Day 1: Where Am I?

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(Disclaimer. Y'all are allowed to critique my work. Feedback is quite helpful.)


He awoke with a start to hear an explosion coming from about half a mile away. He took a sniff of the air. A hint of morning dew, fresh grass, and a hint of grassy-smelling smoke. The only source of that kinda smoke would be from a Grass Type using a stab move and it being relatively powerful.

'Probably came from that racket nearby. Maybe I should check it out'.

He got up and then came to a startling realization.

He only had six Pokeballs on him!

He usually kept ten on him due to the situations he would get into. So this meant he only had 6 Pokemon to work with.

The only possible explanation for this was that he was brought to another universe and only six of his Pokemon were brought with him.

He had researched Palkia and Dialga by 'borrowing' some books from the Galar Ancient Citadel. These books featured documented research by famous ancient Sinnoh researcher Dr. Kamado. He just so happened to be alive around the time Spear Pillar was destroyed by Palkia and Dialga. Kamado had interviewed the one who had helped prevent more destruction during the crisis on Spear Pillar. He learned from this trainer that Palkia and Dialga had the power to enter any universe. This information was of course discredited by those jealous of Kamado's success and was mocked as a foolish fairy tale.

(I should definitely stop with his exposition. I can tell you all are bored and just want me to move on to the action yada, yada, yada.) :)

'I should probably check who I got sent with here.'

He snatched the Pokeballs from his coat pocket and threw them forward and out came...

Alolan Ninetales





And last but not least...


' Not a bad assortment if I say so myself.'

His Pokemon looked at him confused, wondering why they were in an unfamiliar forest.

"Don't ask" he told them. " All you need to know is that we are somewhere not Galar and I'm going to check out an explosion I heard nearby. All of you return to your Pokeballs except Gengar. He will be on standby in the shadows."

They all nodded. He recalled them all but Gengar and began running to where he had heard the explosion from. As he got closer, he heard someone speaking.

" Great work Sceptile. That Frenzy Plant is getting better. We need to get you to control it more though. We need everything we need to beat Ash's Greninja."

He got a better look at the boy who spoke. The boy had green hair, looked around 14 years old, and a mega bracelet around his wrist.

' Pointless coming over here. Just a trainer trying to get stronger. Best to find a Pokemon Center '.

Before he could leave though, the Sceptile caught on that  he was there and threw an Energy Ball at him. He jumped forward out of bushes, dodging the attack.

"Hey, who are you and why were you spying on us!?" the boy exclaimed.

"I am Shadow. I had heard an explosion. I came over to find out what it was from. That is all" he said calmly, with his hands up in the air.

The Sceptile gave Shadow a look that screamed "One move and I cut your head off".

" How do I know you are not lying?" the boy questioned.

" You really can't know. All I'm asking is you to trust me" Shadow said, shaking his head.

The boy thought for a minute, and finally sighed and gave Shadow a neutral look.

" Okay fine. I'll trust you. Just so you know though, my Sceptile is ready for any funny business."

Shadow put his hands down and just smiled.

" I respect your drift. I like someone who is prepared for anything" Shadow chuckled.

The boy dropped the serious demeanor and gave him a small smile.

" Thanks, I guess... Well, I guess I'll introduce myself. I'm Sawyer and you have already met my partner Sceptile."

" Well pleased to meet you Sawyer. As I already said, my name is Shadow and I'm here off on an exploration trip."

" An exploration trip in Kalos? Is it your first time here?" Sawyer asked.

'Huh. So I am in the Kalos region. Well that's not too bad' Shadow thought.

He gave Sawyer a thumbs up as an answer.

Sawyer nodded and was about to say something when smoke started to appear around them.

Shadow instantly reacted and called out to his Gengar in the shadows.

"Gengar, retract all of the smoke."

His Gengar leaped out from the ground and sucked all of the gas in his mouth. After he sucked it all up, he looked a little doozy and tired. Gengar then returned to its Pokeball. Shadow quickly surveyed around them and saw a group of people in red suits.

"Team Flare... What do you want!?" Sawyer exclaimed angrily.

"You little shitheads thought you could just walk after ruining our plans? You thought wrong. Our boss hates roadblocks. We demolish the roadblocks," the green haired one exclaimed.

Shadow just smirked. He loved putting criminals in their place. Now he gets an opportunity to do so.

"What makes fashion wannabes like you all think that stand a chance against us?" Shadow laughed maliciously.

Team Flare glared at Shadow and tossed out several Croagunks, Scraggys , Houndours, Trubishes, and even a Leopard and a Houndoom came out.

"Sawyer, stand aside. Let me handle them all" Shadow said as he tossed out his Alolan Ninetales. A snowstorm began to swoop down, swelling like a Hurricane.

The moment he did so, a barrage of attacks were fired at his Pokemon. He didn't care though. He called out to Ninetails.

"Fuck them up."

Suddenly, nothing could be seen as the snowstorm turned into a deadly blizzard, where nothing could be seen. all that could be heard was agonizing screams coming from Team Flare. After a minute, Ninetails let up and the blizzard disappeared. Team Flare was frozen in several ice blocks and their pokemon were barely breathing.

"Well done Ninetails. You get a day off from training now for that display" Shadow clapped.

Ninetails looked noticeably happy and returned to its ball.

Shadow turned and saw Sawyer was noticeably shaken up. It totally did not have to do with some ridiculous overpowered character, ruthlessly attacking people in red pajamas like it is a daily activity. (🤔🤔🤔)

"Uhh...." Sawyer stammered, backing away slowly.

"Look. Sorry you had to see that but I really don't tolerate criminals. They are one of my top 3 things I hate with a burning passion" Shadow said, shaking his head.

"I'm more terrified about how your different colored Ninetails managed to one shot all of the grunts and their pokemon" Sawyer elaborated.

"Well, my Ninetails is quite special. It ain't the normal type of Ninetails. It is an Alolan Ninetails" Shadow explained as Sawyer's face became plastered with confusion. "Ah. Judging by your expression, you seem to not be aware of what an Alolan form is. I'll explain. My Ninetails here is an Ice Fairy type, quite the parallel to the normal Ninetails. Alolan forms originate from the Alola region. They adapted to the climate and environment and changed types as a result. The Vulpix and Ninetails had to adapt if they wanted to survive in the snow mountains. Many do not know of the Alola region as it is very conserved and their champion rarely meets with the other champions of the other regions. As for the power of my Ninetails, I have been perfecting a technique for the move Blizzard. Ninetails combine the snow from its Snow Warming ability and Blizzard to create a -30 Celsius attack. This attack usually traps the intended target in ice blocks or puts them in shock for about 20 minutes. Now normally, hail is supposed to fall down when Ninetails enters battle. But as of recently, there has been a weird phenomenon around regions, where hail no longer can be made by Pokemon. Instead, snow falls down. In fact, scientists have renamed Hail to Snowscape. The new snow also seems to boost Ice types defence for about 5 minutes before the weather clears. So there you go Sawyer. I have exposition dumped on you information that our readers already know." (I'm evil 😈)

Sawyer clearly didn't hear the fourth wall break as he was trying to process the information about everything else. After a minute, he sighed.

"Shadow. You have given me a headache from how much you just told me".

"My bad. Anyways, I say we leave these Team Flare grunts here. They need to tell their boss that their organization ain't mean a load of Tauros shite to me" Shadow spike, yawning because he felt tired as a Slakoth.

"Okay. I guess we'll go find a Pokemon center then. I wouldn't mind having a powerful trainer around to teach me something", Sawyer shrugged.

They both walked away from the area. But unbeknownst to them, someone was watching them. The figure was encased in an aura of something that looked black and purple that somehow looked, gooey? (I wonder what it is? 🤔)

"Weeeeellll thenn.... Iveee finallyy found you..... Shadow"


The pair eventually found a Pokemon Center after 30 minutes of walking. It was around 6:30 when they arrived. Shadow walked up to Nise Joy who was just standing at the front desk.

"Yo Nurse Joy. You got any rooms available?" Shadow asked.

"I'm afraid we only have one. The other 10 were taken" Nurse Joy explained.

"No problem. We'll just share a room, right Sawyer?" Shadow hollered.

Sawyer looked at him and gave him a thumbs up.

"Alright, how much for a night?" Shadow asked, taking out his wallet.

"It's £50 sir" Nurse Joy responded.

"Damn. That's dirt cheap. Where I'm from, it costs £500. Inflation am I right?" Shadow joked.

Sawyer looked at him, trying to not burst out into laughter.

"Sadly. We used to be able to give free health care and rooms. Now, we have to charge people money" Nurse Joy shook her head.

"Really?" Shadow inquired.

"Yeah. There has been a lot of money going missing in Kalos over the past 2 years. It most likely has to do with a rise in crime," Nurse Joy elaborated.

*I have a hunch that this Team Flare has something to do with this,* Shadow thought.

"What about law enforcement? Shouldn't they put a stop to some of that?" he asked.

"I don't know. All the Officer Jennys seem overworked trying to catch some elusive criminal group. They have no info on them other than the color red is in their outfits," Nurse Joy responded.

*Bingo. One more reason to add to me taking down Team Flare*.

"Anyways, here is the £50," he

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