Chapter 2

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Singhania Mansion,
Naira was sitting in her room when Naksh entered.

"Wow! Naira, I'm so happy for you. Finally, you accepted the fact and you're getting married."
He said showing his excitement.

"Please, bhai. I'm not so happy with this. I'm just compromising."

"Then, I hope that your this compromise leds your life to a beautiful turn".
He said while cupping her face.
"Kartik is a nice boy. He's very generous and belongs to a respectable family."
He said and left the room.

"Generous? My foot!"
She said to herself.

Goenka Mansion,
Kartik and Shubham were sitting in Kartik's room.

"Bhai, are you serious? I mean you said yes."
Shubham asked Kartik surprisingly.

"Huff! How many times, Shubham?"
He said being engrossed in his phone.

"I mean, are you serious about this marriage? Till yesterday you weren't ready and now all of a sudden you said yes. I'm not getting it."

"Dumbo! I'm not serious about anything. It's just a deal of few months. Even that girl whatever her name is, she also don't want this marriage. Just a deal of few months and that's it. Else will be fine."

"What? Are you serious? Deal? It's not a joke!"

"I know it's not a joke but I can't help it. I don't want to live in India. I want complete freedom and I can only get if I'm married so that my very called family would be relaxed that I'm not doing any thing wrong"

"I got it. But Naira, what about her?"

"She's also the part of this plan. Even she wants this. She's not as innocent as she looks. Shes much more sharp."

"I have no idea what you're going to do. But don't do anything wrong, please!"


"And what if you fall in love with her?"

"What? Love? And that stupid girl! No, never!"

"Okay, fine! But I don't think she can do such things, that deal. She's innocent."
He said and went away.

"Innocent? My foot!"
He said to himself.


Next Morning,

Goenka Mansion,
Kartik and Shubham were playing video game in the living room when Suwarna interrupted them.

"Kartik, go and take Naira to shopping."
She said to Kartik.

"Who Naira?"
He said being busy in playing game.

She said a little angrily.

"Yes, mom? Oh, Naira? Yeah, Naira? Wait what? Shopping? And me? You don't remember, I went to shopping last weekend. There's no need."
He said realizing the situation.

"Bhai, she's not talking about you. She's talking about your would be wife"
He said making him realize.

"Kartik, are you sick or what? I'm saying to take Naira to shopping and you're behaving like you don't know anything"
She scolded him.

"Sorry, Mom. But shopping, I mean how can I. I don't even know her properly and you can take her to shopping. I mean ladies can do better"

"That's why I'm sending you so you can spend time with her. After 2 days you're going to marry her. It's important for both of you to know each other."

"But mom...

"Kartik, aren't you happy with this relation? I'm observing you since the time we came back from Singhania's, you always change the topic whenever it comes to Naira. It's your wedding and you aren't excited?"

"No, I'm excited. See I'm very happy and yeah I'll take her to shopping and also I've to shop for myself too."
He said faking a smile.

Shubham pressed his lips, trying best not to laugh. Kartik gave him a angry glare.

"That's very well then. Go hurry, do your shopping. From tomorrow, functions are going to start. You've only one day. I've informed to Singhania's too that you're coming."
She said to Kartik.

"Yeah, fine I'm going."
He unwillingly agreed.


Kartik went to Singhania mansion. He greeted Naksh and Naitik. They told him that Naira is in her room. He went to her room to call her.

He entered with a thud without knocking. She was eating snacks.

"What the hell? What are you doing here?"
She said surprisingly.

"I don't want to waste time. My mother has send me here to take you to shopping and before you think anything else I didn't wanted to see your face but my mother forced me and I had to agree as I've to behave like I'm happy which I'm not"

"Don't you have manners?"

"I said I don't want to waste my time"

"Fine, you go downstairs. I'll come in 5minutes"

"Hurry, please!"

"Would you go now?"

He rolled his eyes and left her room.

After sometime, she went downstairs. They both sat in the car and drove away.

In the car,

"Listen, I'm not interested in doing shopping with you or doing anything. I'll drop you at mall and you do your shopping. When you're done, I'll pick you up. I've some other work to cover up"

"You came here to take me to shopping hence you're paying for it, right? So why would I use my money on shopping? Give me your card then. I'll buy whatever I want to."

"Excuse me, how can I trust you? Who knows you spend all the money in my card. Do I look like a fool to you?"

"Then come with me or give me your card. Choice is yours!"

"Such a whiny witch you're!"

She rolled her eyes and they both went to shopping. They shop for themselves then Kartik drove Naira home back.

Do you guys want me to give you detailed Kaira wedding or sum up in the next chapter? As this story is about their married life but if you want the detailed weddig then I can add some more.


That's all for today. I hope you guys will enjoy reading this.

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