Boi... Creep much?

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Kooksbae: Omg, I am so sorry! I came down with the flu and fell asleep in the bathroom.

Kooksbae: kook?

Kooksbae: r u there???

Kooksbae: I know what ur doing -_-

Kooksbae: Yah! Oppaaaaaaa :(((

GoldenJeon: no oppa >:c

Kooksbae: I knew that would work.

GoldenJeon: cheater. *pouts*

Kooksbae: i said i was sorryyyy :( 

GoldenJeon: I know. U also said u fell asleep in the bathroom. Lol

Kooksbae: its not funny :((((

GoldenJeon: its a little funny.

Kooksbae: :(

GoldenJeon: are you okay?  Like on a scale of 1-10. 1 being achey and cold, 10 being blowing chunks out ur nose.

Kooksbae: numbers cannot express.

GoldenJeon: that great eh?

Kooksbae: i feel like shit.

GoldenJeon: shizzle*

Kooksbae: i feel like shizzle*

GoldenJeon: I can bring u some of jins miracle soup if u want? Its literally the B E S T remedy for getting better.

Kooksbae: uhhh...... how do you know we even live near eachother? I could live on the other side of the world for all you know.

GoldenJeon: well I don't want to sound like a creep  asking u where u live right of the bat but aight. 
Aeyo Gurl. Where yo crib at?

Kooksbae: omf. Did u srsly just say that. Lmfao

GoldenJeon: uhhh.... yes?

Kooksbae: now I'm definately  not telling u.

GoldenJeon: wut? Whats so weird about a complete stranger you've only  been messaging for a couple days that doesn't even know ur name asking u where u live so they can give u food for u to eat??
GoldenJeon: seems pretty legit to me.

Kooksbae: boi. Wtaf. When u put it that way... I kinda wanna block u now.

GoldenJeon: Nooo! Don't do that u gonn make me crie ㅠㅠ

Kooksbae set GoldenJeon nickname to GoldenCreepo

GoldenCreepo: i live in seoul south korea. If u live in the same area i can meet u at jins diner. He's one of the best cooks you'll ever meet. Well... other than this kook of course lol ;)

Kooksbae: .... I dont want to get anyone sick.

GoldenCreepo: but then how are you going to get the miracle soup and get better? :(

Kooksbae: .... y/n...

GoldenCreepo: huh?

Kooksbae: my name is y/n. Now  ur just a complete stranger asking where I live to give me foodz lol.  It's not much better, but meh, what could possibly go wrong? Lol.

GoldenCreepo: i mean... im not a complete stranger, i told u my name already, but i mean true. It's not like I'm some serial killer or reeepist.

Kooksbae: having second thoughts about even considering this again. Lol

GoldenCreepo: aish... jeon Jungkook,  97 liner (sept 01st),
178cm, 'A' blood type,  fav colours: Red, black & white. Life goals: to open a lamb skewer restaurant with Suga hyung, become a successful musician, or become a tattoo artist.  Hobbies include: making fun of jimins height, girl group dancing,  and fangirling over GD. Now. Will u at least let me leave the soup at your doorstep? U don't have to open the door if you're not comfortable with it yet.

Kooksbae: boi. Again i say. Wtaf. I didnt ask for an autobiography lmao. But I guess some soup would be nice.... BH dorms at 268 somethingorother st. Apartment 117.

GoldenCreepo: No. Fucking. Way.

Kooksbae: Frizzle-frazzling*
And wut?

GoldenCreepo: No. Frizzle-Frazzling*. Way. We live in the same building. I live on the third floor, apartment 317.

Kooksbae: thats impossible. I don't believe you.

GoldenCreepo: go to your balcony.

Kooksbae: No. Fucking. Way.
Boi. You mean you guys are the ones who scream "would you guys shut the fuck up I'm trying to sleep" at 2 am?!??

GoldenCreepo: that would be Suga hyung.
Btw. Ur kinda cute bae, even when your sick af. ;)

Kooksbae: Aish. Just bring me my soup already.

GoldenCreepo: ouch, rude much. You could at least say please you know. Lol

Kooksbae: Pwetty pwease

GoldenCreepo: that's better :) be right down.
Sent at 11:55 am

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