Chapter 1: The New Girl

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Here we begin; everyone's first year here at Kamar Academy. A whole new year at this new boarding school in uptown London and let me say everyone is nervous. A young girl with blonde hair and pink eyes with wings on her back dressed in a traditional Japanese school girl outfit. She grabs her schedule and starts to walk away when she bumps into someone causing her supplies to fall everywhere.

"Yuck" this girl with curly bleach blonde hair broken by streaks of blue.

Her white glove on her hands perfectly white. Her Gucci purse black with white studs all over it hangs in the crook of her elbow. Her areopastal black shirt hangs a few inches above her hip and her white short short climb high on her thighs. Her green sea eyes pop in anger.

"Yuck" another one says in response.

This girl's brown hair wildly curly and as two little ears poking out. Her nose looks more like a snout. Two fangs hang out of her mouth. The new girl watched as a tail wagged behind her velvet skirt that touched her knees and a tank top that ended at her belly button. She wore to black 5 inch shoes and knee high socks. She too held a Gucci purse but her's was white with black studs.

"Look Jamie" the blonde one sneers to the other.

"What Tiara" Jamie asked snarky like.

"It's another costume freak like that ashy girl Maze."

Jamie goes into a cackle like laughter and Tiara joins in.

"You're the new girl aren't you?" Tiara says

"Y-yes" She stutters

"Well new girl" Tiara stated getting an attitude "I rule around here sweetie. And I don't need trash like you..."

Trash ticked the new girl off. Her hair and eyes turned purple and her once white wings turned black. She stood up and got angry.


She calms down and her hair and eyes go back to pink and her wings went back to white. She looked up and knew from the second she did Tiara was pissed.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT NEW GIRL" Tiara yelled kicking the new girls stuff everywhere.

Jamie came over and shoved her to the ground. A young girl across the room saw this. She ran over to the new girl dark red hair blew in the wind. Her wings tucked safely behind her back. Her tail swung back and forth. Smoke leaked from her nose and ruby gem on her left cheek sparkled in the light. Her second pair of ears tucked back into her thin wavy hair, two fangs push back into her mouth. Her purplish blue eyes shine with concern.

"Back off Tiara. I don't think James would want to go out with a bully." She says

"UGH. Back off Maze this doesn't concern you." Tiara says

"NO." Maze says "You go to class Tiara."

"Fine" Tiara says frustrated. "C'mon Jamie"

Jamie follows Tiara and growls at Maze. Maze is unfazed and she walks over to help the new girl up.

"I see you meet Tiara and Jamie. Don't let them bother you they're stupid." Maze smiles holding out a hand.

The new girl takes her hand and feels her ruff scaly skin against her soft and smooth skin.

"The name's Maze." Maze says helping her pick up her stuff "You're the new girl right?"

"Yes" She says sighing

"What's your name?"

"Angel" She says

"That's a pretty name" Maze says as her and Angel stand up.

Just then the first period bell rings. Angel sighs.

"Hey" Maze says "what's your first period?"

"Chorus" Angel says

Maze squeals. "Me too"

Maze grabs Angel's hand and they zoom down to the chorus room. As they do so we pass James and Brad long time rivals since childhood. And it doesn't look good.

"Dude get your hands off Rose" Brad yells

"I tripped Brad and James was just..." Rose says grabbing his arm

"Not now Rose" Brad says dismissively pushing her back "leave this between us two men."

"I only see one man here" James says coolly "And hint. It's not you"

"Why you little..." Brad says "Me, you, today after school in the ally."

"Whatever" James rolls his eyes

"Boys don't fight it's only the fist day and you are already fighting" Rose whines

"You better prepare for a beat down boy." Brad says punching his fist into his hand.

His brown hair tousled and red eyes glow with rage. James shrugs his shoulders causing is light brown shoulder length hair to go up then down. His bluish gray eyes remain emotionless. Rose and James heads off to Geometry and Brad stomps off in anger to P.E.

Now back at the dorms Erin (Tiara's brother) and Mike (Erin's best friend) are unpacking and settling into their dorm.

"Dude I am so glad summer is over." Erin say exasperated

"Why" Mike asks unpacking a lamp and putting it on the nightstand.

"I had to help Tiara over every damn break up she had. It was exhausting." Erin whines face planting on his bed.

Mike chuckles. "That sounds brutal dude."

"I know right! My sister has so many problems." Erin exclaims

Mike laughs at Erin and starts to unpack another box. His muscles bulge out as he lifts the box his tan skin bringing out his sea foam green eyes. His black hair smoothed with a little lift in the front. Erin rubs his gray eyes and smooths his blonde hair with blue streaks flying through it. He didn't have big muscles like Brad, and Mike but he was still pretty strong.

"Dude did you tan at all this summer?" Mike teases at Erin's pale skin

"You know I don't tan" Erin smirks "I just burn"

He and Mike laugh and then they hear a knock at the door.

"Come in" They both shout.

In comes a boy with good color skin and one blue and one green eye. His hair purple and straight. Yes, he is Bisexual. But that's not important at the moment. After him follows a boy with freckles and blue eyes. His dirty red colors ears on the top of his head that poke out of his dirty red colored hair. His ears have a bit of white at the end and his tail matches the same color has is hair and ears with the same bit of white at the ends.

"John. Carl" Mike says pleased

Erin walks over and hugs them both.

"Yeah" Carl says blushing "I came with John."

"Hey boys" John say

Carl immediately puts all of his attention on John and stares at him dreamily.

"Yeah John" Mike says continuing to unpack

"Carl and I are your roommates." John announces.

"Oh no" Erin and Mike say looking at each other.

*******Time skip to the fight brought to you by Dean Winchester's love for pie******


Me: You're not in this Dean.

Dean: D:

Me: *shakes head*


James wait for 5 then 10 then 15 minutes for Brad to show up. James then beings to think about leaving when Brad shows up.

"You're late" James says crossed

"No I am not" Brad smirks "I am Brad"

He laughs at his joke and then does fancy moves and his body goes up in flames.

"Let's get this party started" Brad says.

James looks at a puddle down at his feet.

"So you're fire?" He puts his fingers together and makes a giant bubble of water.

"Can you guess what I am?" He smirks

Brad eyes grow in fear. He is at a very bad disadvantage. James drops the bubble on him and Brad collapses to the ground his flame put out.

"Don't tell anyone who I am and I won't tell everyone who you are." Brad says weakly.

"Whatever" James states and starts to walk away.

"Wait, we are not done here" Brad says trying to get up but failing.

"Yes, we are" James says leaving Brad screaming at James

James begins to walk back to the school and walks to his dorm as he does so Rose sees him.

"How did the fight go?" Rose asks

"What fight?" James says smiling walking into the dorm he shares with the guys. Mike, Erin, Brad, Carl, and John.

James knows when Brad comes he'll be pissed but he doesn't care. He walks into his separate part of the dorm and decides to take a nap.

Well looks like there are tough times ahead for all. Wait until Chapter 2 and meet more character until then Ciao.

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