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You heard it here y'all! Kalpanā is getting it's very own story! What is it about you ask? WELL I'LL TELL YOU!

This is the chance of a lifetime! The chance to see what Lloyd has the deal with on his journey away from home! He's not alone though, for he has a special gang of friends along with him. Each (except for one) are apart of different tribes. They will venture to different parts of the world until they become as strong as they can be! Sure it may take a while, but together they can overcome any challenge thrown at them! It may be hard sometimes, but who said it was impossible?

Is that good summery for ya? Good cause I got nothing left! XD. Go check it out once the first chapter is done! You'll know it when you see it 😙

Title: "A Royal Journey" (thanks Chim_Derella! :3)

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