TOD part 7 ^^

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Me: Now I will be continuing the TOD session!!

Me: Ichi how do u even make so many TODs .......

Ichi: *shrugs* Guess I just like it.

Me: Okay everyone let's start with the first dare........*reads TOD card* Ichi you have got to be kidding me -.-

Ichi: 😝


Me: Let's go to the place........

Venue: Top of Mount Everest


Me: I'm perfectly fine

Winter: Same.....

Snow: It isn't that cold

Amy: I'm the same with Snow...

Hikari: Agreed.....

Joker: I'm freezing over here

Spade: All of us here feel the same Joker!

Me: *sighs* *fire aura appears*

Joker: Uwahhhh Heat!!

Me: I think I should just burn him instead............

?: Hey guys!!

Me: Eh Yuna?

Joker: Oh hey Yuna!!

Me: What r u doing here?

Yuna: Oh I have no idea how I ended up here but it's freezing.

Me: Uhhhh okay? So Joker you have to jump off

Joker: AGAIN?! Just how many times must I fall to my death......

Me: Ask Ichi not me

Ichi: I dun care •-•

Me: But others do.......-.-

Joker: Yea

Me: But just do ur dare Lupin jump with him and no tools *shows them 3 TOD cards*

J&L: What?!

Joker: Well bye bye world *jumps off*

Lupin: Please wait for me Milady I'll be back......

Ace: Like I care........hmph *looks away*

Me: Ace please dun act that way 😅

Ace: :p

Lupin: *jumps off*

Me: Would u rather save Lupin or Joker,Ace?

Ace: Eh.........well...........I'll just save Joker

Me: You sure not Lupin? *smirks*


Bold: Cmon Ace we know you'd rather save him rit?

Yune: Yes Ace say you will say Lupin or I'll spam you until ur phone malfunctions like how u did last time to me *glares at her*
(Look at Luna_Kanazaki 's book for this spamming thing)

Ace: Fine..........I'll save him.....

Me: Here you will need this cuz balloon gum will freeze instantly. *gives her grabbling hook*

Ace: *jumps off and grabs Lupin* Hold on eggplant *uses grabbling hook to stop their fall*

Bold: *shouts from the top* LUACE!!

Ace: SHUT IT!!

Me: Crescent would you like to save Joker?

Yuna: Oh so she likes Joker too huh.......we'll see about that....

Crescent: Eh? Uhhh yea I will

Me: Okay just jump off and grab Joker first. I'll help you guys up later.

Crescent: Okie *jumps off cliff and grabs Joker* GOT HIM!!

Me: Okay! *forms a cloud bed below them to prevent them from falling*

Joscent: *opens eyes* WE'RE SAVED!!!

Me: *leads cloud back up* Ur welcome

Joker: Ichi stop trying to kill me........

Ichi: :p

Me: Okay now it's Snow's turn. Everyone let's go back to my studio first. I'll be flying to our next destination.


Venue: Paris

Me: Okay we have arrived

Queen: *looks out from window* The view is so nice!!

Me: Well now in Paris it is night time and that makes the view more romantic in a way.

Spade: What's the TOD?

Me: *shows them TOD card*

Everyone: *reads TOD card* Snow........*glances at her*

Snow: Eh?! Why?!

Me: Cmon just use ur wings to fly to the Eiffel Tower and shout out "I Love President D" as loud as you can k?

Snow: *blushes* Well okay....... *uses wings to fly to Eiffel Tower*

Me: Well there she goes

Snow: *breathes in and out* I LOVE YOU PRESIDENT D!!!!

PD: *heard it* *blushes*

Me: That was loud.......

Snow: *looks down to see people staring at her strangely* Errrrrr sorry it was a dare........ *flies back to airstudio*

Person 1: What is up with that girl?

Person 2: Didn't you hear? She said it was a dare.

Person 3: Whatever let's not mind about that

Person 1&2: Yea

Back to the air studio.......

Snow: Omg I embarrassed myself in front of all those people.

Me: *pats her back* It's okay. Next TOD! *reads card* Okay? *reads the card after that* Uh huh.....*reads the one after that* Oh


Me: *telepathy* Psst Joker can you hear me?

Joker: Huh who are you?

Me: It's me Celeste dummy anyways go hide somewhere no one can find you it's a dare

Joker: Ohhh umm okay?

Me: Oh yeah dun make it suspicious just say that you needa get ready for the next heist

Joker: K

Me: *ends line*

Joker: I needa go get ready for my next heist

Queen: You have a heist?

Joker: Yea *walks off to the hallway*

Me: Okay so I have placed a portal in front of you. Just run into it and you'll find urself somewhere in the air studio.

Joker: Got it! *jumps into the portal*

A few minutes later,

Spade: Hey where's Joker?

Shadow: It's impossible that he takes that long

Queen: Yea

Me: Idk why don't you go find him Shadow. *gives him the TOD card*

Shadow: *reads TOD card* Yes finally something I can do for my boredom. *runs off to find Joker*

Me: *takes out popcorn* Cmon guys let's go watch the fight!

Everyone: *runs with me to the place*

Shadow: AHA I found you

Joker: You'll never beat me Shadow!! Shooting Star!!

Shadow: Tch *dodges it* Bloody Rain!!

Joker: *dodges* Woah that was close! Emblem Fire!!!

Me: This is getting interesting *munches on popcorn with the others while sitting on a large beanbag*

Others: Sure is

Shadow: *charges towards Joker* Bloody Rain!

Joker: *dodges* *accidentally trips on the rug* Oof

Shadow: *ran towards Joker but tripped as well* OH SH** OOF


Everyone: *eyes wide as saucers*

Guess what happened between those two?
They accidentally fell on top of each other and their lips were touching...........

Awkward silence.......
Everyone: .............

J&S: .............

Me: *snaps pic* This will be a memorial day......

M: You two are so clumsy at times

Rose: Onii-chan be more careful next time and yes my Yaoi Ship happened!!

S&J: R-ROSE!!! *blushing*

Me: Haha

Other boys: .........

Me: Anyways let's move on. *reads next TOD card* Rose can you come here?

Rose: Huh? *reads TOD card* But I can't hurt my onii-chan

Me: Well a dare is a dare I'll heal him later.

Rose: Oh okay! *grabs a frying pan* Onii-chan

Shadow: Eh? Rose? What are you gonna do with that? *points at the pan*

Rose: This! *hits him 20 times continuously with the pan*

Others: *eyes widen*

Joker: Oh gosh I can't believe Shadow is getting beaten up by his little sister XD

Rose: Well you better believe it

Shadow: *fainted*

Me: Etto.......... *reads next TOD card* This again...... *walks into room to get ready*


Joker: *reads TOD card* Oh I see she has to go on a date with Mark again.

M: Marcel!!

Bold: Yesss

Hikari: I think it should be Mate

Me: *comes out of room* Are you guys srsly still talking abt my ship name with him?

Girls: Yes

What I am wearing:

Mark: Did someone mention a date?

Me: yea you and me needa go on a date now let's get movin

2 hrs 30 minutes later......

Me: That was a great date *bites into cotton candy*

Mark: Yea it sure was

Me: Heheh that game sure got you soaking wet huh.

Mark: Please don't remind me of that.......

M: Hey guys so how was ur date? *looks over to Mark* Umm why are u soaking wet?

Yune: You looked like you came from the water park......

Pinko: Or someone dumped water on you

Yuna: Or issit the game where you have to sit on a board and when someone hits the target next attached to the board,it will trigger the board,which will then make the person fall into the tank of water below them?

Me: That's the reason *glances at Yuna*

Joker: Lol

Me: Anyways let's continue *reads two TOD cards* Oh no......

Others: Don't tell me it's something bad again?

Me: *sighs* *shows them the first TOD card*

Everyone: UWHAT?!

Ace: There's no way I am going to
switch bodies with that eggplant *points at Lupin*


Me: Well since last time it was Dowko now it is Shara. It's only fair between you and Pinko, Senior M.

M: B-but........

Me: It's only fair and square M-san......

M:..........Fine I'll just do this for once but I'm not going to like it......

Pinko: Yay!!!!

Me: So the pairings will be:
-Joker and Crescent
-Spade and Winter
-Queen and Hiroshi? (sorry Neko_Milk_Tea  I'm just using him for this dare plis dun be mad at me 🙏)
-Hyakkimaru and Aurora
-Cranberry and Rose
-Shadow and M
-Bold and Phoenix(if u wanted Akanix, I can't cuz I have no idea who is the owner and second I didn't ask to include Akame so yea)
-Lupin and Ace
-Me and Mark?? -.-
-Snow and President D


Madison: Too late *throws smokebombs at us*

Me(In Mark's body): *coughs* *looks down to see herself in Mark's clothes* Hmm not bad....(The clothes are from the date which have been dried)

Mark clothes: It consists of a black hoodie,black ripped jeans,and his regular green sneakers.

Mark(In My Body)I could say the same (P.S he is wearing my outfit for the date)

Shadow(In M's body):I hate whenever all of us do this dare..... *tugs at M's clothes*

M(In Shadow's body): *mumbles*You know ur clothes are quite comfortable........

Joker(In Crescent's body): Not bad *posing in front of mirror

Crescent(In Joker's body): This outfit suits me *twirls around*

Spade(In Winter's body): Emmmm

Winter(In Spade's body): *mumbles* This is surprisingly comfortable...

Hyakkimaru(In Aurora's body): *blushes* Emmmmmm

Aurora(In Hyakkimaru's body): *twirls around* This is awesome *throws a shuriken to the wall* Cool!

Hiroshi(In Queen's body):'s tight..(・_・;)

Queen(In Hiroshi's body): And you thought I was fat hmph *looks away*

Bold(In Akai's body): These are more comfortable than I thought

Akai(in Bold's body): Why am I included in this...

Cranberry(In Rose's body): *sulks*

Rose(In Cranberry's body): It's okay Ren-kun *sweatdrops*

Ace(In Lupin's body): It doesn't fit again!

Lupin(In Ace's body): But you look good with it eventhough it is too big for you *sweatdrops*

Snow(In PD's body): *blushes while tugging at PD's clothes*

PD(In Snow's body):..........

Me:And this is lasting for 5 hrs......Joker u have to dance all over the place! It's the next dare!

Crescent(Joker): WHAT?!

Mark(Me): Just do it.....

Crescent(Joker): But I can't dance in this body cuz it's Crescent and its not her dare......

Joker(Crescent): Ehhhhh

Mark(Me): I got an idea why don't both of you dance tgt it's better.

Joscent: Fine.......*starts dancing all over the place*

Others: Ahahahaha

Mark(Me): Okay next dare.........hahaha *shows TOD card except to Luace*

Others except Luace: Hahaha

Mark(Me): Get ready.......Hey Lupin! Ace!


Others: I've got an Ace,I've got got a Lupin. Eh~ We got a Luace!!

Luace: *blushes*

Mark(Me): Okay so there is one more--

Aria: *hands me two more TOD cards* You mean 3 more.....

Mark(Me): Three more TODs to go...... So Snow......



Mark(Me): Okay so another 5 mins then we are back to normal...... Now lemme see.........

To: Celeste
Dare: Sing in front of everyone
From: Aria

To: Bold
Truth: Do you ship Mark and Celeste?
From: Madison

Me: Ehhh me sing?

(P.S everyone is back to normal now)

Aria: Yes

Girls: We really want to hear you sing!

Boys: We're curious to know how well you can actually sing.......

Me: Uhhhhhh okay I guess......*starts singing Silent Scream by Anna Blue*

Once song finished.....

Everyone: *claps* That was good!

Mark: I think it was perfect *ruffles my hair*

Me: Heyyy *pouts*

Bold & M: *whispers* Marcel~

Me: *glares at them* Anyways the last--

?: Waitttt

Me:? Just how many times must I get interrupted -.- what do u want now Mira-san......

Mira: Here *hands me a Q&A card* Everyone in the guild asked me the same thing

Me: Oh I see......... Anyways on with the last TOD of the day!! *reads TOD card* Bold,can you come here? There's a truth for you.....

Bold: *reads truth* Of course I do!! They're cute tgt

Me: *pouts* No..........

M: You two are kinda meant for each other ;)

Me: Not you too Senior M.......

Mira: Don't forget the Q&A card I gave you....

Me: Oh right.......*reads card*

To: Celeste
Q: What type of dere are you?
From: Your dear guild,FT

Me: Oh that.........well I am A Deredere at most times,tsundere when someone pisses me off and.....a kuudere,whenever I wanna be :)

Everyone: Oh..........

Me: That's all guys for this chapter!!!!! Bye!!


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