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Kooksbae: Aeyo Aeyo~

Pinkeubunny: aeyo aeyo aeyo aeyo aeyo~ turn it up now- lalalala- turn it up now-lalalala~

Kooksbae: why do i put up with u?

Pinkeubunny: cuz u love me *wink wonk*

Kooksbae: hmm, I don't think thats it.

Pinkeubunny: 💔

Kooksbae: aish, so dramatic.

Pinkeubunny: 🤷‍♀️
Pinkeubunny: so whats up?

Kooksbae: i won tickets to see a concert tonight. Wanna come?

Pinkeubunny: oooooo who's concert?!?

Kooksbae: idk someone called GD?

Pinkeubunny: wait are you serious!!!? GD?!?!?!

Kooksbae: thats what the tickets say. Idk I've never heard of them before. Are they any good?

Pinkeubunny: you're kidding right? Please tell me you're joking.

Kooksbae: *blinks in confusion*

Pinkeubunny: omg. No give me those tickets. You're not worthy of seeing his holiness perform live.

Kooksbae: oppa >~<

Pinkeubunny: no oppa :c

Kooksbae: but jungkookie oppa~ I want to see the concert too .... :c

Pinkeubunny: fine I'll let you come with me.

Kooksbae: Yaaaaaaay!!! ^u^
Kooksbae: wait. THEY'RE MY TICKETS!!!

Pinkeubunny: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Kooksbae: Yah! How did i end up begging for my own tickets! U lil shit!

Pinkeubunny: shizzle* and like i said before, cuz u love me *wink wonk*

Kooksbae: psssh. Thats it. I'll ask jimin if he wants to go instead.

Pinkeubunny: WHAT?! NO! THATS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!
Pinkeubunny: Y/N... please, I'll do anything to go. GD is like my all time fav artist. Plz. Plz. Plz.

Kooksbae: hmmmmmmm..... let me think about that for a minute.......
kooksbae: nope.


Kooksbae: Is that you knocking at my door rn?!?
Kooksbae: it is too lmffao

Y/N pov

You looked out the peep whole to see him kneeling on the ground knocking at your door, his muscular form still towering tall despite being knelt down. You jumped out of the way when you saw him reach for the mail slot.

"Y/N... pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease"

You debated for a moment on whether or not to open to door when an idea popped into your head. With a mischievous smirk you unlocked the door and hid in a nearby closet.

"Y/N?" You heard as the mail slot flipped shut.

"Come in~" you said before closing the closet door, holding in a giggle. There was the soft creak of the front door as it opened snd clicked shut. You could hear his newly restored timberlands softly thudding on the carpeted entry way.

"Hello?" You heard him call, then there was silence. There were a few more soft thuds before the steps stopped all together. You were worried that he had left when you saw a shadow sneaking past the closet.

Sneaky little bugger took off his shoes, you thought to yourself, a tiny giggle slipping out of your throat. Shizzle stix. I hope he didn't hear that.

A few minutes passed as you were anxiously waiting to see if he'd heard you. Right as you relaxed, the door flung open. "GOTCHA!"

You let out a squeak in fear, yes a squeak, instantly regretting it as he laughed and pinched your cheeks. "Awweee, aigoo"

You tried to make a dash for it, successfully ducking under his arm the first time, only to be swept up carried over his shoulder to the living room.

"YAH! LET ME GO!" You said laughing as you hit his back. He only chuckled softly as he reached his destination. "Jungkooooook," you whined, still smiling slightly.

"As you wish, princess" he said, mischief lacing his deep voice. Before you could comprehend what was about to happen, he dropped you off his shoulder with a thump, causing you to squeak again. Luckily he dropped you on the couch. He plopped himself on the ottoman in front of you, purposely blocking your escape. "Now, the concert tickets?" He said with a victorious smirk.

"Nope. I said I'll ask Jimin," you said defiantly, popping the 'p' with a smirk of your own.

"Noona" he pouted. You could see how desperately he wanted to go. His shoulders were slumped, his large doe eyes practically begging you. "Pleeeeeease"

You had never seen this side of him, and as much as you don't want to admit it, it melts your heart to a pile of goop and rainbows. "No noona..." you said, physically unable to put any sternness into it. You were lost in his big black eyes, unable to tear yourself away from their beauty. You didnt even notice that both of you were leaning in until you felt the electric buzz between you as your lips met his, melting instantly into his arms. You didn't know how much time passed with that kiss, all you knew was that everything about it felt right, like your lips were made solely for his, and you couldn't get enough. "Jungkook..." you breathed out as you finally pulled away from each other slowly.

"Shit" you barely heard under his breath, as he quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. Your eyes widened in shock as you saw why.

Poor kid. You chuckled to yourself, still trying to comprehend what just happened. There was no denying you had feelings for him, you just didn't know they were that strong.... or mutual.

Could it be.... was I the one he was talking about before? Hella cute, really nice...... wait.....


"Yes you do!"

That cheeky lil bugger.

Hey guys! Hope you are all enjoying so far~ i can't believe this story is already at 1.39k+ reads!
I decided to incorporate some actual story line to this rather than just text, let me know if you want me to continue with the pov and text. :)

Swaeg long and prosper everyone,
KookBook out 🖖😎

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