Chapter Six

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November 1st, 1993 (5:57 AM)

"Prepare to die!" Max yelled, causing the sisters to halt, and their beady eyes to land on him. Violetta screamed, dislocating her wrist as she pulled it from the rope. It had definitely been tied by magic, seeing as the witches had never learned how to do anything by hand a day in their lives. ". . . Again."

"You!" Winifred screeched, "You have no powers here, you fool!"

Jay smiled, "Hollywood!"

"Maybe not!" Max yelled, "But there's a power greater than your magic, and that's knowledge! And there's one thing that I know that you don't!"

Winifred huffed, standing up straight and looking at the boy with a fed up expression. "And what is that, dude?"

"Daylight savings time."

The witches had begun to mock him, before a light shone through the window. They panicked, leaving Dani unattended; Max ran to his sister, untying her, as Violetta released herself from the rope. She grabbed the bag that held Thackery, rushing towards the door behind Dani and Max. They ran from the cottage, but not before Max kicked the cauldron and spilled the potion to the floor.

They leapt into the Dennison's car, Violetta opening the bag and releasing Thackery. "Thank you," he said. "Are you alright? Your wrist. . . it's dislocated."

"I'll be fine once we save the kids of Salem." She said, turning to Max, "They have the book, but they don't have the time to make more potion. The candle is almost out. We need to keep them busy until the sun comes up, or-"

"It's back to the 1600's." Thackery finished, jumping onto the center console. "We cannot let that happen."

Seconds later, Winifred Sanderson was flying next to the car on her broom. "Pull over!" She demanded. "Lemme see your drivers permit." She laughed at her own joke, before grabbing Max by the throat. The steering wheel swiveled with his arms as she shook him, almost leading them off the road. They managed to shake her off of him, but she came back quickly and made another terrible joke. "Resisting arrest?" She asked, before Violetta threw a shoe at her and caused her to fall into a roadside bush.

They pulled up to Old Burial Hill, where Emily had been buried, and rushed inside. Violetta painfully relocated her wrist as she ran, releasing a hiss of pain as they ceased running. Billy had risen once more, and Max held a knife up to him. The dead man grabbed it, cutting his stitches open, and turning to Violetta.

"Letta, are you alright? Thy mother, she didn't harm thee, did she?"

"She did, Father, but I'm okay. We've got to get to the others, before-"

"Before what, my dear child?" Winifred asked from the other side of the gate, "Billy! Kill them if you must, but bring me the little girl."

"Wench! Trollop! You bucktoothed, mop-riding, firefly from hell! How dare you hurt our daughter!"

They ran to the others, where Dani and Allison were holding fallen branches as weapons against the dead man. They rushed toward him, only to be stopped by Violetta and Max. "Stop! He's on our side." The ginger exclaimed, turning toward the cat, "Thackery, what's next?"

"Thackery Binx?" Billy questioned, approaching the cat, "You always were a fighter. I'd always hoped you two would end up together-"

"Father! Not the time!"

Dani approached him with a smile, greeting the zombie as her friends began to make a salt circle. Violetta cleared her throat, gaining the attention of her friends. "I have one thing to do, before we end this."

"What's that?"

She turned to Thackery, "Do you want to remain a cat?"

"No, but I kind of don't have a choice."

"Yes, you do." She smiled, "I made this spell when I was in Los Angeles; it won't take away your immortality, but it will take away your fur. . . and tail."

"What? Violetta, how-"

"Hope, you had, pain you received, too long you have grieved, from this form, you are freed."

A gust of wind blew through the group, and Thackery's cat form had begun to levitate. Golden sparkles and rays had circled his body, and within seconds, he was standing on two feet. His golden hair was messy, and he was sporting the same clothes he'd worn on the fateful day that he'd been transformed. His oceanic eyes twinkled with awe, and his eyes found Violetta's through the glow.

When the magic had grown transparent, their friends stared at him in awe. Allison nudged her friend's shoulder, "He was right, he is hot."

"Hey!" Max exclaimed, a smile on his lips. He turned toward Thackery, bro-hugging him as Billy helped Dani into his grave; Allison had already done the salt circle.

"I'm proud of the witch you have become, Violetta." Billy smiled, hugging his daughter. He reeked of death, but she hadn't minded.

Thackery smiled brightly, his teeth as white as pearls. He stumbled slightly as he walked towards the girl; within seconds, they enveloped each other into a bone-crushing hug. Thackery spun her in the air, the duo laughing with glee as they enjoyed the only moment of peace they'd received that night.

The blond placed Violetta's feet on the ground, and they separated from their hug.

"I fell in love, too, Thackery." She smiled, before the wicked laughter of her mother reached their ears. She tensed, her head snapping in the witches' direction. Thackery protectively put his arm in front of the girl, guarding her from her cruel mother. "Billy, grab Dani! Max, Allison, spread out!"

Winifred lowered herself, hovering over the ground in front of her daughter and Thackery. "Strong you have grown, indeed, child. Gifting the boy with his body once more. . . but thy friends will fall, and their blood shall be on thy hands."

The witch flew off in Max's direction, Thackery and Violetta running to Dani and Allison. The blonde threw salt at Sarah, who had screamed and flipped on her broom as a result. The ginger motioned toward the sky, "The sun's almost up, we have to hold on for just a little longer."

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