chapter -2

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Hello everyone...thanks alot for all your support..hope you all are enjoying let's move on to story...
Next morning...
Neil and ragini are sitting in dinning table...
Ragini gives coffee to Neil.they both are drinking that time someone press the key...
Neil;go ..go and open the door..your sons new companion have been reached there..
Ra:Neil why are you so..
Ne;so you are telling this to me..go and tell this to your son..who don't have any culture and manners..
Raginis eyes were filled..some how managing it all..she goes and open door..and sees  a girl..
Gi:hello aunty..abhi sir ask me to come here..
Suddenly they hear abhis sound from upstairs saying to come here..iam on upstairs.. the girl goes to the place where abhi is..
Ragini sits and started to cry..
Neil:ragini..why are shedding your you knew no one is there to console see your pain..
Ragini; I knew that.. fault is mine..because of me..he is so..
Neil:stop blaming yourself didn't do anything..
Ragini; no Neil.. what ever you say..its all my one can't hide that..
Scene shifted to upstairs.. where abhi is reading something..the girl enters..
Ab;So you came ..k..whats your name..
Ab;so sheethal.. would you do some favour to me..
She:of course..
Ab;don't think as like everyone..i usually roam with girls..each day with new ones..but still now I don't go above the limits..and I wish the same with you..but you need to act In front of my we are so close...
Sheethal look confused..
Ab:sheethal..i don't knew what s in your mind..when I ask you to be ready to spend a day with me..i don't knew what people tell about me.. may be they call me cheap ...i don't care about that..but I can't ruin my personality...
Sh;I got your point sir..i will do as you want.. but can I ask you one thing..why are you doing all this..
Ab;sorry it's all some personal matters which I can't told you now..
Sh;k I understand..
Ab:wait I will come within 10 minutes..
Abhi goes down..
Ab;robin..robin..give my votka..champaign and Pepsi for her to room.and dont disturb we are enjoying some personal time there..and look at their parents in full of hate..suddenly his phone rings..a smile appear in on his face..
Ab;rockstar dadi...hoe are you..what a pleasant surprise..
Da; are too bad...
Ab;what happened dadi...
Da:you didn't call me n.a...
Ab;sorry dadi..yesterday i reached so late.. I thought not you disturb you in sleep.. otherwise I will call you n.a... .because I have only one in my family to tell everything..
Da; i called you for a special reason..
Ab;aa bolo dadi.. have to come to Jaipur and meet me immediately..
Ab;Jaipur.. what  happened is everything fine..
Da; I will tell you after reaching here..
Ab;but dadi usually you come here to see me right..then why should I.. that too Jaipur..
Da:you must  come that's it..i don't want to hear anything will come that's it..
Ab;k...i agree to you I will come and reach there within hours...see you there
Ends call..
Ra;abhi..are you going to see dadi..
Abhi didn't utter any word ..he moved..
Neil:abhi..ragini is asking to you..are you going to see maa..
Ab;look mr.neil...i am not interested to tell my personal things to strangers..
Ra;abhi..are we strangers for you..
Neil;then who is your parents..
Ab;I have 2 parents.. but they had died ...
Ragini and Neil broke down by his words
. Abhi reached to his room..
Ab;sorry sheethal..i want to meet someone ..we can meet other day... that your girlfriend..
Ab:smiles.. gf no dadi..she smiles and goes...
Scene shifted to Jaipur.. ...
Pragya in dadis house..
Pr:dadi..why are you like this.. .you always be with this phone..and playing games like a you knew what age is yours..what you did yesterday..
Da;what I did..
Pr: don't tried to fool me..i saw you playing cricket with children that an age to play these games..
Da :pragya..
Pr:dadi..dont talk to me I am anger at you..look you didn't have your medicine...why are you always Like this...if I haven't came here then you will skip this medicine right..
Da:beti...that medicine is too sour..
Pr:no dadi I have an idea..
At that time a car stops In front of their house.. yes it's abhi...abhi enters house and hear someone talking with his dadi...without making noise he enters.. one thing..first you have this medicine and immediately take a bite of this ladoo..
Da; no I don't need this medicine..
Pr:dadi..dont behave as kid...have this..dadi make a pout in her face and obey pragya..abhi smiles seeing this..
Ab:(in mind ) this dadi bi na. Ek number ki dramebaaz hein...who is that girl take care of my dadi this much..
Dadi have that medicine..
Pr;look dadi now you haven't taste bad right..
Dadi smiles..
Pr; today onwards you will have medicine on time..and will not go out without me..and most importantly will not play cricket..
Dadi become sad..
Pragya kiss at dadis cheek...
Pr: dadi ..dont worry I will bring them here and play altogether..both was that time pragyas eyes fall in the man who is standing at the door step...she get shocked..she gets up...
By seeing pragyas sudden reaction dadi too look at the direction where she is looking and sees abhi..
Da;abhi..tum aagayi..
Ab;if my rockstar says so then..and hugs each other.. they both break the hug and look at pragya..
Pr:dadi I am leaving ..she runs away..abhi become confused by her sudden reaction where as dadi smiles as she knew what happened to pragya..
Ab;(in mind ) what a girl she is.. By seeing me ..a rockstar is standing In front of her eyes..and she is showing this much attitude..oh ..may be it's my fault..actually she may be couldn't knew me...
Da:abhi beta..go and take a fresh...i have arranged your room already..
Ab;k dadi we will have the chit chat after that..
Scene shifted to pragyas house..
Pragya enters house and rushed to her room and locked the room..sarla and shanker (dadi) look confused by her action..
Pr:he came..he came here..this may be this dadis plan..surely she is behind this..thats why she couldn't allow me to leave as soon..after this much years I am seeing him directly..i don't knew what I feel at that moment...his looks at me was so intense ..will be able to figure out me..i knew the reason why he is here now.. because tomorrow is my birthday.. screen shifted dadis house..
Abhi after taking fresh comes out of the room..and sees  the photo which is hanging on the wall..
Ab:this dadi bi na..still place this photo safely..
Dadi :abhi why are you looking at that now..
Ab;how nice is my fancy dress photo n.a...
Da;what fancy dress photo.. it's your MARRAIGE photo...abhi..
Ab;what MARRAIGE photo
Fb shows..
Ra; must sit on this mandap. And do as they says..dont do any nonsense or plays..
Ab;but why maa..
Ra;abhi look today we have a fancy dress competition...look at that girl..points out the girl coming as bride..she is to participating it..if you want to win you must do so..otherwise she will get that price..
Ab;k maa..dont worry your son will get that price..
Ra;good boy and kisses him
Fb ends..
Da;what are you thinking you knew the reason why I called you here..because tomorrow  is her 21 st birthday..the day I was waiting for all the while..after that I can be tension free..because she will take care of you..
Abhi look confused..
Hey your wife will take care of you..because from tomorrow onwards she will be with you always..
Da:arey abhi..iam talking about pragya..
Da;don't act In front of me..i see the way you looking at her just a moment before..
Abhi didn't understand that too..but  after thinking..he understand what his dadi he understand why she behave weirdly to him too..
Da:abhi..i have prepared food for you come soon..
Dadi leaves..
Abhi look at that photo again..
Ab;(in mind )  what I am married ...that is game right.. but this dadi is telling ...abhi remember about seeing pragya..yes that girl is married I have seen kumkum and mangalsutra in her.. which means I am her can I..
His thought was broken by

A little boy..
Boy ; are you Rock Star abhi..
Ab;haa.. who are you..
Boy ;I am her woodbee..
Boy;haa..why you came came here to take my darling with you right.. you can't do this..
Ab;your darling..why don't I take her ..
Boy;I knew you will take her with you..sarla aunty told that to me..tomorrwo you will go from here by taking her..if you try to take her..then you first want to kill me..
Abhi was first shocked by that boys words then smiles..
Ab;k I am not taking her with me..but about whom you 're talking..
Boy;my darling pragya...
Episode ends...
Guys next update will be my love for you..hope you all enjoyed this..

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