the outing

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episode starts

the next day

Naira room

Naira : good morning Kartik

She kisses his photo

Naira is very excited today

Naira gets ready and goes down

Naira : good morning everyone

Akshara & Naitik : good morning Naira , Naira ur looking very happy . Anything special

Naira : mumma , papa . Today I'm going out with bhai and bhabhi yaay we r going to enjoy a lot I'm very happy

Akshara : enjoy beta

Naitik : enjoy princess

Akshara : when are u guys going out

Naira : maa at 12:00 we will enjoy till evening and come home at 6:30

Akshara : okay beta , come lets have break fast

They all sit to eat

All are very happy , laughing and eating

Goenka villa

Swarna , manish and suhasini are sitting on dining table having their breakfast

Suhasini : swarna , manish I was thinking to call Naira home . She impressed me and won by heart when I met her . She is so sweet , kind girl .

Swarna : haa maa ji . I love Naira , she is so kind and sweet . She being in the house is so good

Manish : haa maa , she is the best . She is perfect

Suhasini : so we will call her tomorrow and invite her for lunch . Tomorrow u and kartik take leave and haa don't inform to kartik , I want to see his expression ,

Swarna and Manish : okay maa ji, maa

Just then Kartik comes down stairs

Kartik : Dadi , maa and Papa I'm going out to meet some one special and haa after that keerti wants me to join her with Naksh . I will come home by evening

Suhasini : ok kittu

Kartik leaves

Kartik reaches rhea place

Rhea comes out of her house and she sits in Kartik car

Kartik : hello rhea ur looking good

Rhea : thank u BFF ur looking handsome

Kartik : let's go

Rhea : ok

They reach the cafe order food

They r eating food

Kartik : rhea how is everything all good

Rhea : haa Kartik everything is good , my career and everything

Kartik : ok

Rhea : thank u Kartik for being friend of this Orphan u and ur family helped me in studies

Kartik : don't say ur orphan again , I'm there for u always

Rhea : my parents left me Kartik . They died in an accident. I miss them

She starts crying

Kartik consoles her

Kartik : rhea I forgot to tell .

He says about singhania family

Rhea : kartik u said already that keerti di is married to Naksh and they r good family .

Just then Kartik phone rings . It's Naira call

He gets irritated

Naira : hi Kartik

Kartik : hi Naira

Naira : kartik what are u doing

Kartik : Naira I'm busy right now I will call u later

Naira : but Kartik

He cuts the call

Rhea : kartik ur not busy , by the way who is Naira

Kartik : she is Naksh sister . Naira sighania . She is good . She asked me for friendship I agreed but she is very irritating . She calls me very day . I get angry on her frequent calls . Omg Uf u meet her u will also feel omg . But my family loves her .

Rhea : kartik , why do u find every girl irritating Expect me

Kartik : because ur my best friend and very special to me

They talk for a while

Just then Rhea phone rings

She talks and smiles

Rhea : BFF u will get happy listening

Kartik : what happened rhea

Rhea : today I don't have work, I can spend time with u

Kartik phone rings

Kartik : haa keerti tell

Keerti : u forgot we will go out

Kartik : yaa I remembered I will come

Keerti : okay

The call ends

Kartik : rhea u also join . Only 4 of us we will enjoy . I will not tell them that u r coming . We will give suprise

Rhea : okay as u say

Other side

Keesh and Naira reach the cafe

Naira : bhai , bhabhi I'm happy . Kartik is coming

Keesh : Naira we r happy to see u this much happy

Naira : bhabhi I will go now and come u guys give me ring when kartik comes . Promise

Keesh : promise

Naira goes

Kartik and rhea reach the cafe

They go towards Keesh

Keesh gets schocked

Kartik : rhea see I said no they will be shocked and suprise seeing u

Rhea : yaa I can see

Keesh : kartik u should have informed no

Kartik : why r u Gus worrying don't worry

Keesh : sit down guys

As per promise Keerti gives rings to Naira

Naira comes

Naira stands behind Kartik

Naira shouts : suprise

Kartik turns and gets shocked

Kartik : Naira what are u doing here

Naira : kartik it's my plan I thought we should enjoy . So I asked bhabhi and bhai to not tell ur coming

Naira stands in front of them

She gets shocked seeing rhea

Naira : who is she

Kartik : Naira meet my best friend rhea

Rhea meet Naira

Kartik: u know Naira rhea is very special for me . She is so good . She is my BFF

Naira : oh I don't knew

Naira sits beside Keesh

Keesh and rhea share a good bond while talking

Seeing Kartik and rhea together , Naira get sad

Naira feels left out slowly

So she makes a excuse

Naira : bhai I will be right back

Naksh : okay Naira

Naira goes

Naira goes into wash room and starts crying

Naira gets normal after some time

She returns

Keesh : Naira what is next , u said u planned everything .

Naira : yes , We will go for movie

Keesh : okay

Keesh sit beside each other , rhea and kartik sit with each other , Naira sits right side of Keerti

Naira sees kartik so happy with rhea .

Naira (in mind ) : kartik is not that much happy with me . When I call also he says he is busy . He dosent talk to me much . I will sad seeing this but she is his best friend no . Leave it

After they say movie

Naira tells them the next plan

They eat in food court

They r ready to go to water park

Naira : guys u enjoy . I got some work,I should leave

Keesh : but Naira u can do later

Kartik : let her go it may be important

Naira looks with Teary eyes

She leaves

She goes to Anika house and she rings the bell

Anika opens the door

They go inside the house.

They go to Anika room

When Anika closes the door

Naira hugs her and starts crying

Anika asks her what happened

Naira says how Kartik always ignore her and how is she happy with rhea

Anika consoles Naira

She explains Naira that Kartik knows her before and she became his best friend

Naira should also try and impress him and get close to him

Naira gets normal

Anika and Naira talk about many things

They decide to watch movie

They see student of the year

They see the time

It's 8:00

Naira says she wil leave and had a great time with her

Naira is on the way to house

Naira sees kartik and rhea in trouble

Goons are atacking Kartik and kartik is busy fighting them and they trying to take rhea away

suddenly a goon heats kartik head from back and kartik is about to fall down

When some one catches him

The person is revealed to be Naira

Naira makes kartik sit down

She starts fighting the goons

Naira frees rhea from the goons and says to go

Rhea refuses

Finally goons gets beaten up and Naira calls the police

Police takes the goons away

Naira takes both to hospital

They do dressing for kartik and rhea

Naira is driving kartik and rhea are sitting back

Naira : how r u guys feeling

Kartik & rhea : good , thank u Naira

Naira stops the car and tells them to get down

they get down

naira stands in front of them

she goes to rhea and hugs her

naira : rhea will u be my friend

rhea : of course naira

naira: rhea today will u come to my house . i want to know u. mumma and papa will be haapy . sorry i forgot to ask ur parents call them i will talk to them .

rhea gets sad

rhea : naira , i am orphan . my parents died in car accident

kartik hugs and console her

kartik: naira what have u done . see bcoz of u she is crying

rhea: kartik stop . why r u talking like this.

kartik : rhea she does not know . what pain is . she is princess of the house no what she wants she gets

naira gets hurt

naira claps

naira : stop mr kartik goenka . u dont know anything . i know what is pain . u dont know . i also have sad past. i have bitter memories , one my famiy knows and more bad i didnt say to any one

kartik and rhea gets shocked

they request naira to tell

precap: naira reveals . naira, kartik and rhea frienship starts.

how is the chapter guys

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