes. "Well yeah, I do like teddies. But this isn't the time for that. I mean, come on! Shouldn't he act more responsible?"

Naira smiled at her. "But he loves you, doesn't he? And in love, rationality rarely has any control over the heart."

"True. But it's not like I'll hate him if he doesn't bring me a gift. I'm not that spoilt."

"True Keerthi. But maybe he just wants to see your smile brighten a bit more when he gifts it to you. The smallest of things matter a lot."

Keerthi snorted. "Such little things won't be of any value once time passes."

Naira shook her head. "You're wrong. Once time passes, you'll realize how precious these little things, which seem of no value, are the most important things in love. Love blossoms from these little things."

Keerthi chuckled. "Naira, my father's rich. And I have tons of gifts and teddies in my room. Naksh is wasting his time with his tiny gift."

"Then you don't value him enough." Naira replied somewhat harshly. "Keerthi, he loves you. That is why he is doing this for you. He must have stopped at the gift shop hoping to please you. So what if he is a little late? Let it be. But look at what he's doing. Naksh knows he can't match the luxury your father gives you. Yet, he decided to buy you a small gift. What matters isn't the gift, but the sentiments behind it."

Keerthi looked at her quizzically. "You seem to speak from experience. Do you have someone that you like?"

Naira looked down with a nostalgic smile. "Like? No. But loved? Yes." she reached towards her hair and brought out a hairpin.

Only one word came to Keerthi's mind when she saw it.


It was simple, but nonetheless beautiful.

"Wow! It's so pretty!"

Naira nodded. "It is, isn't it? He said he bought it as it reminded him of me. He said it was as delicate and beautiful as me."

Keerthi giggled. "Oho! May I know who this Prince Charming of yours is Miss Naira?"

Naira smiled at her. "My Prince Charming is my Kittu. The best guy I have ever met in my life."

'Kittu? What kind of name is that?' Keerthi thought in confusion. 'Maybe it's a nickname. Whatever! What's it to me? I just want to know their story.' Keerthi put aside her luggage and gave Naira her full attention. "When did he gift it to you?"

"There wasn't any special occasion actually." Naira spoke while looking ahead, as if remembering past times. "Here's what happened..."


"Kittu? Why'd you pull me all of a sudden? Kittu, I'm aski-"

"Must you talk so much?"

Naira looked at him in indignation. "Hey! I don't talk that much. Why wou-"

"Beep!" he uttered as he poked her nose, making her shut her mouth in surprise. He smiled at her as she glared back.

Before she could retort, he placed something on her hair and turned her towards the mirror at the shop.

Naira looked at her hair and noticed the hairpin. Her eyes softened in wonder and admiration. "Wow...its...it's beautiful."

Kittu smiled at her and hugged her from the back. "Not more than you Naira. In fact, I think this pin feels honoured to be in your hair."

Naira blushed and hit him on the arm. "Such a flirt, aren't you?"

"He's not wrong Miss. Your man is right." the shopkeeper complimented her, while Naira smiled at the praise.

However, Kittu didn't look pleased.

"I'm there to compliment her. Why are you eying my girl?"

The shopkeeper raised his hands in surrender. "Wow there Mister! I was just complimenting her in general. It's not like I was flirting with her."

"Aha! So you want to flirt with her, huh!?" Kittu angrily brought out his wallet and took out some money. He slammed the money on the table in front of the shopkeeper and pointed a finger at him. "We're never coming here again. Pervert!" saying so, he pulled Naira away along with him away from the store. The shopkeeper sweatdropped as he watched him storm away with Naira, all the while looking back and glaring at him.

*flashback end*

Keerthi laughed out loud at the events narrated to her. "He sure is a possessive guy."

Naira giggled. "True."

"And a cute one too I bet." Keerthi teased.

Naira looked down at the hairpin. "You see Keerthi, no matter how insignificant a thing might seem, it leaves great memories behind. All the tiny things that seem irrelevant are the ones that you'll miss once they are no longer there." She looked at Keerthi pointedly. "Don't be angry at Naksh, Keerthi. His only crime is that he loves you too much. Don't hurt him for it. Don't wait to realize the value of his love when you don't have it anymore."

"I love him with my whole heart as well Naira. I may not show it much, but I do." Keerthi confessed genuinely.

"But you need to tell him how much you love him, assure him that he is the only one for you Keerthi. Don't miss the chance."

Keerthi looked at her with worry and concern. She could feel that Naira's words were laced with her own personal feelings. "Nai-"

"Sometimes you won't realize the true value of a moment until it only becomes a memory. Keerthi, don't be angry at Naksh. All the little things that annoy you so much, will be the ones that you will miss the most when he is gone." Naira's voice shook as she said the words.

Keerthi placed a hand on her shoulder. "Naira did...did something happen to Kittu? Did he...did he..." Keerthi couldn't continue. She could draw only one conclusion from the situation. Naira's words indicated that  Kittu was no longer alive. "I'm sorry Naira."

Naira let out a teary smile. "He's fine Keerthi, don't worry. Nothing has happened to him."

"That's a relief!" Keerthi replied with a grin. "Then why do you look so sad?"

"Its just that...its j-just..." tears tricked down Naira's soft skin. "He doesn't love me anymore. H-he thinks I...he thinks I betrayed him. That I only w-wanted his money and then...and then left him when I found another rich guy!" Naira cried out in anguish.

Keerthi gasped at her words. She may not have known Naira for long, but she could feel that Naira wasn't a person to do such a thing. She wouldn't betray her love. "But that isn't true, right? You would never do that to him or anyone!"

"B-but he doesn't b-believe me!" Naira stuttered out in between tears. "He believes the lies that he was told. And me? I...I didn't even g-get the chance t-to prove myself!"

Keerthi clenched her fists in anger. She couldn't believe Naira was treated with such injustice. "That is totally wrong! Whoever did that should be punished!" Keerthi held Naira's hands. "Naira, you can't give up like this. You must fight for your right!"

Naira shook her head and gave her a dry chuckle. "It's too late Keerthi. Far too late. Besides, there is no one who could help me. No one could help me now."

"That's not true. I want to help you."

Naira smiled at her. "You're a pure soul Keerthi. But I fear even you can't reunite me with Kittu. It's too late. Everything is out of hand now."

Keerthi shook her head. "Nothing is out of hand. I'll help you get him back, okay? Le-" Keerthi's phone beeped suddenly and a message popped up.

I'm really sorry Keerthi. Please forgive me. I promise I won't do it again. Please come and meet me. I'm waiting outside the park for you. - Naksh.

Naira saw it as well. She rubbed away her tears and placed a hand on Keerthi's shoulder. "Listen to my advice Keerthi. Go to him and tell him how much you love him."

"But Nai-"

"No Keerthi. No need to stay back for me. Like I said, you can't help me. Go to Naksh. Don't lose your love to save mine which is already lost to me."

Keerthi didn't have the heart to deny Naira's heartfelt request. However she refused to let Naira give up. "Okay Naira. I'll go and meet Naksh for now. But promise me. Promise me you'll meet me tomorrow at the same time here. We both will together go to your boyfriend and make him realize that you're innocent."


"Don't protest Naira. Please let me help you. Naira please!"

Naira looked at her determined face. It didn't seem like Keerthi would back off. Finally, she nodded. "Okay Keerthi. I'll wait for you here tomorrow at the same time."

Keerthi smile and got up from the bench. "See you tomorrow then Naira. Bye!"

Keerthi grabbed her luggage and left the place to meet Naksh.

Naira watched her go with a smile. "Keerthi, eh? I'm happy that you care so much for a stranger like me. But I doubt if you'll be able to help me." she got up with a sigh. "Nevertheless, I won't break my promise. I will meet you here tomorrow."

#Next day, afternoon#

"Are you sure she won't mind me intruding?"

"I'm sure Naksh. After all, you only want to help." Keerthi assured.

She had listened to Naira's advice and reconciled with Naksh the previous day. She also told Naksh of Naira's situation. Naksh readily agreed to help her reunite Naira with her Kittu.

Thus, they were now both at the park.

Keerthi walked inside the park and looked around for Naira. She saw Naira at the same place where she saw her the day before. "There she is!" Keerthi began running towards her new friend.

"Arre Keerthi wait for me!" Naksh shouted as he ran after her.

Naira looked up as she heard footsteps. She smiled at Keerthi. "So, you came."

"Yep! And I brought my boyfriend as well. He wants to help you. Is it all right if we share the things with him as well?" Keerthi asked. She could see Naksh head their direction. 'Oho! What a slow runner!'

"If you trust him, then I think I can trust him as well." Naira took out a diary. "Here is th-" she was interrupted by some voices. As they looked behind them, they saw a group of school kids heading their direction. "No! I hate loud voices! Leave me in peace! I want to be in peace!" Naira screamed and ran towards the trees, dropping the diary in the process.

Keerthi was shocked by the events and remained still. She never expected such a reaction from the calm Naira.

Suddenly, she broke out of her trance and ran after Naira. However, by the time she reached the trees, Naira was no longer there. It was as if she disappeared in thin air. 'Damn, she's a fast runner!' She noticed the dairy on the ground and picked it up.

"Hey! Why'd you have to run so fast!?" Naksh huffed out miserably as he approached Keerthi.

Keerthi glared at him and hit him with Naira's diary. "I was trying to catch Naira, when you interrupted me so rudely!" she shouted while hitting him again.

In the commotion, a picture fell out of the diary. Naksh noticed it and bent down to pick it up. His eyes widened on seeing the picture. "Karthik?"

Keerthi paused her motions on his words. The back of the picture was towards her and there was written the words 'My Kittu'.

Keerthi looked at him in confusion. "Naksh, it's not your brother Karthik. It's the guy called Kittu. The guy whom Naira loves."

"No way! This is Karthik bhai's picture and I know it! I know what I'm saying Keerthi!" Naksh flipped the picture and showed it to Keerthi. "Keerthi, isn't this the guy whom I introduced you as Karthik bhai yesterday?"

Keerthi looked carefully and gasped. She could only nod in bewilderment. "But...but your brother's marriage is tomorrow. And the person he is going to marry is not Naira. It's Vedika." Keerthi reasoned.

The gears in her mind slowly started working. Keerthi gasped as she was brought face to face with reality. "So that's why Naira said it was impossible now. Because Karthik, aka her Kittu, is all set to marry another tomorrow!"

Naksh nodded with a grim face. "I think you're right."

"Buy why didn't you know about this? I mean, your brother must have mentioned something about Naira to you at least once in sometime, didn't he?"

"Keerthi, you and I both know I have been staying in Pune for the last four years because of my research. I rarely come to visit my home. That's why I've missed most of the incidents in my family's lives!" Naksh pointed out.

Keerthi nodded in understanding. "Okay. Let's not talk about the past now. We need to reunite Naira with her Kittu. And I think this diary is the only way we'll be able to."

Naksh agreed and they both started reading the diary.


To be continued...

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