One-shot: Luace :D

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Me: So I haven't finished my chapter yet but it will be on hold first.
In the meantime please enjoy these 3 one-shot chapters!!
The ship
Luace,Cranrose and Joscent!! :333
Credits to Yunexhan for Ace and Cranberry they are very unique characters indeed and credits to  anyways the first one up is LUACE!!
(Ace: NO just NO..... Me: Yes!!! •̀.̫•́✧•̀.̫•́✧•̀.̫•́✧)
It was another day in the Sky Joker. A particular girl was sitting on the sofa in the living room,bored to the fact that there was nothing on television that was interesting at all.......until she heard a window creak open.

She stood up,grabbing a frying pan from the kitchen and emerged to the wide opened window. She peeked outside and saw that there was no one.

She sighed in relief and turned around........but what she saw gave her a heart attack. There standing was none other than Lupin. Her instincts kicked in and she accidentally hit the frying pan in his face.(Poor Lupin XD)

"What the hell are you doing here?" she said,annoyed by the fact that he was here.

Lupin stood back up and rubbed his face where she had hit him. "Mymy Milady Ace,you sure need to be taught some manners." he replied while ruffling her hair.

Ace instantly blushed and she pointed an accusing finger while saying,"B-but you came in here without me noticing you and for heaven's sake,knock. Urghh...."

"Well my apologies Milady, I will treat you to the fair as an apology to you." Lupin said.
"I would but why must I agree if your the one going with me?" Ace questioned. "Milady let's get going shall we," Lupin said while dragging an annoyed and flustered Ace.

Upon arriving at the fair, Ace broke free of Lupin's grasp and sighed,"Well since you brought me here......I'll just accept this apology but don't you dare think of it as a date got it?"she said while glaring at him.

Even though Ace said this......she actually was kind of enjoying the feeling of her hand in his larger and surprisingly warm hand.

Upon thinking of this, she blushed but it didn't go unnoticed by Lupin. She looks kind of cute when she blushes like that.....Eventually,both of them ended up blushing but what they didn't know was that two people were spying on them.

Amongst the bushes.....
Me: Hey M,do you think that Ace will like us spying on them?

M: *eating Pocky*As long as we don't get caught we're good.

Me:Ya know.......Ace could actually learn a thing or two from Lupin I mean can't ya see Lupin is somewhat more matured than well Ace......

M: You do have a point,Celeste.....Let's just continue spying on them.

Me: Kay *takes out a pack of chocolate flavoured pocky and eats a pocky*

Ace suddenly stopped and felt a shiver down her spine. Why do I feel like someone is watching me? Lupin noticed this immediately and asked," Milady,are you alright?"

Ace replied," Oh it's nothing I just had a weird feeling that's all." "If you say so Milady,I just thought you were sick that's all..." answered Lupin truthfully.

Ace blushed again What is wrong with me today.........could it be the effects of me being around with this guy?! she mentally scolded herself.

"Cmon let's go" she said flustered,while dragging Lupin towards the roller coaster.

Once they had strapped themselves in, the roller coaster started to move and during the ride,you could here excited screams,especially from Ace.

After the ride,Lupin dragged Ace to a certain store which looked oddly familiar to Ace. "Hey Lupin, is that what I think it is?" she said,jumping up and down excitedly.

It was a gun which she had wanted for a long time. The reason why she had wanted it for a long time was because it was said to be one of the most limited guns apparently.

Lupin chuckled at her change in expression."You seem to like that gun a lot don't you?" he said. Ace immediately realised that she had just shown Lupin the cheerful and excited part of her.

Ace wanted to speak but she was too flustered to do so. Lupin walked up to the owner of that fair game and said," I would like to play please," while handing hin the money. "The rules are simple,just get the three coloured balls into those holes and you can get a weapon of your choice." the man replied while taking the money.

Lupin nodded and aimed carefully. He threw the ball and it landed inside the hole.

In the next two trys, he had got the ball into the holes. "Here you go young man," the owner gave him the gun that he had asked for and walked over to Ace.

Ace looked at him in astonishment when Lupin gave her the gun that she wanted. "Here Milady I won this gun specially for you," he said while handing the gun to her.Many people were in the background whispering in the background on how cute they were together. Lupin and Ace instantly blushed.

Ace,for the first time,smiled when she was around Lupin.She accepted the gun and hugged him  as a thank you. Lupin,who was caught completely off guard,blushed a little before returning the hug.

Behind the bushes.....
Me: *snaps a pic* Yes got it!!

M: Great now let's get going *runs off with me*

"Come on let's go to the other rides and win other games!" Ace shouted while dragging Lupin.

They went on to the other rides like the ferris wheel and the spinning saucers? before heading to the ice cream store. "Did you have fun Milady?" Asked Lupin. Ace looked at him,with a bit of ice cream at the tip of her nose while answering," Tbh yes I did actually."

Lupin said," You have a little ice cream on the tip of your nose here let me help you with that." He took a tissue and rubbed the ice cream of her nose and kissed the tip of it. This caught Ace completely off guard again and blushed while shouting," LUPIN!!"

(Btw Me and Maira were still spying on them XD We just ran off to another direction before following them again :3)

The so called "couple" were enjoying their ice cream and watching the sunset over the horizon. "You know what this could be counted as a date ya know?" said Lupin. "Well I guess so..." replied Ace,taking in the view of the sunset.

After they were done with their ice creams,they took out their balloon gum and flew to the Sky Joker.

Once they had entered the Sky Joker, they were greeted with the grins of me,Maira,Joker and Cranberry.

"What are you all smiling about?" questioned a confused Ace. "Oh nothing just a little video," I replied. "What video?" asked Ace once more becoming more suspicious of me each second.

She snatched the video from my hands before anyone could protest,and her face became red cuz of anger and embarrassment.

"Which one of you took video of me and Lupin's da-- I mean walk."
asked a flustered Ace. "It was Maira and Celeste cous," replied Joker. Ace glanced towards me and Maira with a dark aura. Cranberry whispered to us," You guys better start running or she's gonna crazy."

Me and Maira sweatdropped and started running away with Ace trailing behind while holding the new gun she had gotten. "COME BACK HERE!!!" Ace shouted while trying to shoot us with her gun. "GAH ACE MY AIRSHIP!!" shouted Joker while panicking.

"HEY ACE, WOULD IT BE BETTER IF I SHOW THIS VIDEO TO EVERYONE?!" I shouted while running. "NOOO DON'T YOU DARE!!!" Ace shouted while trying to shoot us again but me and Maira dodged swiftly like pros 😎.

Hachi,Cranberry and Lupin sweatdropped while watching Ace running after Me and Maira while Joker on the other hand was crying and sulking on how Ace was damaging his airship.

Well all that goes well ends well or does it?
The end!! Wheew that was okay I guess :/ anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please
comment on what should I do for the next One-Shot CRANROSE ^^ and for my TOD chapters too.(I'll give a special chapter where you guys can give any TODs ya like ^^)
(And Maira,known as my senior now, since you have added me in ur chapter I will and did so too)
Peace out guys ✌
Celeste out!

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