chapter -11

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Hello everyone...sorry for being I was busy with my studies that's without delay let's move on to story...

Pragya get teary eyed by seeing the way he is loving her..abhi wipes down her tears..
Ab;from nowonwards I didn't want to see this tears on your eyes..i always want you as smiling showering love to everyone except  chiku..
Pragya starts to laugh loud..
Ab;hey chashmoo why are you laughing this much as I told a great joke..
Pr;then what to rockstar getting jealous for a small boy..
Ab; don't knew in what manner chiku look at you..and consider YOU.. and I don't like to see anyone looking at you in that way..
Pr:arey abhi..he is kid na..
Ab;he is not a kid..he is  my enemy...
Pr;k..lets leave this topic...
Ab; k let's have some fun..
Pr;fun means.. at that time abhi removes his jacket and come towards her..pragya get desperat
Pr:abhi what are you doing ?
Ab;just come with me..abhi holds her hand  and move towards a car and opens his dicky.

Its full of gift for her...pragya look surprised...
Pr:is this all for me..
abhi nods..pragya opens each first cover it was a box..she slowly opens it...
It was an anklet..pragya look at him..abhi takes that from her hand..and kneels down..make her wear this on her legs..
Ab;fuggi..this anklet is just like you.. because of that I present to you..
Pr;like me..
Ab;always bak..bak..
Ab;pragya do you knew the meaning of that sound...
Ab;it will tell you how much I loves you...
Pragya smiles..
Ab:then go to next..
Pragya opened the other that it was a rockstar doll...abhi take that from her hands and place close to his face..
Ab;look this is just like me right..when you feel bored or miss  me just think it as Iam and talk with reach near me..
Ab;Don ko pakadana muskhil hein fuggi..its like that...
Pragya smiles..she opens next was a red saree..
Ab;when you are leaving with me must wear this..
Pr:why ?
Ab;this is her present..
Ab;my sis..who loves me lot..who always imagine how her bhabhi must look like ..during that time there was tears in his eyes..pragya  don't knew why so..but she knew that he misses his sister alot..till now she is unaware of this fact..she want to ask about it..but don't want to make him upset ..
Pr;k ..i Will let's opens the other
Ab;k it ...its a special thing..
Ab;just open it na fuggi..they you can knew n.a...
Pragya smiles..she slowly opens it was 2 rings..
Pr;2 rings...both for me..
Ab;arrey bhudhu..both look same n.a... then i will gave both to you..
Pr;chances are there n.a... you have same pattern dress more than one right..
Ab; knew about me that much..
Pr:if anyone is interested or care about someone they will try to found about them..
Ab;you are telling that Iam very bad in knowing about you..
Pr;did I say so..
Ab;you said it indirectly..
Pr;so can understand without telling directly..
Abhi come close to her..he place his hands on her waist and pulls her closer to him..
Now there is no gap between both of their faces..
Ab;I can only knew ...if they are too closer to my heart...and it was right I don't knew many things about you..because you are not allowing me to come close to you just like now..actually pragya has placed a hand between them so that abhi will keep a distance from her..
Both look at each other  (sanam re plays.. )
Abhi whispers in her ears...iam waiting for the day on which this distance will go away ..the day you will be mine forever...
Pragya is so desperate.. and abhi is trying to get closer to her she thought to distract his romantic mood..
Pr;you didn't tell about the matter behind this 2 ring..
Ab:arey fuggi just look at the ring can't you see what is written on it..
Ab;yes..Abhi + pragya =abhigya..
Abhi and pragya take each from it..and make wear it in the respective hands...pragya hugs abhi in happiness and abhi too..
After sometime..
Abhi and pragya are sitting on bench in such a way that pragya rest her head on his shoulder..and abhi holds her hands..
Ab;so you like my surprise..
Pr:actually I don't like it .
Ab;in a sad face ..what...
Pr: arey I love it..
Ab;then tell me those three magical words..
Pr:three magical words ?
Ab: haa..i love you...
Pr: what ?
Ab; just propose me like this..
Pr;abhi what is  the need of you already knew n.a...
Ab;no must..
Screen shifted to pinku ..pinku is walking with having chocolate and Barbie on her hands..
Chiku:hey pinku..chocolate and Barbie.. is that your papas gift ?
Pin;no chiku..its from rockstar .
Chi:rockstar .
Pi; haa..he ask me will I help him ti propose I help him and I got a knew what all arrangement did he do for di..iam sure di will accept his proposal..
Chi;No..thats not possible..
Pi:sure..di will accept handsome he is..chiku runs..pinku calls him ..
Screen shifted to abhigya..
Pr;abhi..i can't do as such you did for me..
Ab;no need if this no one can't imitate this rockstar..
Pr:abhi ..this is not time for joke.. will propose me that's final..
Pr:no I can' pragya tried to leave abhi holds her hands  ..
Pr;abhi..leave me..
Ab;do you think you cab easily leave from this rockstar.. so tell me will you propose me..
Pr: no..
Abhi pulls her more closer to one of his hands on her waist and moves other hand through her hands ...shoulders and reach up to her neck..pragya get affected by his touch.and when he ask one more time she agreed.. suddenly a voice she will not..yes it's none other than our chiku..
What you think about yourself Mr.rockstar you can compel
Her simply..without her will..i have told you more than 100 times to stay away from her..but you..
Now you are beyond your limits . are.. just chup.. you are innocent.. you don't knew anything..
Ab; you are crossing your limits..
Chi:who are you to drew limits for me..i will break my all limits for her ..
Abhi didn't utter a pragya is pleading before him not to show off his anger..when seeing her innocence and cuteness ..abhi return he smiles..
Chi:arey are you are really mad..
Pr:chiku..come with me..we can go now.. both leaves..
Screen shifted to pragyas room where pragya is sitting on bed..chiku is walking left right left around the room..
Chi;darling don't talk with me now..i was in full of anger..i don't knew what will I speak off..
Pragya remain silent after sometime..chiku sits beside her  ..
Pr;can I talk now..
Chiku nods..
Pr:look chiku..why are you this much tensed..i knew you loves me lot..cares me lot..he is also like knew today Ian the happiest person in the knew how he propose me..chiku ..i told you n.a... iam waiting for someone..this mangalsutra and sindoor is for some one..he is that Person..he is my husband and he is my first I was little tensed about this relationship..did I am doing all this for family..but now Iam life is destined with him..he is my present and my future..the love which I felt from more than anything in the Iam waiting for the day we both join..when we will start our journey together for completing this..when pragya turns she can't see chiku there...she searched him all around and couldn't find him..
At night...
Abhi is standing at his terrace looking at moon..
Ab; now my life is going to  change..from now onwards I have a hope in life..iam living my life for someone else too..the loneliness which I felt till now is going to be was this time abhis eyes falls over something..screen freezes in abhis  confused face...
Episode ends.. .

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