Chapter 8

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Ash's POV:

I got up that morning and decided to race to the Lab immediately but as always Mom had prepared Mimey to stop me from going there before I brushed my teeth, ate my breakfast, drank my milk and all other bunch of stuff. It was already 10:30 after I was allowed to leave the house.

"Don't play rough, Ashy and come home for lunch. I won't send Mimey to call you back", Mom told me while I was getting ready to leave. I nodded my head and Raichu, still not having gotten used to his size, jumped on my shoulder causing me to drop down right on my chin.

"RAICHURAI! RAI Ra Chu!", he apologised I guess. Apparently I have to get used to Raichurai from Pikapi.

"Mime, Mr. Mr. Mime!", Mimey told me dusting my clothes. While I pretty much understood most of my Pokemon, Mimey remained an eternal mystery to me.

I soon ran to Professor Oak's Lab to play and train with my Pokemon.

"Tracey! You're back! How are you?", I asked him to which he just smiled.

"I'm doing fine, Ash. Congratulations on your victory. Bummer you couldn't play the finals", he told me sheepishly. Was he hanging around Gary too much? He got his slang too.

"Ash! May I have Charizard's Pokeball? Augustine wanted it to help him in his research. He said that he may be able to decode the reason behind your Charizard's self Evolution", Professor told me. I nodded my head and ran home.

On my way, I saw a car outside my home. Who could have come here? Nobody in Pallet Town owned a car, and this car seemed WAY too expensive to be seen even in Kanto.

"Delia, Delia, Delia, how many times have I told you? I just want to talk to him. Then he can decide whether to join me or stand against me. If he decides the former, it is a good choice but if he chooses the latter.......(villainous laughter)", I heard a voice speak to my Mom.

"Awww! That's so CUTE, blockhead. I'll be sure to tell my Ashy that a little joker came to give him a warning, which was as scary as a baby threatening us", Mom gave a sarcastic comment.

"Laugh while you can, Delia. Laugh while you can, because the whole of Pallet Town won't suffice to bear your tears. Just mark my words. Your son will meet the same fate as that of your father. He died a slow.....painful death. I'll make sure your son meets the same fate", he said.

" Get.....Out! Get out before I smash your face SO hard that you won't have a face to be the Head of the Team Rocket", I heard Mom say in a DANGEROUS voice.

"What will you do if I don't?", the guy taunted and within a jiffy, he was sent flying through our door and smashed into his car.

"Miiiiimmmmmmmme", Mimey said coming out with complete rage in his eyes cracking his knuckles.

"Driver, let's leave this pathetic town"

From the bush I was hiding in, I saw the face of Giovanni. What did the boss of Team Rocket have to do with my Mom and why did he want me dead? Well, I got used to him trying to kidnap Pik- I mean Raichu, but killing ME? That was a new one.

"Ashy?", I heard Mom ask in a troubled voice.

"Did you hear everything darling?"
I simply nodded.

"I'll tell you everything. Its time you know who I am", Mom told and led me into her room. I've NEVER gone into her room and I was surprised beyond words when I saw about 25 Pokeballs.

"Before you were born, I was a Lieutenant in the PokeArmy, sweetheart. I'm pretty sure, you battled Surge? He was my teammate and one of my best friends. We were in the same batch and were the strongest in our battalion. My dad was a Sergeant in the army and wanted to bring Team Rocket to the ground. He was HELL BENT on it and we had a few minor successes against Giovanni. But he struck hard by pressing charges against my father for interfering in his "legitimate business". We won the case but my dad went missing a week later. Surge and I went to search for my dad and I found him barely alive. Giovanni know? Then he told me to quit the army and settle down. As per his wish, I quit the army. From then on, I grew rather violent. No man except Surge came near me because of fear. Surge gave me the idea of becoming a single mother and a year later you were born and until today, life ran smoothly. These are the Pokemon I had caught in my journey. Ironically, you have all of them", she told me wistfully.

"Just be careful, okay? I'll ALWAYS be there for you. Giovanni doesn't have the guts to go against you, sweetheart. The only thing he's capable of doing, is giving empty threats. You go and train", Mom told me giving Charizard's Pokeball.

I went towards Professor Oak's lab and gave him the Pokeball. I saw Raichu doing something with his tail.

"What are you doing buddy?", I asked him to which he made signs showing me that something was wrong with his tail.

"What's wring with the tail, bud?", I asked him to which he created a Charge Beam which travelled to the upper part of his tail somewhat like an Electroball and he shot it in the air. Then he created another Charge Beam/ Electroball from the bottom part of his tail and shot in the air. When the new shot came close to the old one, they began circling in the air and when they touched each other, they burst into a powerful attack.

"That was AWESOME bud!!", I told him and suddenly his ears perked up and jumped on me with an ecstatic "RAI!". I somehow had gotten used to his size so I remained partially standing.

"That behaved exactly like a dipole, Ash. One of the Electroballs must have been positively charged and the other must have been negatively charged due to which, they should've attracted and their energies caused the explosion", Professor Oak told me.

"Thanks for the info, Professor and does Professor Sycamore know anything about my Charizard's self evolution?", I asked him.

"Well..he said that it could be just like the Bond Phenomenon you have with your Greninja. But he said that he will work more and give you a confident reply", Professor told me sheepishly.

"That's all right, Professor. But how did he find all that stuff out with the Pokeball?"

"PokeTech has evolved to a massive structure now, my boy. All the data is stored in Pokeballs now. I've already taken enough of your time. Go on and play with your Pokemon"

I nodded and left to see my Pokemon.
They all shouted happily in sight of me and ran towards me.

"OK guys! Form a circle around me! I have something important to tell you guys", I told them. They look puzzled but did it anyway and most of them were quiet except a dancing crocodile and another hyper grey coloured dragon.

"I know I've been a bad trainer to you guys", I told them solemnly to which they roared in denial. I simple smiled back.

"I know you all love me because I admit I take care of Pokemon well. That is different from a trainer. I have been extremely partial to Raichu as I always took him with me but left you guts back here. But I promise you, that's gonna change. From now on, I promise to give all of you equal attention. We'll train hard right from today. We'll show the world that we are the strongest team to exist!!"

All of them roared in approval and excitement.

"Bayleef, you spar with Quilava and Totodile. Snivy will spar with Leavanny and Oshawott. Totodile, with Gible and Buizel. Gliscor, you're up with Unfezant and Swellow. Greninja, you're up with Sceptile and Infernape. Pignite, you will fight Ivysaur and Torterra. Staraptor, you'll battle Talonflame. The rest of you are Freelancers. Attack anyone, anytime. Till then, I'll make a few calls and we'll see some friends again", I told them with a smirk.

3 Days Later

3rd Person's POV:

It was a normal day at Professor Oak's
Lab except for the intense sparring. Suddenly a loud screech was heard,

"PIDGEOOOTTTOO!!", a grand bird came into the centre of the sparring field. While Ash's Pokemon looked at him quizzically, Ash ran to him and embraced him as hard as he could.

"Hey, Pidgeot!! I've missed you so much", Ash told him with a huge grin while Pidgeot simply nuzzled his cheek with Ash's.

"TORT TORTLE!!", a medium sized dark blue coloured turtle came into sight seeing which Ivysaur became ecstatic.

Ash's POV:

Was it my Squirtle?

"Well, Ash! I can't thank you enough for leaving me Squirtle. He was immensely helpful, but you can have him back as the Squirtle Squad evolved to the Wartortle Squad. I can manage with 4 Wartortles", Officer Jenny told me before saying her goodbyes with Wartortle and leaving.

"TORT TORT", Wartortle wished and jumped on me before being ambushed by Ivysaur, Raichu and Pidgeot who had struck a friendship with Unfezant and was catching up with Noctowl who was sitting on Snorlax's belly while the latter was busy snoring like there was no tomorrow.

"You evolved, huh?", I asked him to which he showed me the victory symbol and gave a fist bump to a vine whip from Ivysaur. Krookodile came out from the ground and stretched his hand out as a form of friendship impressed by his sunglasses and Wartortle was overjoyed seeing someone who understood his sense of fashion. Personally, that was a lame reason to begin a friendship, but as long as they got along, it was fine by me.

"RAWRR!", a dangerous voice was heard. One voice I knew very well.

"Hey there, Charizard!!", I greeted him and received a light flamethrower in return. Though I showed him as if I hated it, it made me feel special. All my other Pokemon came around to see Charizard who technically was Mega Charizard Y but I'm not calling him by that name in a century.

"Somebody here?", I heard a manly voice ask. It was Anthony with my Primeape.

"Ape Ape Prrrimeape", he greeted me and flashed me his belt.

"I have trained Primeape as much as I could and I did ask him if he wanted to go back with you. He was overjoyed", Anthony told me smiling.

"Thanks for taking care of Primeape, Anthony. I can't wait to see how strong you've become, buddy!!", I told him and Primeape in reply to which, he flashed me a victory pose.

With most of my Pokemon returned, I can go back to training to my maximum limit. Lapras and Butterfree should stay where they are, with their family. Even though they'd want to join me, they'd miss their herd and grow depressed which I can't bear to see.

"OUR COMPLETE TRAINING BEGINS NOW!!", I screamed in excitement and all of my Pokemon roared their names in approval. Watch out Leagues, I'm coming for you!

To be continued....

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