One shot~!

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Heheh...............must be wondering what one-shot or one-shots must be involved right? *smirks*

Well I have planned to do like...............4 one-shots in this chapter :D


The hints ^^



Dowko :)

Phoebold!!! XD


Enjoy 😊

Shots were fired,swords clashed against one another,as a battle between two crews were fighting to get the captain's treasure.The captain,Blue,was fighting of against the other captain of the ship,when suddenly,a sihoulette which came in with a battle cry,swung from a rope and kicked the other captain in the face.

It shocked Blue at first,then the sihoulette turned out to be his crush,Yuzuki. She turned around to face him,her hair flying around cuz of the strong winds.She wore a red and white girl pirate's outfit alongside some black knee high boots.He had always thought of her more than a friend,but as a girlfriend. Yuzuki snapped her fingers in front of his face to snap him out of his daze.

"Blue!! R u okay? U seemed to be dreaming," asked Yuzuki with concern. He blushed a bit but replied," What? No I'm good." Yuzuki shook her head with a smile plastered on her face and went off to fend off the enemies.
Before she could go,Blue grabbed her wrist and said,"Wait. Let me help you."

Yuzuki turned around with a blushing face but nodded anyways. The both of them ran over to his crew and helped them fend of the enemies.

One by one,the enemies fell to the ground either defeated,injured,unconcious,or dead. Blue and Yuzuki placed a foot on top of the pile of defeated enemies and shouted in victory. The crew members cheered too. Blue said," Thanks for your help,Yuzuki. I appreatiate it," while giving an ear to ear smile.

Yuzuki mirrored his smile and they both burst out laughing. His crew however,took notice on how close they seemed and smirked.They began whispering about how the two of them would make a great couple. Blue saw that his crew kept giving him and Yuzuki weird glances and he knew that they saw how close they were.

Blue gave them the "Say-anything-and-I-will-kill-you" look and they shut up immediately. He said," Hey Yuzuki,why don't u stay for the celebration? We're going to celebrate our victory,and you should join since u contributed ur help."

Yuzuki thought for a moment before nodding her head. "Okay!! See you later,Blue!" she replied winking,and ran off to her house by the beachside.

Timeskip to when it was time,the crew members joyfully clashed their mugs filled with beer together and gulped their drinks down their throats.

Meanwhile,outside the party room,Blue was staring out into the distance,looking over to railing to see if there were any islands they could explore next."Blue!! Sorry if I was late!!" shouted a melodious voice from behind him.

He turned around,only to be greeted by a stunning beauty. Yuzuki was slightly panting,dressed in her normal oufit,but Blue still thought she looked as beautiful as ever. She ran over to Blue and hugged him. Blue was caught completely off guard but hugged her back.

After about 2 minutes,Yuzuki let go,and Blue missed the warm feeling already. She was blushing and said," Ah sorry,I didn't mean to startle you." Blue replied," Umm it's okay,now do you want to go to the party room?" Yuzuki nodded and dragged Blue into the said room.

They burst in,which surprised the crew,but the crew responded with hoots and cheers. The duo were confused,then stared down at their interlocked hands. Yuzuki immediately let go while Blue glared at his crew."Guys!! Don't behave that way!!" he shouted at them.

The other people in the room were Blue's friends,and they stared at the duo by the door. The girls smirked at Yuzuki,while she blushed and glared at her friends. The ones who were smirking at her were Bold and Neko. Neko nodded in approval while Bold gave her a thumbs up.

Haruka gave her a signal to go to
Blue and make a move. Yuzuki looked at her like she was crazy but Haruka just showed her a paper. It said: DO IT FOR THE BLUEZUKI FANS!! ^^ She facepalmed and walked over to Blue. Her friends had already knew that she had a crush on Blue,but was too shy to admit it.

Blue was talking with his crew when he was tapped on the shoulder. He turned around,only to face a red Yuzuki. His crew started smiling and the girls got their cameras out. Yuzuki said," Umm Blue,I would like to tell you something.........." Blue blushed a bit and signalled her to continue.

Yuzuki added on,"Ireallylikeyou...." Blue didn't quite pick that up and asked her to say it slower and louder this time. "I-I REALLY LIKE YOU!" she shouted and covered her mouth immediately after she said that. Blue and his crew's eyes widen while the girls' grins got bigger,well if they could.

Blue was speechless and looked at Yuzuki in shock. Yuzuki looked at him sadly,afraid that he would reject and wanted to leave this room right away.

She ran but Blue grabbed her hand before she could. He spun her around and gave her.a.KISS!!! YEY!! Everyone literally had their mouths wide open at the scene while the shippers were hi-fiving each other. Yuzuki kissed back in response and everyone cheered once more. They pulled apart and Blue asked her," Would u like to be my gf?" She nodded her head immediately and hugged him again.

"Yes yes yes yes YES!!" she squealed happily,while hugging him tighter. "Ummm Yuzuki,I think ur suffocating ur boyfriend" said Haruka while sweatdropping. Blue's face was blue XD from suffocation. Yuzuki immediately let go and apologised.Everything went exactly as how the shippers had planned.

From now on,they were known as the pirate couple *winks*

The End!!
That was the one-shot for Bluzuki!! Yey

Now ze next one!!



"SHUT UP YOU TWO!!" shouted a man dressed in black. The two,who were currently held captive in a cell,glared at him. The two were arguing over who screwed up in their mission that Prof.Clover gave them.
(I can so imagine Prof. Clover facepalming right now XD)

Their weapons were taken away from them.M,who was one of the two "villians",somehow fished out a packet of Pocky which she didn't know she had. M's eyes immediately sparkled and started to eat the pocky. Shadow was facepalming in the corner and was trying to think of a way to escape the prison cell.

"M focus on escaping not the pocky!!" he shouted while the girl was happily eating her pocky."Tsk tsk tsk,Shade,u really have 0 chill ......" replied M monotonous voice while looking at him.

She finished the last bits of her pocky before pulling out her hidden whip. Shadow stared at her with a shocked face and his face turned red of embarrassment.'Great........' he thought while hiding his embarrassed face.

She lashed the whip onto the window bars and tugged at it forcefully.The sparks on the whip made it more effective,and soon there was a loud clang that sounded through the cell. They checked back to see the man guarding earlier long gone and they jumped out the window one by one.

M suddenly fell on her knees from the impact and held her right knee in pain. Shadow noticed this and glanced at her knee. He saw blood dripping from her knee and he asked,"Did u hurt your knee while we were duking it out with those men?" M nodded and removed her hand from her injured knee,only to reveal a bleeding wound.

He asked again," Are u able to walk or even stand up now??" M looked at him and answered,"Not really,but I'll be fine," while trying to stand up but stumbling in the process. Shadow caught her before she fell and placed her arm around his neck. A tint of blush was on her face but it was gone as soon as it appeared.

"Oh yeah,Shade,here," she said
while handing him his Bloody Rain and J-pin. He was shocked and asked," H-How did u get it back??" M smirked and said," Why,I used Image Gum of course," while taking out a packet of Image gum. Shadow facepalmed. "Anyways let's get going back to Clover's lair." Shadow murmured while supporting M to walk to his Black Speeder parked outside.

He placed M on his Black Speeder and tore a small piece of his cape and tied it around her wound. M was surprised,but didn't show it. "Eh Shade,you didn't have to tear your cape to help me," she said. He shook his head and replied,"Don't worry,Rose can help me stitch it back,"

When they were back to the lair,they saw Clover hugging and flirting with his hourglasses while Doubt was busy taking pictures of him and posting it on Facebook. Good thing Clover didn't have facebook,he didn't want to socialise with people so you could say he's anti-social,lol. Doubt was trying her best to keep her fit of laughter.

As soon as Clover realised that they were back,he immediately stopped whatever he was doing and coughed awkwardly. "Umm sorry about that,how was the mission??" he asked. The duo looked at each other then back at Clover."Oh it went well," said M while showing him the hourglass they had stolen.

Clover smiled and went over to them to take the hourglass from them. "Now the mission is complete,you can do whatever you want now," he said while walking back to his seat.

M and Shadow were surprised by the kind gesture,but followed anyways. They left the main room and walked down the hallways."So............what are you planning on doing now?" questioned Shadow. M shrugged and replied,"Nothing I
guess,maybe continue reading my book."

Shadow took an oppurtunity here
and asked," Hey M,want to have a little battle??" M looked at him and smirked. "I accept." she replied still having a smug look on her face. The duo went to the training room and prepared themselves for their little "battle".

They went at each other like animals,the sound of clashing and crackling of M's whip was audible
throughout the room. It went on for two hourse before M grabbed his Bloody rain using her whip and snatched it away,but unfortunately,Shadow didn't let go and was pulled by the sudden force. That force caused a collision and they both fell onto the ground.

Shadow opened one eye and blushed furiously.M,who was using her arms to prevent her from falling any further,was on top of him staring at him wide-eyed. She blushed and looked to another direction to avoid eye contact. Shadow had been thinking for quite a while on how cute M actually looks. Now that they were super close tgt,he noticed her nice features on her face.

Shadow actually had a crush on M,but didn't dare to speak of it loudly. Now,he wanted to take this oppurtunity to do
something he had always wanted to,confess :). "Why are you looking at me like that?" asked M,noticing that he was staring at her. He smirked and pulled her head down for a kiss. M's eyes widen in pure shock but soon kissed back :D

Doubt was passing by when she saw them kissing. You know what she did there. She ran to her own room squealing in joy and shouting into her pillow.

The duo parted after a minute and Shadow smiled at her. M was super embarrassed and immediately got off Shadow. "S-SHADE!!" she yelled while Shadow was smirking with a tint of blush. "IloveyouM." he said. "What? I couldn't quite hear that? Can you repeat?" asked M,confused.

"I Love You,M." he said once more. She swore that she could faint at any moment now. "Ahh.......I love you too Shade....." she blurted that out too quickly and covered her mouth immediately in shock of
what she just said. Shadow's eyes widened at what she had just said. M was standing there with a red face while staring at her whip.

Shadow stood up and walked over to her. M looked up in surprise and was engulfed in a hug by the Tsundere-chan himself.


A notification sounded on M's phone and M checked her notificafion. She almost choked on air. Shadow read it too and blushed. The notification said: I had always shipped those two together. THEY ARE SO CUTE TGT!! #Shara #OTP!! Here's a cute scene I saw earlier~Doubt

M opened the notification and saw the picture of them kissing. The duo's eyes widened in shock. There were already 890 likes and 2000 shares. The duo looked at each other.


Doubt was snickering in her room and cheering.

(Doubt is officially a Shara fan now lol)

Now for the third one:



"GAH!!!" a boy shouted in frustration while ruffling his cyan-(Shadow: IT'S TEAL!! Me: Whatevevs)coloured hair. He had recently been thinking abt a girl *cough cough* You know
who.........*smirks* and she kept on wandering back into his mind no matter how hard he tried to shake off the thought.

He got out of his room and went downstairs to his sofa and landed face flat in the cushions."Onii-chan are you okay??" asked his younger sister,Rose. He glanced up at her with weary eyes and sighed. "O-Onii-chan..........why do you look like a panda?!" she said shocked yet laughing at the same time.

"Nhjdhdndbdbdkdwhw" he grumbled into the cushion. "Hmmmm......." Rose thought to herself as she came up with a plan to cheer him up. She dialed in number and waited.

"Hello,Rose??" asked a girl's voice over the call.

"Yea hey ?,I would like to arrange something for Onii-chan and another girl....." replied Rose while twirling the cable of the telephone.

"Onii-chan!!! Our friends are going to the beach today,do you want to go along??" asked Rose while holding her beach things. Shadow glanced up at her with a smile and replied," Sure why can help me get my mind of things......." Rose mentally thought,"My suspicions were correct,he was thinking about her hehe......."

"Ohayo minna-san!!!" shouted Rose with her brother trailing behind her. Everyone did the same back to her. Shadow yawned which caught everyone's attention and Joker yelled,"Woah Shadow what happened to you?! You look like you haven't slept for days!!"  It was true,Shadow hadn't slept for 3 days because
he was thinking about her :). "Oh hey guys *yawns*" he replied. He looked around and sighed in relief. No crazy girl.......

"Anyways,go and enjoy yourself!!" said Bold with enthusiasm. Everyone Shadow,ran to the beachside to play. The girls were swimming in the sea while the boys were playing beach volleyball. "Oi Shadow!! Over here slowcoach!!" Joker shouted,waving his hand towards Shadow. Shadow ran over to them and joined them in playing volleyball. Now that he had got his mind of her,he could now
enjoy his time here.

Joker,Shadow and Bolt were one team and Spade,Lupin and Cranberry were the other team.Blue was the referee. Akai was just floating in mid air watching the match go on.

One and a half hours later,Team Joker had came out victorious. The trio hi-fived and the other team congratulated them. They decided to go over to the girls.

The girls were currently having a water fight in the water,splashing water everywhere. That's when the boys joined in the fun.

Queen was splashing water at Rose when she got splashed by a bigger wave. She turned around and saw Joker standing there. She glared at him and started splashing water at him and chased him at the same time. Someone placed their hands on Shadow's shoulders,which surprised him. He glanced around and was startled. There stood Pinko,or as he sometimes called her crazy.

"Hi Shady-kun!! Didn't expect me to come did ya?" she asked while smirking. Shadow removed her hands from his shoulders and asked,"Where did you come from?!" Pinko replied," Why? Can't I come here?" Shadow said," No it's nothing..........just a little sleep-deprived......" while glancing around. Then he realised. The others had given them some "alone" time as they would call it.

Shadow blushed a bit and Pinko stared at him in curiosity. "Neh? What's wrong Shady-kun?" she asked. "Nothing......." he replied while looking away. "Anyways,let's go swimming!!" she shouted while dragging Shadow to the sea. "Oi oi!!" he shouted as he was being dragged.

Pinko cannonballed into the water,and since she was holding Shadow's hand,he too was dragged in. "Hehe wasn't that fun??" she asked while rising up to the surface of the water. Shadow surfaced and shouted,"
OF COURSE NOT!!! I could have drowned!!" Pinko replied cheekily," didn't right?" Shadow glared at her and huffed. The others laughed at Shadow,especially Joker.

"Let's play volleyball guys!!" shouted Haruka while showing a volleyball. The others ran over,well except the still arguing "couple" (P&S: WE AREN'T A COUPLE!! Me: Yet :P) "Oi Lovebirds!! Hurry up would ya!!!" shouted Joker at the duo."WE ARE NOT LOVEBIRDS JOKER!!" they shouted at him. "Just get here....." replied M while facepalming.

The gang divided into two teams and played volleyball in the water."Take this!!" shouted Joker while slamming the volleyball with his fists. It flew too far and everyone blamed Joker for it. "It's okay,I'll go get it...." said Pinko while walking over to the volleyball. The waves pushed the volleyball further and further out to sea,and Pinko sighed in frustration. She swam over to the
volleyball and grabbed it.

A loud gushing sound was going towards her direction as she glanced up in surprise. There was a large wave,way taller than her,going towards her direction. Shadow noticed this and shouted," PINKO!! WATCH OUT!!" but she couldn't hear as she was too far out. He grumbled and ran out to sea and swam towards Pinko.

The others were wondering why at first until they noticed a damn big wave heading towards Pinko. They kept yelling at Pinko to move away,but alas it was too late.The wave had washed over her and she had difficulties swimming and eventually she drowned. Shadow's eyes widened and immediately dived in the water to save her. The others waited anxiously,then sighed in relief when they saw two heads rise above the surface.

Shadow carried her bridal style to the sandy beach while the others gathered around them."She's slightly unconcious now,and she needs..........CPR." Illona said while glancing at the others.The girls looked at the boys,and they looked at Shadow. His eyes widened and he blushed furiously."Shadow,save your GF dude....." said Bolt while staring at him."She's not my GF!!" he shouted at Bolt. "You're the only boy she actually let's you close......" said Frost while smirking at him.

Everyone nodded in agreement and Shadow gulped. "She'll go after me later............" said Shadow while sighing at the thought."Do it for Dowko fans,Mr.Tsundere-chan," said Haruka while waving a Dowko flag. "Fine.............but only once......." he said while kneeling down to Pinko's side. He breathed in and out before performing CPR.Everyone was smiling throughout.

Pinko coughed out water and opened her eyes slowly. "Pinko!! You're awake!!" shouted Snow while hugging her. Pinko smiled and looked towards her friends,who were smirking at her. Shadow was hiding his blushing face and the boys were nudging him. "What happened??" she asked. She started recalling memories,from scaring Shadow to him saving him then it was all black then.

"Wait.......WHO DID CPR ON ME?!" she shouted while gripping her hair. The others looked at each other then smirked at her. She knew those smirks anywhere and turned to face Shadow."Shady-kun........." she said while giving him a deadly look. He gulped
and started running for
his life. "Get back here!!" she shouted while chasing him with a random shovel she found. The others laugh at their childishness as the two kept running and leaping over objects on the beach."I'm going to get you," shouted Pinko again. After a few minutes of chasing,Pinko grabbed his collar and the sudden force of her grabbing him made him fall back and Pinko laughed at him.

"Hey!! Be thankful that I saved your life!" said Shadow while being dragged by Pinko."Hmphhh........." replied Pinko while huffing. Shadow grabbed her hand to make her stop and swapped their position to Pinko in his arms and the duo looking at each other.He smirked and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Still grumpy??" he asked while laughing.

Pinko was blushing and smacked poor Shadow on the head. "I-idiot!! You could have said something or give me a warning!!" she grumbled. "But you are cute ya know....." he mumbled but Pinko heard it. She blushed a deeper shade of red and hid her face in Shadow's chest. He ruffled her hair and hugged her. Pinko was secretly smiling but no one noticed to her luck.

The others awwed at the duo and they ended up arranging a party by the beachside.The others drank and ate happily while the duo sweatdropped.Halfway during the party,the duo away from the party and sat by the ocean and leaned against one another's shoulders. "The night's beautiful isn't it?" asked Pinko. "Yea,but it's nothing compared to you," Shadow replied while winking. She smacked his head again and shouted," SHADY-KUN!!!"

25 minutes later,the others went to check on the missing duo,then saw them by the beach."Cmon Dowko!! Let's get going!!" shouted Bold while signaling them to go over. The duo turned around,annoyed. "WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!!" shouted the duo at the others while they snickered.

Hope you enjoyed that guys!! Pinko dun hate meh for this XD
Now the last one................neh~? :)
"Happy Birthday Akai/Yawning Jerk/Phoenix!!" shouted everyone in sync.(His bday is over but just deal with it) "Arigato Minna!!" said Phoenix in joy. Everyone tried his cake and spat it out immediately."I-is this chili flavoured cake?" asked Joker."You all know I don't like sweet things right? So it's my bday and I get to choose what cake flavour I want." he replied.

Joker was speechless,so were the others."Ey? Where is Bold??" he asked curiously while looking around.Everyone smirked. "Missing your gf already are you??" smirked Frost.He blushed a bit and replied,"She's not my gf!!" 
"Go look for Bold if ur so worried about her then." Haruka said while pointing at the door. He determinely walked out the front door and to the streets of the city. Everyone peeked out the door and smirked. Well this is going to be interesting......thought everyone.

"Hmmm where could she be??" Phoenix mumbled to himself as he looked left and right. Suddenly,he caught sight of a familiar brown haired girl in a hoodie,and dashed to the direction she was heading to."Hey Bold......." he stopped in his tracks when he saw another boy beside her. It was no doubt that was Bold,that dark brown hair and those shiny blue eyes of hers tell no lie that it was her.

The fact that there was a boy,holding her hand was what bothered him,and she was laughing with another guy he didn't recognised. He didn't know what was this feeling. Jealousy was it? Yea that was exactly how he felt. Betrayed as well."Tch why should I care. She's with another better person. I'm such an idiot for looking for her in the first place....." he mumbled under his breath as he turned back to the way he came from.

"What should I buy for him,Bolt?" Bold asked her brother in frustration.(Let's say Phoenix doesn't know who Bolt is kay)"Sis you needa chill out and try to find a good present for
him. Think about what he loves most." replied Bolt in a calm voice. Bold breathed in and out then focused her mind on what her soon-to-be-boyfriend loves most.(Besides her obv *winks*)

"Hmmm I think I got it!!" shouted Bold while dragging Bolt down the streets."Ah here it is!!" she shouted with joy and dragged Bolt in the store."I hope he likes it......" she mumbled while playing with the object in her hands."It's okay Bold,as long as it's from you,he'll appreatiate it." he comforted her while patting her back.Bold blushed,but gave a confident look on her face. "Yea!!" she shouted confidently.

Phoenix kicked a stone down the cobblestone path in anger,that it flew and hit a bird in the tree.It fainted afterwards."Gahh!! Why would I go back for her. She doesn't love me does she. Was she pretending this whole time? What am I doing...........she'll never betray me with another boy." he mumbled to himself. She didn't betray you.......... he thought to himself over and over again but it didn't really help.

"Oh hey Phoenix......" greeted Haruka,but she could tell something was off.By the look on his face,she knew something had happened."Hey Phoenix..........are you okay??" she asked in concern.(And no.......she had no feelings for
him kay,friends help friends right?)"Y-yea.........I-I'm good...." he mumbled,giving a weak smile while walking inside the house.Haruka could tell that was a fake smile.

The others noticed Phoenix's presence and went over to talk to him. "Yawning Jerk!!" shouted Joker while waving his hand.He returned with a smile,but under that smile,his heart was heavy and filled with many emotions of betrayal and sadness. He said," I need to go to my room first...." he said while walking to his room.When he went into his room,he locked it and leaned
against his door.

His eyes were shadowed and his mouth was quivering. Her name kept repeating in his head everytime he tried to forget how much he lovef her. He slapped himself to get him to reality. She has a boyfriend already,why would she need me anyways.........he thought to himself. "Hey Yawning Jerk? Ummm your gf is here......" he said while knocking his door. Akai just kept quiet.

Bold pulled Bolt along with her down the same cobblestone road that Phoenix had walked down earlier and to Phoenix's house.She rang the doorbell and Haruka opened the door."Oh Bold and Bolt!! You're both here!!Come in...." she greeted them.Bold dragged Bolt again into the house,and then from there on,things were crystal clear to Haruka.

"Hey guys!!" shouted Bold to everyone in the room."Hey Bold!! Hey Bolt!!" shouted everyone back.Bold took a look around the room,not seeing any red haired
boy."Hey guys............where's Phoenix?" she asked. "He's in his room,but he seemed pretty upset about something........" replied
Joker.Eh? Phoenix upset? On his birthday? What could have happened? Bold thought to herself.

"I-I need to see him!!" shouted Bold while running to his room."My,my,my junior sure is
growing up......hehe......." chuckled M.

"Phoenix!!! What happened?!" Bold shouted while slamming his door open. "Leave me alone please..........." he replied
in a monotone voice and faced another direction,not wanting to see her face."Look.......what have I done to make you so mad?!" she shouted,a tear streamed down her face."Why do you care? You already have a boyfriend. Why do you still need me?!" he shouted.

Bold stared at him then asked,"What boyfriend are you talking about?" He sighed and said,"I saw you earlier with another guy on the streets. I noticed how close you guys were,so I decided not to interrupt." he said with a tear streaming down his face and looked away. Bold stood there,mouth agaped.She snapped out of her shock and laughed.

Phoenix stared at her in disbelief and asked,"W-what's so funny?!" Bold continued to laugh and replied," P-Phoenix.........that boy you saw with me was m-my b-brother,Bolt." Phoenix jaw dropped and blushed red cuz of his stupidity. Bold's laugh turned to giggles and said,"You caring for me? That's sweet...." while blushing. He stared at her,a tint of blush visible on both their faces.

"Geez Phoenix,no need to get all emotional...." Bold giggled while giving him a comforting hug. He blushed and gladly returned the hug."Hey Bold are you guys o--" asked M but stopped when she saw the two. Haruka peeked in and smiled. "PHOEBOLD 4EVA!!" shouted Illona. The two released each other from the hug and they blushed."Well hope you two have a great time. Bye Bold." said Yune while walking off with the others.

Bold waved and was suddenly loomed over. She glanced up at Pheonix as he did the same.Bold kept going backwards but Phoenix followed the same direction she did.It wasn't long till Bold's back hit the wall behind her and Phoenix looked at her while smirking. She tried escaping but Phoenix placed his hand next to her head to prevent her from going anywhere.It's called the kabe-don apparently.

"Since it's my birthday..............I can get what I want right?" he asked. Bold didn't reply. He leaned closer and kissed Bold straight on the lips :D Yay Phoebold!! Bold's eyes widened
in shock but returned it anyways.They were too busy to notice a bunch of girls by the doorway. They parted and Bold said," Oh yeah.........I have a gift for you......." she said blushing while handing him a neatly wrapped present.

He opened it and his eyes widened. Inside,there was a grey hoodie that had the words,"She's the book of my life" in black imprinted on the back of the hoodie while having a picture of
Bold on the bottom of the text and an arrow pointing towards it.There was also a necklace that had a fire pendant and the words: Phoenix carved out on the metal pendant. He looked at the front of the hoodie and his name was imprinted in a lava effect kind of pattern.

"Do you like it?" asked Bold as she turned around,showing that she was wearing the same hoodie except with a different text and a pic of Akai at the bottom of it. The text was: He's the flame that lights up my life. She turned back around and her name was imprinted in a galaxy pattern.She also had a necklace around her neck except that the pendant was a book and her name was carved into the center of the book.

Phoenix stood there in shock at how much she cared for him."Happy Birthday Phoenix!" she shouted with a cheerful smile. He smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead."Thank you,the book of my life." he smirked at her."You're welcome flame that lights up my life..." she replied in a mocking tone.

They exit the room and to the main room.As soon as everyone saw their interlocked hands,they cheered and congratulated them.
Enjoyed it? Hope you did!!


You think I'm hiding something right?

Okay you got me......

Kay.........if you're still reading this..........good job! Cuz I have a hidden one-shot here :)

It's Maruka............this ship isn't well known..........but it's Haruka x Mark(OC x OC)

So I hope you enjoy this!

"Haruka come back!!" shouted Haruka's father as he ran after her. The archer,also known as Haruka,ran as fast as she could,tears streaming down her face as she hopped on her horse and rode away. She turned her head back to see that her father was far away now.She sighed and rode off into the forest,with her arrows and bow strapped to her back.

A werewolf was taking a nap in the forest when it suddenly heard the sounds of sobbing. It woke up and slowly sneaked up to the crying figure. Its eyes widened in shock and ran over to the girl."Psst Haruka,what happened?" asked the werewolf in a worried tone.Haruka looked up and hugged the werewolf tightly while sobbing."M-Mark,my father forced me to marry a man which I didn't want to,so I ran away." she cried while burrying her head in his fur.

He felt hatred for the father as he had forced her to do something she didn't want to."I-It's okay.............he just did what he thought was right....." she sniffled while looking away."Hey,why don't you stay with me tonight? I won't mind," said Mark as he transformed into his human form. She looked up to him surprised but nodded anyways."Thx...........I appreatiate your kindness..." she replied while smiling.

"See,a smile suits you more. Now cmon,let's get going..." he said while pulling her up. A tint of blush made its way to Haruka's face when he said that. Mark smirked and lifted her up on his shoulders."EEK Mark!! What are you doing?! I can walk by myself...." yelped Haruka in surprise."Nahh I'd rather carry you," he replied while looking ahead.'Oh gosh this cu-- I mean werewolf........I can walk by msyself (=_=;)' she thought while grumbling under her breath.

"Anddd here we are," said Mark aloud while placing Haruka on the ground. A big tent was placed in the center of the plains and there was also a campfire."Oh wow,did you build this?" she asked in curiosity while looking at the tent."Oh that old thing? Yea." he replied "cooly" lol."Cool,this is a great place to stay. You can stargaze from here!!" Haruka shouted as she looked up to the sky. It was almost night,but the stars were slightly visible in the sky.

"Yeap,this is why I like it here,archer girl," Mark replied,emphasizing the words "archer girl". She whacked him on the head with her bow and said," Don't call me that Mark,you know I don't like people calling me that." Mark rubbed the bump on his head in pair and glared at Haruka."Anyways,we're going to have dinner soon so you can do whatever you like first," said Mark while looking up at her.

"Oh okay,I'll just go change into a more homey outfit......." she said while walking to the tent,her bag resting on her shoulders.Once she had finished changing into her homey outfit(her usual outfit becuz she's a princess so she wears more umm princess archer style kinda thing). Mark was preparing the food and looked up to Haruka as soon as he noticed her presence.

He blushed slightly and then looked away. 'Damn she's cute....' he thought to himself."Hey,you aren't thinking anything peverted are you now?" Haruka asked while glaring at him."Ah's just that ur beauty is mesmerising that's all heheh..." he replied sweatdropping.Her eyes widened and she blushed slightly while looking away."A-anyways........the food is ready so umm let's eat..." she said while taking a seat next to the green-eyed werewolf.

"So,how long are you going to be living here?" asked Mark while looking at the black-haired archer. Her eyes went blank for a second then she replied," Oh.....I haven't thought of that....." she mumbled while scratching her head. "So,are you staying here with me for the rest of your life?" he asked again. She choked on her food and turned to stare at him in disbelief.

"W-What?! I didn't say that!!" she shouted flustered."Heheh you're nice to tease Haruka~" he said in a sing song way. She smacked him on the head with her hand and replied,"Talk that way,and you're dead."Mark shook his head and looked up to the sky. Haruka followed his gaze."The stars sure are shining bright today," said Haruka while looking at each star."That's cuz their jealous of you having a hot werewolf next to you," replied Mark while smirking.

She punched his arm hard.Mark rubbed his shoulder in pain and groaned," Geez,do you workout at the gym everyday?? Your punches are painful..." Haruka laughed at his statement."No,but I learned karate when I was younger,so you better not mess with me mister," she replied smirking.He gulped at the thought and suddenly decided to tease Haruka. He laid his head on her shoulder,which caused her to flinch in surprise then relax again. She laid her head on his head too,which surprised Mark.

"I have always thought you were the perfect match for me..." said Haruka while making eye contact with Mark. His eyes widened in shock but replied," I could say the same to you...." The duo sat up to face each other and stared into each others eyes. Mark noticed how her black hair shone in the night and her purple eyes shined with happiness. (Okay shet this is embarrassing) Mark leaned in and kissed her on the forehead to her surprise.(You thought we were gonna kiss were you? Well too bad :p)

They leaned their foreheads on one another and gave each other an eye-to-eye grin.Mark turned into his werewolf form and howled like how wolves are supposed to duh.They sat there for the past hour,stargazing at the different constellations in the sky.They got to know each other more as well.

Soon enough,the whole plain was completely dark,as the duo sat by the campfire singing songs in harmony. They soon began to feel tired,and went into Mark's tent to sleep.Haruka ended up cuddling the wolf as Mark did the same.It was sure a peaceful night for these two.Nothing bothered Haruka that night,all the thoughts of her father forcing her to marry was long gone. She had new memories implanted,and those memorable memories were shared by both her and Mark,in both heart and mind.

Ahhh I'm embarrassed.Illona is teasing me again gdi. Anyways hope you enjoyed the one-shots and have a great weekend!! Bye :)

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