Kaira Os: In love with a Genie

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It starts with a blissful morning in Kashmir.....

A group of boys are getting ready in a resort room.

Rohan- Guys....Did Kartik wake up?

Rishi- No, bro. I tried a lot to wake him up.

Gaurav- We r getting late. Let's do one thing.

Naksh- What??

Gaurav- Let us go. I'll leave Kartik a note. When he wakes up, he'll join us there.

Rahul- That's a great idea, bro.

Rishi- Let's go then

All of them went out.
After sometime Kartik woke up and saw that their rooms were empty. He went to the washroom and saw a note wrapped around his toothbrush

It says: Kartik, we are getting late. That's why we are leaving. When u wake up, please reach the place where we were supposed to go today.

Kartik brushes his teeth and takes a bath.
After getting ready in winter clothes, he leaves the resort room and starts heading towards the place.

On the way, he sees a beautiful spot in the snow. He goes there to spend some alone time.

He starts playing with the snow. He makes a snowman. He was searching for something to put as a nose on it.

While searching, his foot Tripped suddenly and he fell down.

Kartik- (in mind) what's there??

Kartik's POV

I started removing snow from the place where my foot tripped. Suddenly my eyes caught something shiny.

It looks like a bottle type thing. It's really beautiful. I took it out of the snow.

As soon as I opened it to see what it has inside it, smoke started coming out from it. The smoke increased. I closed my eyes due to a lot of smoke.

When I opened my eyes, the smoke slowly turned into a girl. I became shocked and scared.

I tried to run away. But the girl came in front of me.

Girl- (with a big and sweet smile) Hi, I'm Naira

For the first time , I looked directly into her eyes. They resembled Innocence and sweetness. I got mesmerised seeing her. But I was still scared of her.

Me- Wh....who....who.....are...you????

Girl- I know that you won't believe me. But I must say that I'm a genie(with a smile)

Kartik's POV ends

Kartik - Whatttt!!! (Screamed in fear)

Naira- I knew that you wouldn't believe (upset)

Kartik- That's not the matter. But first promise me that you won't do any harm to me! (Scared)

Naira- I'm not like that. I'm a good genie(with a small pout)

Kartik pulled her cheeks and said- Awww......You are so cute!!

Naira blushed at his comment.

Kartik - Btw....Why were you inside that bottle??

Naira: Hey....You can't call it a bottle! Its name is pompom(pout)

Kartik starts laughing.

Kartik- pompom??!😂😂😂😂

Naira feels upset seeing him laughing at her. He feels it and stops laughing.

Kartik- It has a sweet name just like you. (Smile)

Naira smiles back at him.

Kartik- So, when are you going to tell me your story?

Naira - I'm a little bit tired now. Can I tell you when we reach home?? (Yawning)

Kartik- Ok....hey....wait wait....home....which home?!

Naira- Your home?? (Excited)

Kartik- Whattt?? Why will you come to my home.

Naira - I don't have another place to stay right now. Please take me with u?

Kartik- Sorry, that's not possible. It was nice meeting you.

He started leaving.

Naira became upset and tensed. She suddenly got an idea. She became small with her magic, made her pompom smaller and got into Kartik's pocket.

Next Day

Kartik went back to his home in Delhi. He was really tired . He decided to take shower first.

Naira went out of his pocket and took out her pompom too . But he didn't notice anything as she was in a tiny avatar.

He went to his room to take a shower.


Naira again became big and started roaming around his house .

She was surprised to see modern furnitures in his house. In their genieland, things were not so modern.

But his house was messy. She was feeling hungry too.
She saw that there was nothing to eat in the kitchen. She thought something.

On the other hand, Kartik was taking Shower.
Kartik's POV

I'm feeling so tired. I can't clean up the mess now. I will do it tomorrow. I want to eat home made food. Missing mom so much😰 I'm too tired too make something now. I will order something from restaurant.

Kartik's POV ends

After taking shower, he went downstairs only to be surprised by the clean house.

All of his things were arranged perfectly and there was no mess.

Kartik-( in mind) How's that possible??!

He goes to the kitchen and sees his dining table filled with his favourite home made foods.

He became surprised.

Kartik- Oh my God! Who did this?!

Suddenly Naira appears in front him with her magic.

Naira- I did this.( smile)

Kartik- (shocked) Naira?? You here ?!

Naira- Sorry....though u forbade me to come with you I followed you using my magic....But I really need help. Can you please let me stay here for today?? I will try to manage from tomorrow(upset)

She seemed scared thinking that what she will do if he rejects her to stay there for a day.

Kartik became upset seeing her upset. He made her sad. He felt guilty.

Kartik(happily)- Naira, you can stay here !

Naira became extremely happy and hugged him tightly.

Naira - thank you!! Thanyou so much!!!!

Kartik smiled hugging her back. He felt peace in her embrace.

Naira- (breaking the hug) Kartik, u must be hungry. Look, I have made your favourite homemade dishes. Will you eat??? (With hopes)

Kartik- (excited) They look sooo tasty. I'm definitely gonna eat them. But how did you know that they are my favourite?

Naira- Actually o can read mind with my magic. So, when you were taking a shower, I read your mind. U were thinking about these foods. So, I made them for you(smile).

Kartik- (in fear) Whatttt!!!! You saw me taking a shower??!!! 😱😱

Naira -(blushing + laughing) No....no....Why will I see you taking a shower?!🙈🙈

Kartik- But you know magic right? You can do anything! ( scared)

Naira - Actually....our magic doesn't work in anyone's deep personal matters until the person allows us himself.

Kartik- (with relief) Thank God! I got saved....

Naira- Come....let's eat.....The food will become cold.

Kartik- When u r here, not to fear! If the food gets cold, you can make it hot with your magic!

Naira- Wahh!! You have started understanding me .

Kartik gave a self-praising look.
Naira smiled at him.

They finished their food together.

It's afternoon

As Kartik was very sleepy , he went to his room to sleep. Naira cleaned all the dishes with her magic and went to the living room.

She brought a ball with her magic which can play with her  as it is a magical ball. While playing, the ball suddenly hit the remote of the music box and song started playing.

Naira got scared and started shouting- Ghost!!😱😱😱😱

Kartik woke up because of her screaming and went to the living room to find her protecting herself from something by holding a pillow in front of her face.

Kartik- (concerned)What happened, Naira??
Naira rushed towards Kartik and hugged him tightly.

Kartik hugged her back and ask what the master was.

Naira- Kartik.....Look.....that black box suddenly started singing!!!😱😱😨😨😰😰😰

Kartik saw the music player and started laughing.😂😂😂😂

Naira- Kartik, why are u laughing? (Still scared)

Kartik-Naira, it's a music player!😂😂😂😂different songs are set in it.

Naira- Really?!

Kartik- yeah!

Naira- (excited) it's like our magic tree in genieland!!!

Kartik- What's that??

Naira-  Genies have personal gardens. There we  plant a magic tree. Whenever we want to hear song we sit on the garden bench and the tree sings song by moving its leaves.

Kartik(excited)-Woww....that's so Amazing! But we don't have that kind of tree. If you want to hear song, you can use the music player😃

Naira-(smile) ok

Kartik- (switching off the player) Now.....tell me ur story!

Naira :It's a long story. You'll get bored. Do you wanna hear??

Kartik- (excited) of course!

Naira - Ok then listen.
Many years ago,
When I was in genie land, there was a powerful bad genie in our genie land. He used to kidnap good genies and make them work for him. His name is Aditya. One day, he kidnapped me and I had to work for him forcefully. (A long story of being prisoned).......Then one day I got a chance and tried to freeze him with my magic for running away. But he caught me and locked me in my pompom and for giving me punishment he took me to human world and buried the pompom in the ice and said that if a human opens it, I will be freed.

I have waited for ages and then you saved me.

When you saved me I requested you to take me with u. Because I am scared(sobbing) I'm scared because I think that if he gets to know about my freedom, he might lock me again and give me more dangerous punishment😭😭😭😭

I'm so sorry Kartik......because of me you are having problem. But you don't take tension. I will go away from here. I will try to manage somehow.

I won't create more problems in your life😭😭

Kartik started crying. He felt very guilty.

Naira- Kartik......Why are you crying? Look....please don't cry....you are troubled because of me, right?? I'm so sorry.....I will go away right now...But you don't cry. I can't see you cry(she started getting up to go)

Kartik held her hand and pulled her towards him. She landed really close to him on the couch.

He held her both hands and said- Please don't go Naira....Please don't leave me. I'm really sorry for refusing to take you my home. And you said something wrong. You said that you are troubling me.

You are not troubling me, Naira! Instead, from when you have come, this home feels like home. You have removed my emptiness. I have just realised that man can't live alone .

Please don't go Naira.

Naira also started crying.

Kartik wiped her tears and said-
Promise me that you won't go?

Naira-(happily) Promise!

Some days passed......
Naira was getting habituated with the modern stuff. And Kartik was getting habituated to Naira😍😍

Though she could do his works  using her magic, he didn't let her do it. Because he didn't want to trouble her. He loved doing his own works.

On a Sunday morning,

Kartik woke up and came to the living room and saw Naira reading something and getting happy.

Kartik- Naira, what are you doing?

Naira- Kartik, actually I'm reading genie news from geniepaper.

Kartik- What's written there?

Naira-  it says that Genie Aditya is no more as he misused his genie powers. So he was punished to death by the genielords. Now, genie land is in peace!

Kartik- Wow....that's a great news!

Naira - Yeah, Kartik. Now no more danger for me. I can easily go back  to my home

Kartik(upset) - What??!!! Naira, you are going back?!

Naira(upset) - Yes, Kartik. I'm going back. I stayed here for such a long time. Thank you for letting me stay at your home. I will really miss you.

Kartik- Naira, do you really want to go? (Upset and looking away for Hiding his tears)

Naira started thinking......She has spent so much time in the human world......She made so much memories with Kartik.....She got used to human living.....

If she goes back to her home, then She will miss every thing here. Most importantly, she will miss Kartik. She can't live without him.

She will miss the way he cares for her. She finally took a decision.

Kartik- What have you decided, Naira?

Naira- I'm going Kartik(sad smile)

Kartik- Bye Naira.....Your Kartik will miss you more than you think(sad smile)

He wanted to tell her not to go. He wanted to held her hand and cage her in his arms. He wanted to tell her so many things.....But he couldn't......He knew that how much she loves her home....

She always talks about her home....her genieland.....She wanted to go her home so badly......She missed her home so much.....

How could he stop her from going? So he let her go.....

It's been some days after Naira's leaving....Kartik doesn't like anything.....He just remembers Naira all the time. He misses her more than anything else.

Naira forgot to take her pompom with her. Kartik used to take the pompom in his hand and talk to it whenever he missed her badly.

He took the pompom to his room. He used to sleep with the pompom while clutching it softly with his hand.

He used to sleep with the pompom imagining that His Naira is sleeping beside him.

On the other hand,

Naksh- Hey....guys.....Do you all know what happened to Kartik??

Aashi- He seems upset all the time. Just comes to office , works and then goes directly to home

Kirti- That's so strange guys!

Rohan - I have asked him several time. But he doesn't say anything.

Gaurav- His Birthday is coming. Maybe we should plan something for him.

All- You are right, Gaurav!

After some days,

Kartik's Birthday knocks on the door.

Kartik forgot his own birthday because of his sorrow. He was trying to sleep while holding the pompom close to his chest.

Suddenly he heard some noise.

He went to the living room to see what it was. He turned on the lights and saw That his living room was fully decorated and a board saying: Happy Birthday, Kartik

He remembered that it's his birthday. But he wondered who did it. Suddenly Naksh, Aashi, Gaurav , Kirti , Rishi and Rohan came out and started singing Birthday song for him.

He smiled seeing his friends caring for him.

Kartik- Thank you so much guys for all these surprises....

All- Let's cut the cake!!

Kirti- Where's the cake guys??

Rohan- Naksh, did you forget to bring it??!

Naksh- Actually I didn't forget but I didn't bring it also

All the friends- Whatttttt!!!!

Naksh- chill guys. One sec.
Naksh snapped his fingers and said 1, 2, 3 and suddenly a cake appeared on the table.

Everyone became scared like hell😱😱

Naksh- Hey....guys I didn't do the magic. Someone else did. (Calling the person)Please come outside

Kartik's heart started beating faster. He saw that suddenly a smoke created in front of him and Naira came out.

Kartik cried in happiness seeing her. He hugged her tightly. She also started crying because she's seeing him after such a long time.

Meanwhile Naksh was giving the friends a thumbs up for their acting.

Kartik- Naira, you are back!(smiling)

Naira - Yes, Kartik. I will never go back again. (Smiles back)

Kartik hugged her more tightly. He thanked his friends too. They cut the cake. Then Naira sent them to their homes safely by her magic.

Naira- Kartik....where's my pompom??! (Looking for it every where in the living room.)

Kartik(stammering) Actually....actually....Ummm....it's in my room...

Naira- (happy inside) But it was here right?

Kartik- Naira, I was missing you so much. I couldn't sleep while missing you. That's why I took ur pompom with me. It helps me to sleep.

Naira became upset hearing Kartik's condition because of her.

Naira- Ohhh.....Kartik let's do one thing. You lay down on your bed. I will   Sing a sleeping song for you and make you sleep , okay?

Kartik - (happy ) Ok.

Kartik went to his room along with Naira. Naira smiled seeing her pompom in his bed.

Kartik lay on his bed and Naira was caressing his hairs and singing a song to make his fall asleep.

When he was half asleep, Naira got up to go. But Kartik held her hand and said- Naira, I want to say something.....I know that it will look awkward but still I want to ask. From the past few days, I'm sleeping with pompom missing you badly.

Now when you have came back, I can't stay a minute without you, Naira. I want to ask you something. Will you sleep beside me??

Naira's cheeks flushed red. She could feel them getting hot. She became happy too. As she also missed Kartik and couldn't spend a single moment without him.

Naira slowly lay down on the bed beside him.

He hugged her tightly as if he doesn't wanna let her go even a little bit away from him. They slept peacefully after a long gap of time.

Next Day

Kartik woke up to see a cup of tea flying in the air as if waiting for him to wake up. It came towards him. He took a sip of it and started praising Naira in mind.

He got up from the bed and Went downstairs to find The dining table filled with breakfast and Naira waiting for him.

He wished her good morning. She wished him back .

They had their breakfast.

Kartik- Naira....I'm not going to office today....I'm gonna spend the whole day with you😍

Naira- (splitting out the orange juice) Whattt!! No, you are going right now!!

Kartik(shocked) - Why??

Naira- Kartik , you have important work. We can spend time when you come back.

Kartik- No. I'm not feeling like...umm.....not feeling right getting ready right now!

Naira does her magic and suddenly his night outfit turns into office suit.
Naira- Now, go!
Kartik- No
Naira- please, Kartik.😃
Kartik- 😞Ok
Naira- That's like a good boy!

Kartik goes to office and Naira does something in his house.

When Kartik comes back, he rings the calling bell. But Naira doesn't open. He gets tensed and unlocks the door with his keys.

When he opens the door, he sees a beautiful garden . It doesn't look like his home.

He steps inside. It looks like another world to him. Birds are chirping. Musics are coming from a beautiful tree. Every looks so dreamy.

Rose petals started falling on him from the sky.

He sees a beautiful lake. He bends down and touches the water of the lake. As soon as he touched the water, a fountain started building up in the water.....Suddenly Naira appeared there.

She started coming towards him walking in the water.....Like a magic

She comes to him and takes his hand

Naira- Kartik....This is the place where I was born.....This is the place where I grew up....This is the place where I spent my childhood....Now I want it to be the place where I will propose my love❤️

Kartik became surprised hearing her words.

Naira- Kartik, I love you❤️

Kartik couldn't believe what he heard.

Kartik- Naira, are you real??! Don't tell me that this is a dream!

Naira- Kartik, It's not a dream. Now tell me what you feel for me!

Kartik- Naira, I love you!! I love u more than you can think. I love you so much!!!!

They hugged each other tightly. Naira did magic and took him with her . He could walk on the water too. They danced on the water❤️

Kaira went back to human world. They dated each other. They got married in Human and genieland both traditions.
They lived a magical love life.

Every seemed like a magic. Everything was actually magical. But to Kaira, The real magic is their love❤️

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