TOD part 11

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Venue: Mah house

Me:'s TOD again!

*wind blows silently*

Me: Eh? Where is everyone? I'm pretty sure they are hiding somewhere in my house.....*goes off to find them*

Everyone: Hope she doesn't find us.........

Me: Etto guys? Where are you? *walks to kitchen* Hmmm *opens all the cabinets* Aha! Found you! *drags Ichi,Snow and Jessica from cabinets*

Snow: Nuuu I dun want to play T-T

Me: Nuh uh u must play now let's go find the others *ties them to the sofa with ropes* Oh yeah don't try to break free. One move and it'll shock all of you bye! *skips off*


20 minutes of searching later.....
Me: So you all thought that you could hide huh?

Joker: Grrrr and I was so close.....

Me: Well too bad :p *snaps fingers*

Everyone: *free from ropes* Yes! *runs to the door*

Joker: HYAH!! *kicks door* OUCH!! *holds leg in pain*


Me: Haha you thought you could escape eh? Well think again cuz I put invisible barriers all over the house.

Others: Darn it......

Me: It's okay there's not much today......

Mark: *reads TOD card* *blushes*

Me: *reads card* Etto......../////


Me: *sighs* *looks at Areesya*

Areesya: *mouths DO IT!"

Me&Mark: *looks at each other*

Me: I really don't want to do this......

Mark: Hmmm..... *leans to me*

Me: 0-0 *steps back*

Mark: Look just make this quick okay.....

Me: *sighs* I will regret doing this.....*leans in*

Mark: *gives me a short *cough cough* kiss*

Me: *covers face*

Others: 0-0

Marcel/Mate shippers: MARCEL/MATE!!!

Me: *blushing* A-Areesya!!

Areesya: 👍


Me: A-anyways let us continue! *reads TOD card* Hahaha

Others: Huh?

Me: Jokers and Spade come here!

Jokers&S: ?? *reads TOD card* Okay??


Me: This is going to be interesting.........

Joker: *whines* Cresssceeeent I'm tireeddddddddddd *leans on Crescent*

Crescent: Eh? Weren't you fine a minute ago? *blushes*

Joker: Anoooooooo I'mmmmm tireeeed noowwwwwwww.........*hugs her*


Others: Eh what's going on?

Shadow: Rrooooseeeee I wantttt apppllleeee pie

Rose: Eh onii-chan?!

(So sorry to do this Senior)

Shadow: *leans on Senior's shoulders* M please gimmeeeere appppppleeee pieeee

M: Etto..........*pushes his head
over to Pinko's shoulders*

Shadow: I saidddddddddd I wanntttttt apppllleeeee pieeee M.........*leans back on M's shoulders and hug her waist unconciously* (Sorry for this 🙏 I do it for Shara fans XD)

M: *slight blush* Shade please remove your head from my shoulders........

Bold: Shara! *snaps pics*

M: BOLD!!!

Bold: :p

Spade: Winterrrrrrrr why isssssss itttt soooooo coldddddddd....*hugs her*

Winter: SPADE?! *blushes*

Spade: So warmmmmm *hugs her tighter*

Winter: ?!

Me: *sweatdrops* Okay I laughed enough boys you can stop the act now.........

Others: EH?!

Jokers&S: Okay

M: Wait so you three were pretending to be drunk?!

Joker: Hai

Shadow: That was our dare......

Me: That was just cute! Maybe I should make a one-shot about th--

C&M&W: NO!!!

Me: Hmmmm *smirks*

M: Please no

Crescent: *faints*

Me: Eh Crescent?!

Joker: Oioi wake up *shakes Crescent's shoulders*

Winter: *blushes*

Me: Anyways lets move on. *reads TOD cards* Ooo Kanofist!! Please come here :)

Kanofist: *blushes* What is it? *reads one TOD card* WHAT?! */////

Areesya: Yes Kanofist!!


Snow: Same!

Me: Aren't they just adorbs :)

Kanofist: *blushes*

Me: Please do your dare :)

Kano: *blushes* I guess we have to do one of that.......

Pacifist: What?!

Kano: *hugs her while blushing*

Pacifist: *blushes*

Others: Now what's this?

Ichi: Kan----

Me: Wait for it

Kano: *gives Pacifist a short kiss on da lips*

Pacifist: *blushes*

A&S&I&Me: Awwwwww

Kanofist: *blushes*

Me: Next TOD *reads TOD card* WHAT?!

Areesya: Heheh........😅

Others: ?? *read TOD card* WHAT?! HECK NO!!

Areesya: Awww cmon guys :))

Ships: *blush* F-fine.......

Areesya: Yey *throws smokebombs*

Ships: *cough cough* Oh gosh......


Me: *sweatdrops* Etto *tugs at the hem of skirt* This is embarassing......

Mark: It isn't every time I see you wear that......

Me: *slaps him* Stop thinking that way you pervert.....

Joker: Hahahaha Spade you look hilarious XD

Spade: Like your face?


Me: Oh snap!

Joker: Tch at least I don't have an ugly face like you

Me: At least I don't have an ego like yours......

Aria: Ohhhhhh

Joker: I wasn't talking to you!!

Me: *rolls eyes* Anyways guys we all have to take two pics,one for pairing and one for all the ships.

Madison: One,two,three


Me: Now that's done,onto the very last TOD.......*reads TOD card* Ahhh I feel sorry for doing that but if I have to then no choice........


Me: *telepathy* saw my dare right?

Aria: Yea I did let's go

Me&Aria: *teleports*

Others: *blink*

Everyone was teleported to a place. Then,suddenly......

Me&Aria: *teleports in front of them while holding.........a dead body........*

Others: HOLY SH--

?: Oi stop there immediately *footsteps running over*

Me&Aria: Shiz

Me: *drops the body and a bloody knife on the floor*

Others: ??

Shadow: *picks up the bloody knife*

?: Excuse me mam? Why do you and that girl have red stains on your body?

Me&Aria: Oh ummm

?: You two are under arrest for commiting a murder.......

Me: WAIT it wasn't us!! It was the two of them!! *points at Shadow and M*

Aria: Yea!! This is just red paint sir.

S&M: *gives me and Aria a WTF face* Sir we can assure we di--

Me: They're liars!! Look at their clothes!! They have bloody stains on it!! And look that guy is holding a bloody knife!!

Shadow: WHAT?! NO IT WASN--

?: Sorry sir,I'm afraid I have to arrest you two......


Me: Uhhhh sir......

?: Hmm yes mam?

Me: *sighs* Look it was me and my partner who killed this fellow..........let's just say it was a dare.......


Areesya: *backs away quietly*

Me: Uhhh that person is not here at the moment........

?: I understand,but I have to arrest you two.....

Me: You don't have to. I can revive him.

?: Eh? Is that possible?

Me: Yup *starts reviving the poor dead guy 😵*

The guy: *wakes up* *touches his head* EH?! I THOUGHT I WAS DEAD!!! *looks at me then Aria* YOU TWO!! STAY AWAY FROM ME *backs away*

Me: Geez calm down. If I didn't revive you,you wouldn't be alive now.

The guy: Oh so you revived me? Thank you but you are not forgiven for killing me....

Me: It was a dare sir,sorry *bows apologetically*

Aria: Yea me too *bows down head in shame*

The guy: Oh........I see the situation.....well then you are forgiven bye. *walks off*

?: I'll be off too.Your revival magic is cool btw. Bye! 👋

Me: Bye sir! No-


M: Yea junior that's not a nice thing to do you know *crosses arms*

Me: As I said, it was a dare. *shows her the card*

M: *reads* *glares at Areesya*

Areesya: *runs away*

Me: Welp see you on the next chp bye!

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