Chapter 7

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"Get up its morning now," Naira said as he was getting late for office but he didn't move.

"Hello get up now. You're getting late for your office," She almost yelled but no movement.

She looked at the jug placed near on the wooden table. She picked the jug and in the next 3 seconds she pour it on his face.

He jumped on his bed and looked at her with his that eyes which always has hatred in them.

"What the hell? What you just did? He asked angrily.

She just shrugged her shoulders and placed the jug on the table.

He get up and stood infront of her.

"What you just did? How dare you? He shouted.

"Listen carefully don't try to mess with me. I'm not going to tolerate all that. Get this," she said and turned.

She was about to go when he held her arm and pulled her towards him.

"I told you not to dare to talk to me like that." He said and his eyes were flaming.

"And I told you not to behave with me like this." She said and freed herself from him.

She turned to go but he was fast. He grabbed her arm and pinned her against the wall.

"Oh so you're give me warning." He said.

His face was so near her. She could smell him. His fragrance, his breath was getting on her nerve.

She composed herself.

"Move." She firmly said looking at him.

"You will regret this. Now you wait and watch." He said and moved away.

He went in washroom. She released her breath which she was holding. She calm herself and walked towards kitchen.

She prepared the breakfast and saw him coming. His first two buttons of shirt were open and she could see his long neck and a hint of his chest.

"Bad, bad, Naira!!" She mentally scolded herself.

Thankfully he didn't do anything and ate peacefully and left for office.

She was in her room at night and he barged in her room and held her wrist tightly.

"What the hell? Leave me." She yelled but he gave her his signature evil smirk.

"You know goody goody wife, you should sleep in my room. From now you'll sleep in my room." He said.

"No, I won't and now leave me." But his hold got tighten.

He jerked her towards him.

"If I say something, obey me or I can have make you listen to me in my way and trust me it will not be good for you," he said firmly.

She didn't argued she knew he's not going to listen her and if she really wants a peaceful sleep then she has to do what he wants.

He dragged her to his room and went to washroom.

She sighed in relief.

She went to bed and took one side. She was tired so drifted to sleep.

He came out of washroom and saw her angelic face who was sleeping peacefully.

All the things started roaming in his mind, how her presence ruined everything in his life and even his parents are against him. He never wanted to treat her like that but he didn't know that this marriage will lead to such consequences.

His sleep was gone. He started roaming the room in anger. He was again and again watching her face who was deep in slumber, having a peaceful sleep while here he was burning.

"I can't let her sleep like this. If I'm suffering then she also have to."

He took the jug of water and throw it on her face in anger.

"Ahhh." She yelled.

She looked at him shocked and stood infront of him.

"Are you insane or lost your mind?" She said and he took a step closer to her.

He woke her up in her half sleep. She was looking at him angrily but his anger was on its peak.

"I told you not to talk to me like this," he said and she started wiping water from her face angrily.

"Next time if you did this..I will..I will" she said and started looking here and there.

She picked the glass full of water and in next second she throw it on his face.

"I will not tolerate this, you get this Mr.Kartik." she said and that was enough for him.

He stepped towards her and hold her hairs in his fist and pulled her towards him harder.

"Ahh..leave me you're hurting me" she said and tried to free her hair from his fist but he hold her more tightly which bring tears out of her eyes. He felt his heart hurt as he saw her tears but didn't flow in the feelings he felt. He hardened his heart and leaned on her face.

Tears were streaming down on her cheeks.

"Don't you dare to talk to me like this again or you will regret on your words. And one more thing don't you dare to sleep on my bed again. You get that. Sleep wherever you want in this room but not on my bed. And don't you dare step out of this room and go to other room. Sleep here but not on my bed." He said and pushed her aside and went on his bed and covered himself with blanket. He closed his eyes because he wanted to hide himself from those eyes who were looking at him shocked.

He closed his eyes tightly but her eyes and tears were not leaving him alone. He turned and saw her sleeping on couch. He hit the bed with his hand. He was remembering what he did but his anger was not letting him to think about her but to hurt her. He got up and sat. He looked at her whose back was facing him. He could hear her sobbing. He went out in balcony but his heart was compelling him to see her. His mind was recalling him what he suffer is because of her.

His anger took over the softness he had for her and went to inside for sleep still reminding him the hatred he have for her.

Any demands from story?

That's all for today. I hope you guys enjoy reading this.

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