From Enemies to lovers

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This is a deleted scenes I thought on the honorable ones episode, with a twist

After Zeb and agent kallus fought off  a Bonzami

Zeb: Karabast! What was that?

Kallus: Don't know, but it's probably going to come back.

Zeb: Yeah, and it's probably gonna bring its friends.

Kallus: That is the order of things.

They both walk back to the meteorite and kallus falls

Kallus: The strong survive, the weak perish.

Zeb: Is that what happened on Geonosis? The weak needed to perish?

Kallus: The only thing I know about Geonosis is that the population is gone. I never asked questions.

Zeb: Well, maybe you should start. Or are you afraid of the answers you'll get? Afraid you'll learn the Geonosians were wiped out by your precious Empire?

As he turns to face him, Zeb noticed a picee of his hair fall down

(Beat, beat)

His heart began to beat fast

Kallus: And why would we do that? What could possibly be the point?

He quickly snapped back to reality

Zeb: Ah, good questions, Chase the answers, and maybe you'll learn the truth.

Zeb: You know, you'll never get out of here without my help.

Zeb, picks up a medpac and shoves it to Kallus's hands

Zeb: You're in no shape to help anybody.

Kallus: i can tell you exactly how to climb out of here.

Zeb: hmm All right. We'll work together.

Zeb then picks up Kallus' bo-rifle, discovering it is modified for close-quarters combat. Although Zeb is impressed by the modification, while using it to splint Kallus' broken leg.

Zeb: I see you modified it for close quarters fighting. Impressive. But you shouldn't have it. It's not a trophy.

Kallus: ah!!

Zeb: Now hold still.

Kallus: (grunts)

After he patches his broken leg, he look up at him, his hair in his face, kallus noticed Zeb looking at him, when he holds the meteorite rock

Zeb reaches over to his face and uses his finger to lift up the strain of his hair and pushes it back

Zeb: You should let your hair down a lit'l, Agent, it's a cute look for you

Kallus heart begins to burn as Zeb continues to mess with his hair

As they started into each other's eyes, they realized that they have to break the tension

After they escaped from the cave, They head off to find shelter, after Kallus returns Zeb's bo-rifle. And In a sheltered spot, Zeb activates the transponder.

Kallus: Let's hope it works, Of course, since you "adjusted" it, we don't know who will
pick up its signal.

Zeb: Guess all we can do is wait. Least we've got this to keep us warm.

Kallus: Still think your friends will find you?

Zeb: Unless the Empire gets here first.

Kallus: On Lasan... It... It wasn't supposed
to be a massacre. But I realized the Empire
wanted to make an example. I know before, I took credit for it.

Zeb: What happened on Lasan, it's over for me. I've moved on. By the way, it's Zeb. My name, it's Zeb.

Kallus: Short for Garazeb. I know.

As the two waited for help to come, zeb noticed how he much he was shivering

Zeb: hey

Kallus looks up at him as zeb helds out his hands to him

Zeb: come here

Kallus: huh what for

Kallus was surprised as Zeb pulls him in for warmth

Zeb: I just wanna warm you help, you keep staying in the cold like that, you'll freeze and die

Then kallus then heard and felt something never heard and felt before

Zeb's heart

Kallus: why-why did you help me, you could've just let me die after what I done to your people

Zeb: let me ask you something, why didn't you shot me when you had the chance

Kallus: shooting you would be the last thing, I do

He felt guilty for the pain he's caused to Zeb, he looks down and starts to cry

Kallus: (sigh)

Zeb: tch

He lifts up his chin to make him look up at him

Zeb: you idiot

He presses his lips against his

Kallus/Zeb: mmm

They then started to French kiss, The two then eventually fall asleep against each other

They were upon awakening, By the sound of a ship approaching

Kallus: That's a ship.

Zeb: Yeah. But whose?

Zeb gets up and turns to looks at kallus and picks him up

Zeb: Come on.

They set out to see who it belongs to. It's the Ghost.

Kallus: Ah. Your friends did find you.

Zeb: Like I said they would. You know, we will treat you fairly.

Kallus: thanks I'll take my chances with the Empire, Zeb.

Zeb turns towards him, grabs his hands in his and looks him deep in his eyes

Zeb: come with us, come with me

Zeb gives him a puppy eye love but he hesitated

Kallus: but what about the empire—

Zeb: forget the empire, We'll protect you, join us and fight back

He looks down and looks back at zeb as he sees him smile

Kallus: (sigh) okay, but you gotta promise we'll do this together, cause I don't wanna do this alone

He pulls him closer for a kiss

Zeb: I will never leave you love

He presses his lips against his and they kissed for a long time until he lets go and leads him to the ship

Kallus: but what about your crew, I don't think they'll want an imperial agent on their ship

Zeb: I'll just convince them that we're together

They headed to the ship, hopefully the crew would treat him fairly like Zeb promised

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