TOD part 12!! 🕛

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Me: Hola amigos! Today we have TODs!!


Me: Nee hee

Joker: Your laugh is weird

Me: Like your face?

Spade: Burrnnn

Joker: Shut up Spade!

Spade: Well it isn't my fault that you look that way

Joker: At least I wasn't born on the highway........cuz that's where most accidents happen

Me: Ohhhhh

Spade: Pretty sure you're just a mistake Joker

Joker: I'm a mirror soz


Joker: Yey I win :)

Others: *sweatdrop*

Iris: Such little kids

Me: Oioi Iris!! Ur in the wrong anime!! Ur supposed to be in Pokemon Black and White! Not KJ!!

Iris: *shrugs* I just wanted to say that

Cilan: Oh Iris there u are. Me and Ash have been looking for you.

Ash: Oh there you are Iris! Eh who are you people?

Me: Etto Ash and Cilan..........not you too *pinches the bridge of nose*

Ash: Hmm?? *tilts head to the side*

Me: Nvm anyways outta here you three *pushes them out*

Ash&Cilan&Iris: See ya later then!

Me: Okay now that they are g---

?: Oo this is incredible technology!!

?:Big bro!!

Me: Oh gawd not those two *runs to control panel* Clemont?! Bonnie?! What the fudge you doing here?!

Clemont: Huh? Oh hey Haruka I have no idea how we ended up here but your technology sure
is advanced!

Bonnie: Hey Haruka!!

Me: *steps back* How do you two know my name *points at them*

The siblings: *look at each other* *laughs* Well you are the author after all

Me: Oh you two are so observant unlike that Ash💢💢

Clemont: Ash? Oh

Bonnie: Let's go look for Ash then!

Me: I'll send you two back to ur world kay *sends them back* Geez where do they all keep coming from........*walks back to main room*

Others: Oh you're back.

Me: Yes I am now let's start with the TODS......


Crescendo: Yo!

Me: Ah there u are now we
begin! *reads TOD card* Haha

Shadow: Better not be about me.

Me: Haha ur wrong,u have to let Senior M and Pinko to ride ur Black Speeder :D

Shadow: NOOOOO *hugs Black Speeder* N.E.V.E.R

Me: Tch so stubborn *idea suddenly pops in mind* Hehehe.....

Shadow: *steps back* Wth u thinking......


Me: IF u don't do the dare...............................I will dump ur Black Speeder into the incinerator :DDDDD and no one can save it,not even ur sister :)


Me: Exactly. So which do u

Shadow: ........

M: Eh I don't have a licence ⊙▽⊙

Pinko: Me neither ⊙▽⊙


M: Ish Shadow,stop nagging so much,ur not our mom :p

Me: U just got owned-- okay Imma stop.........

Pinko: *blows party air horns* *puts on shades*

M: *also puts on shades* Yea Shade

Me: *sweatdrops* Okay gurls just do ur dare!!


M&P: *hops onto Black Speeder* Sayonara!! *drives off*

Me: Hehe

1 hr later........

Shadow: *sobbing in the corner over his ded Black Speeder* My Black Speeder.......

Me: *sweatdrops* What happened?? *looks at M & Pinko*

M: *covered in dust* Oh yeah..........we umm accidentally went too fast that at one point,me and Pinko had to like jump off the Black Speeder,which ended up in a canyon..........

Pinko: *cleaning the dust off* Yea.......sorry Shady-kun

Shadow: *drawing circles* *sulking*

Joker: I don't think sorry is enough.............*sweatdrops*

Others: Agreed

Me: Anyways on to the next TOD..*reads TOD* Lol Shovel head's so dead. Shovel head,come here

Spade: Oi I'm not a shovel head!! *reads TOD card* Nani?! She's gonna kill me

Me: Well best of luck.........also *takes his Kaitou tools* Hope you survive without these!!

Spade: Hey no fair...........

Me: :))

Spade: :(

Me: If u dun do the dare,I'll take away ur tea supply :))

Spade: You're evil

Me: Says the shovel head pfttt

Spade:........*sighs* *walks over to Queen* Hey Queen,there's strawberry cake in the kitchen waiting for you.

Queen: CAKE?! *runs into kitchen*

Spade: *takes her sword* *hides*

Queen: SPADE THERE IS NO CAKE IN THE KITCHEN U LIAR!! *looks for Spade* Where is he?!

Me: Try looking for him in the storage room.

Queen: Thanks *runs to storage room* Aha!! Spade I found you!!

Spade: GAH *runs out and away*

Queen: Eh? U tricked me to get my sword huh? GET BACK HERE!! *runs after him*

Others: -.-"

Me: Anyways let's just continue with the TODS......*reads TOD card* Joker,u have a dare.

Joker:? *reads TOD card* I don't really mind but...........does she have a license?

Crescent: No actually.........*sweatdrops*

Me:Well you have to risk ur Road Joker then. Crescent,you have to drive the Road Joker.

Joker: T^T

Crescent: Eh? Ermm I guess I'm okay with that...*gets into Road Joker* Bye guys !! *drives off*

30 minutes later.....
Me: *jaw drops*

Joker: *hugs Crescent* You came back alive with my Road Joker!! I'm so happy!

Me: W-wow.............I'm so proud
of you Crescent 👍

M: Eh? Crescent can ride so well? Congrats Junior ^^

Crescent: Arigato Senior.....

Me: Anyways next TOD *reads card* (Old shipping side: Yey Joqueen Yay!! New shipping side:She's so dead........) Queen u have a dare.

Queen: *looks at TOD card* Eh? She'll kill me for doing that.

Me: ........Just do something that will make her jealous Queen now go

Queen: *gulps* Uhhh *looks around to see what she can do* Aha! *purposely tripped over Hosshi* Wahh!!

Joker: *catches Queen* Eh Queen u alright? Be more careful next time geez.......*lifts her back up by the waist*

Crescent: *glares at Queen*

Queen: Umm Joker I suggest u let go of my waist now *sweatdropping*

Joker: Huh? *looks at Crescent* *lets go of Queen's waist immediately* Shiz *runs away*

Queen: *also runs away*

Hiroshi: JOKER!! WHO ASKED U TO DO THAT?! *runs after Joker*

Crescent: Queen!!! *runs after Queen*

Others: (・・;)

Me: It was a dare you two chill!!

H&C: *stops running* Who gave this dare?" *dark aura*

Crescendo: *backs away*

Me: W-Why don't u just check the name?

H&C: *reads the name* CRESCENDO!! *glares at him*

Crescendo: Ahaha *laughs nervously* *runs off*

Hiroshi: Get back here!!

Crescent: I'm not letting you escape this brother!!

Me: Let's just continue 😅 *reads TOD card* Hosshi come here you little cutie ^^

Hosshi: Hosshi? *jumps into my arms* *looks at TOD card* Hosshi Hosshi!!(Yes Revenge!!) *jumps
onto Joker's face and hugs his face*

Joker: UWAHH PSEUDO CAT!! GET OFF ME *tries to pull Hosshi of his face*

Hosshi: Hosshi (No)

Joker: Argh get off me *pulls Hosshi off*

Hosshi: Hosshi.....(Awww)

Me: Next TOD! *reads card* Pfttt HAHAHA I would like to see him try 😂😂


Me: Shadow come here. There's a dare for you.

Shadow: *reads card* What?! I dunno any of these

Me: Tch just do it.

Shadow: *death stare* Fine......but u have to help me with this.

Me: Errrr *thinking* *whispers to him*

Shadow: Sounds pretty weird but okay.....*walks over to M* Hey M

M: Yes Shade?

Shadow: Can I follow you?

M: Umm why?

Shadow: Cuz my mom told me to follow my dreams :)
(Okay this is pretty cheesy but whatever)

M: Eh?! *speechless*

Me: Aha I did a bad job *slaps my forehead*

Rose: That's cute~

Bold: Shara!

M: Bold!!

Others: What just happened?

Me: Oh *shows dare*

Others: *reads it* Awww cute

Shadow: *blushes*

M: G-Guys!!

Me: Anyways last TOD! *reads TOD card* Oo~ *smirks* Joscent~ Come here

Joscent: Something tells me that this is bad *glances at Crescendo*

Crescendo: *smiles back*

Joscent: *glances at me who is smirking at them* Yep that's bad

Me: Cmon you two.......stop keeping everyone waiting and do ur dare......*shows dare to Joscent*

Joscent: *reads it* *blushes* Do we have to?

Me: *nods*

Others: *start thinking another way around*

Joker: It is a dare after all.......

Crescent: Yea.......

Me: If u guys rather do that without anyone seeing,I can ask them to cover their eyes....

Shadow: Holy shitu do u actually mean they are going to-

Me: Ur thinking too much Mr.Tsundere-chan,they won't do such a thing. Their dare is this *shows them the card*

Others:*reads it* Ohh

Me: U guys and ur minds........anyways *takes out pocky* Here you go Joker *gives him one pocky*

Joker: *places the pocky between his lips and faces Crescent*

Crescent: *gulps* *bites on the other side of the pocky*

Joscent: *starts biting the pocky* *ish also blushing*

Others: *watch while eating popcorn*

Joscent: *kisses Pocky style?*


Joscent: *blushing*

Me: Anyways that's all-

Illona: Not yet!!

Me: Dammit Illona,what do u want now.

Illona: Oh nothing~ Just a little TOD abt u hehe

Me: *takes the card* WTF ILLONA

Illona: :D

Me: *blushing*

Others: What's the TOD?


Mark: Ano? What is this? *takes card from my hands* *blushes* WEI ILLONA WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!

Illona: :)

M: *takes card from Mark* *reads it* Oh?

Bold: *takes a peek* Huh......I haven't thought of that yet.

Maren: *looks at TOD* It says:
To: Everyone
Truth- If the ship Maruka ever had children,what will you name them?

Me: *burries self in pillows*

Others: Names for their children huh?


Illona: Really.........*smirks* Anyways guys kindly comment on what their children will be named as :)

Me: Imma kill you Illona *glares at her*

Illona: Bye!! *runs away*

Me: Don't read what she said.

xX_Crescendo_Xx I'm so sorry for the super duper long wait but here's the chp 🙏

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