Chapter 9

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It's been a few days since I'm bearing his torture. It's Sunday today but not a funday as devil is home.

I just made lunch and took a hot shower, I was tried due to the all work. My whole body was paining.

After taking shower, I called him for lunch and thankfully he didn't argue and went to dining hall.

We did our lunch. I was planning to take rest now, have a little sleep as I was very much tried. My whole body was paining and my head was explodint, I'm sure I'm having fever.

I went to the room and fell on couch. I was half asleep when I head some sound I looked up and saw him standing near wardrobe throwing everything out.

Not again.

It was difficult for me to keep my eyes open. With difficulty I got up.

"What..what are you doing? I asked him holding my head.

"How dare you?" He roared and I took step back in fear.

He came forward and held me from my shoulders. I was already in pain and he was hurting me more. It was getting difficult for me to stand, I couldn't stop the tears flowing from her eyes.

"How dare you change the side of my clothes?" He yelled and I started sobbing due to the pain I was feeling physically and emotionally.

"Kartik, you're hurting me." I said, and I was really in pain, my whole body was paining.

"Set my wardrobe." He said and left me.

"I'll it later."

"No, do it now."

I wanted to scream, I wanted to shout at him but I took a sip of tolerance and started setting his wardrobe. I was feeling like I'll faint the next second but somehow I composed myself.

After setting his wardrobe, I decided to take some sleep or definitely I'll faint. I don't care if he's gonna throw water on me or throw me from the couch, I really need rest.

It was 7pm when I woke up and saw blanket on me.

"I didn't have blanket when I slept."

Putting my thoughts aside, I went to kitchen to prepare the dinner for the devil. Even I don't know how to cook and I swear I cook the worst but still he wants to eat the food made by me, he only wants to torture me.

I went to kitchen and saw the packets of food.

"OMG, it's pizza."

I looked around and saw the devil smirking.

"He ordered it."

And thank God he did, I was too weak to cook anything.

"Is he being nice to me."

He's a devil, he can never be nice to me.

Then, we ate our dinner in peace and my whole body was paining. I slept but it didn't help me.

"Coffee." He demanded and left the dinning room.

I literally wanted to cry, I was in so much pain. Can't he see this? Why he's hurting me so much?

My vision got blurry while making coffee but somehow I composed myself.

I was done making coffee, I went to our room but he wasn't there.

Then I heard something falling, the voice was coming continuously from study. I went to study and saw him standing between the piles of books. The whole book rack was fallen and the books were everywhere on ground.

"What the hell is this?" I asked loudly controlling my anger.

"Clean this." He said.

I wanted to slap him.

"What?" I asked not believing him.

"You heard me right. Clean all the mess." He said and turned to go but I held his wrist.

It was enough for me. I was done bearing his torture. I was giving him time to accept me. I wanted everything to get sorted. I didn't want this marriage to end.

"God damn, I started liking him."

Even he tortured me, but still I fell for him.

But this was enough for me.

I turned him towards me. I couldn't stop my tears.

"What you think I am, huh? I'm your maid or some puppet? Why are you doing all this? What is my fault? If you hate me this much then why I am here, just finish it all. Just tell me what is my fault? You being a boy couldn't do anything then how can you expect from me? Why are you torturing me like this? I'm not at fault. I don't know what happened to you that you suddenly started behaving like this. You think I made your life hell, how? You're free to do whatever you want. We made it very clear that we won't share any relation like husband wife, then why are you torturing me like this? I'm a human too, it hurts me too." I said all the things I kept hidden in me. I didn't realized that I was crying in hiccups.

"You're done?" He asked crossing his arms across his chest.

What type of person he is? He isn't even guilty.

"Since the day I came, you started your torture. I thought you'll realize but no I was wrong. You don't care about anyone but just your happiness. You don't care about anyone's feeling or emotions. You did so wrong with me but still I fell.." I suddenly stopped realizing what was I saying. He opened his mouth to say but I stopped him.

"Don't you dare say anything or do anything onwards. I've had enough of your torture I can't bear it anymore. I'm not doing any of your work. You get this? If don't then go to hell, actually you should go to hell. You deserve to be there. You know what you're a jerk, a big jerk. You're an stupid moron, yeah a moron and a devil too. You're an idiot, duffer, dumb.." I was mumbling when out of nowhere he hugged me.

That devil hugged me.

"I missed you."

First of all thankyou so much for all the love and support. Trust me it means alot I'm blessed to have you guys and you make me so happy with all your appreciation, it motivates me to do more and I hope you guys are satisfied with my work♥

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