Special One-shot Chapter:Spinter

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Me: Hello everyone I'm back with another special one-shot chapter! I somehow enjoy writing all this XD anyways onwards to this chapter:
The couple...............SPINTER!! :)
Frost_san owns Winter and I dun own Spade,the owner of
Kaitou Joker does ^^
"I dun want to go on a date with him." whined Winter to her sister. "But you have to,you promised that if you lost to Crescent and Joker,only then you will go on a date with Spade and well.......you and Spade lost apparently." said her sister,Aurora.

Winter groaned,"Fine......" and stood up to go to her room to change. Suddenly the doorbell
rang.Aurora opened the door and there was standing Spade and..........Celeste? "What are you doing here Celeste?" asked Aurora."Oh I'm just here to check on Winter. Where is she?" asked Celeste while looking around from the doorway.

"Oh she's at her room." replied Aurora bluntly. "Thx!" said Celeste and whooshed past Aurora to Winter's room."I wonder what she wants to do.......anyways Spade are you here to pick up Winter for your date? said Aurora while smirking at him.

Spade blushed and replied,"Yea....." while scratching his cheek nervously. He was wearing a tuxedo while tugging at it uncomfortably."I DON'T WANT TO WEAR THIS!!" shouted Winter from upstairs. Celeste dragged Winter down the stairs while Winter was currently struggling to break free from Celeste's grasp.

Spade jaw dropped at how stunning Winter looked. She wore
a black loose off-shoulder dress that reached till just below the knees and she had a silver bracelet on with what looked like tiny ice snowflakes,her hair was in a high ponytail and on her feet was a pair of brown boots that reached until her knees.

Winter was covering her face while Celeste was grinning like a mad woman. "Hehe you look beautiful Winter-san,better take care of that outfit,I made it specially for you," said Celeste,before adding on,"Oh yea you should go for your date now byee!" while pushing the couple out the door.

"Well my work here is done. Come along with me if you wanna make sure your sister is alright with Spade-san," Celeste said while dragging Aurora along with her to somewhere.

Where the Spinter couple is,
"So how has life been?" asked Spade while taking a bite out of his steak. They were currently at a restaurant having dinner while Celeste,Aurora along with Pinko,Senior M,Skyla,Yune,Frost,Bold and Maren were sitting 7 tables away from the pair.

"It's great thanks how about yours? You and Joker working out your differences?" Winter asked while giggling a bit at the end.

Spade replied,"Nothing much just the usual going on heists and competing with Joker,Queen and Shadow to get the treasure."

Winter took a bite of her spaghetti and her eyes sparkled in delight. "Mmm~ the food here tastes awesome!!" said Winter,enjoying the taste of the spaghetti in her mouth.

Spade was staring at her in wonder and took the time to take in the beauty of her face. Winter noticed this after finishing her spaghetti which kinda make her feel a bit uncomfortable."Ummm Spade? You there? Your food is getting cold....." said Winter nervously.

Spade snapped out of his thought and started to eat quickly. Once he had finished, he asked," How did you eat so fast? Were you so hungry?" while chuckling at the end. Winter blushed and looked away from Spade for a short while before facing him again.

"L-Lets get going," said Winter while standing up from her seat but Spade grabbed her hand to stop her from walking away. "Now do you even know where we're going next?" asked Spade. Winter realised that she didn't know and she blushed cuz of embarrassment. Great job Winter...... now you've embarrassed yourself in front of your date.......

"Let's get going." said Spade while paying for the bill and standing up from his seat. He lead Winter out the door and to their next venue. Skyla peeked from behind the menu to make sure the coast was clear before giving the signal to the others.They stood up from their seats,paid for their food and rushed after the pair.

The scenery was one breathtaking one as the moon was reflected on the river and the stars above made it slightly brighter. There were a bunch of water boats with lights on them and each and every boat with their own design and shape.

Winter gasped and said,"T-this is so beautiful Spade!" She admired on how beautiful each boat look and saw one that caught her eye. It was a blue heart shaped boat that had a shade and the design was snowflakes that dangled from the tip of the shade and glistened under the moonlight.The light blue lights made the boat look more enchanting and the boat had different shades of blue on it as well.

Spade said," You really like that boat huh? Guess my senses aren't bad." Winter looked at him questioningly and asked," What do you mean?" Spade looked at her and smiled,then dragged her to the boat. Winter said," Wait are you saying that you chose this boat?!" Spade just nodded his head and helped Winter get on the boat.

He too got into the boat and off they went. The girls were utterly shocked but went to find a big boat to fit in and some disguises which Celeste had provided for them.

They found a magneficent star shaped light purple boat with a star shade and the design inside the shade is a bunch of photos that have a string connecting them and the magneficent bit of it was the
fairy lights that was wrapped around the tip of the shade.

The girls gasped at its beauty and quickly rented that boat to follow the pair. They went to the restrooms to change into the disguises that Celeste had given them.

Bold was dressed up as a photographer while the other girls just wore ordinary clothing. They took the boat out to where the pair had stopped,right under the moon. Bold saw that the two were about to kiss but remembered to put no flash and no sound for the camera and successfully got a pic of their
kiss. Bold smiled cheekily at the others while pointing to the pic.

The others gave a big thumbs up and they followed silently behind the pair. They heard Spade say while holding both of Winter's hands," Winter,I have known you for quite a while and we have spent sometime together and during that time I couldn't help but fall in love with you. So would you take up the offer of being my girlfriend?"

Celeste and Bold were silently squealing with happiness. The others looked like they were proud of Spade. Well done Spade!! Bold and Celeste thought it mind.

Winter thought of it for a while before nodding her head in acceptance. "I,Winter,will take up the offer of being your girlfriend,and from this day onwards you will be my official boyfriend." said Winter before winking at Spade. Spade grabbed her by the waist and spun her around once before putting her down.

"THIS WAS THE BEST DATE EVER!!" shouted Winter. Spade chuckled and replied," I couldn't have agreed more with you,Winter or should I say gifriend."
That's all!! Took me quite a few days but here is the other special chapter. Request what other ships I can do!! Byeee!!!
Celeste out!!

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