Welcome! Some Rules To Follow

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•No smut. None. Hand holding, kissing, and hugging is fine

•Cursing is fine, just censor it

•Only one of your OCs can be shiny and a legendary

•No being OP and no godmode and Mary/Gary Sues

•If I see bullying, I'll delete all your comments and you'll be banned from the RP. This rule also applies to people who godmode, have a Mary/Gary Sue OC, and are being OP

•You can have up to 4 OCs, but even out the genders, so 2 males and 2 females

•Don't butt into people's chains unless you're tagged in or you ask and the cabin people let you RP with them

•I have a life off Wattpad (surprisingly since I'm always on) and if I don't answer you it's either 1.) I don't want to RP with you or 2.) I'm busy with something

•Don't leave someone out and if someone missed something, then catch them up

•Speak only in third person and try to spell correctly

•That's about it

The password is the answer to this question, "What are the 2 main legendaries in the Kalos region and what is the name of the third one?"

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