Chat room part 2

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-Fellow Phantom Thieves Group chat-

Akai: Joker please!!

Joker: No.

Akai:  (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

-Spade Went Online-

Spade: Looks like he's learning fast.

Jokers: Yeah

Joker: Too fast.


Joker: No is No.

Spade: May I ask what happened?

-Queen went online-

Queen: Hello!

Joker: Hey.

Akai: (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

Queen: Akai?

Queen: What happend?

Spade: I was asking the same thing

Akai: Joker Locked me out!!

Akai: and it's Raining!!

Spade: what did you even do to Akai him do that?

Akai: ....

Akai: I burned his...Cape...

Spade: YOU WHAT!?


Queen: Good one!

Spade: I actually kinda feel bad for Joker in the same time

Spade: wanna make fun of  him.

Joker: since when did you feel bad for me?

Spade: hm...

Spade: Honestly can't remember

Joker: Bitch-

-Shadow went Online-

Shadow: Yo

Queen: Hey shadow!

Shadow: mind I'd I add someone?

Joker: Sure.

Akai: JOKER!!


Akai: HELP!!

Joker: ugh..

Joker: Fine

Joker: BRB

-Joker went Offline-
-Akai went offline-

Shadow: what happened?

Queen: Akai Burned Jokers Cape

Spade: So Joker lock him outside in the rain

Shadow: HA! SNATCH!

Spade: Anyway who are you gonna add?

Shadow:Oh yeah

-Shadow added Rose-

Rose: Hello! Everyone! ('')

Queen: Rose-Chan!!

Spade: Finally

Spade: Someone normal

Shadow: Wha-

Rose: Pleased to be here!

Spade: Your welcome anytime!

Queen: When a Cinnamon role enters the chat

Spade: Why did it Suddenly became quiet?

Shadow: Joker and Akai went offline

Rose: Akai?

Spade: Oh right! Akai is-

Queen: Jokers Soulmate

Rose: Really!? Eek!

Rose: ''

Shadow: there goes her shipping spree

-Joker Went online-

Spade: Welcome back

Queen: How's Akai?

Rose: Helli Joker-kun!

Shadow: where's Akai?

Joker: Oh sorry!

Joker: this is not Mr.Joker

Joker: It's me Haichi

Spade: Oh hey Haichi

Spade: where's Akai?

Joker: He's with Mr.Joker

Queen: What are they doing?

Rose: Yeah yeah!

Shadow: Send pic!

Spade: I don't wanna be childish but

Spade: I'm quite interested

Joker: eh?

Joker: if you guys say so

-Joker sent an Attachment-

Queen: KAWAII!!

Spade: Typical Joker Reaction

Shadow: Hm...

Shadow: I can use this :)

-Rose has save the Attachment 10 times-

Shadow: rose...

Joker: Okay I got what you-

Joker: AHHHHH!!

-Joker went offline-

Queen: Haichi!?

Rose: Haichi-kun!?

Spade: What's wrong?

-Joker went Online-

Joker: Excuse me and my assistant

Joker: :)

-Joker went offline-

Everyone: .....

Shadow: Bet on Haichi not surviving

Rose: Onii-chan!!

Shadow: what?

-Akai went Online-

Spade: oh hey Akai

Queen: How'd it go?

Akai: Haichi Took Joker away..

Akai: :(

Queen: Nuuuu

Spade: Oop-

Akai: (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

Shadow: Back to crying again

Shadow: | (• •)|

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