Episode 10 - The Protector of Promises

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In the middle of a dark place, Issei is lying down, who seemed to be unconscious.

Issei then wakes up slowly and looks around.

Issei: *grunt*Wh-Where am I? How did I get here?

As he walks around for a bit, he suddenly heard the sound of thunder and lightning.

Then, a red thunderbolt struck near Issei.

Issei: Whoa!!! What the-!?

Issei started to run somewhere while avoiding the red thunderbolts being struck randomly.

All of a sudden, Issei stops to find the lightning forming the shape of a large dragon spirit.

Issei: No... not you again...

The dragon then started to get closer and closer to Issei.

Issei: No, stay away! Stay away! No... No!!!

Now, it shifts back to Issei back at his warehouse. Who actually woke up.

Issei: Nooooooooooo!!! *pant* *pant* *pant*

As Issei looks around to see he's back in his house, he calmed down.

Issei: *sighs in relief*What a horrible nightmare... It's all because of I have this... thing inside me.

As soon as Issei notices, a magic circle appeared, which happens to be Grayfia appearing.

Grayfia: I'm surprised you're awake.

Issei: Ms. Grayfia, what happened? How did I get here?

Grayfia: The battle ended shortly after Lady Rias surrendered.

Issei: ...! That's right, we lost. But the game, it was like one big blur.

Grayfia: You didn't give up to the very end, even after you were defeated.

Issei started clench his fists, shedding tears.

Issei: This... This is all my fault. We lost because of me. President Rias lost because she was protecting me. Wait, where's everyone from my team?

Grayfia: Lady Rias instructed your friend Ms. Asia to take care of you. After all, you were hurt pretty badly. The rest are at the Underworld, Lady Rias wanted them there for what comes next.

Issei: The Underworld?

Grayfia: Yes, the engagement party will be starting soon.

Issei: No! *sob*I'm sorry President Rias, I failed. I tried so hard to be strong but I wasn't good enough. Now she may be Riser's forever. I... I'm so weak, pathetic. *sob* *sob*She deserves better than me.

Grayfia: Listen Issei, it's not your fault. Rias is abiding to the decisions of the Gremory Household. The outcome of the battle is always meant to be.

Issei: Even so, the thought of President Rias being forced to this makes me sick. I can't just sit here and watch her suffer. She shouldn't be forced to live a horrible life she doesn't want to live. It's wrong! ...No, I refuse to let it end like this.

Grayfia: Fufufu. You truly are a fascinating boy Issei. You're a gentle soul and an open book to be sure. I met a lot of devils over the years, but not one quite like you. When your mind's made up there's nothing I can do. And I'm not the only one who thinks so, Sirzechs feels the exact same way.

Grayfia then hands over a paper with a magic circle on it.

Issei: What's that?

Grayfia: If you want, this can transport you to the engagement party.

Issei: Wait, you're letting me go there and stop it?

Grayfia: Sirzechs bears an important message for you: "If you want my sister back Issei, you better be prepared to fight".

Issei then nods and takes the paper. Then, Grayfia left and disappeared.

Issei: ...I guess there's only one thing to do.

Then, Issei heard the door opening to reveal Asia. Issei notices her after she dropped a bucket of water in surprise.

Asia: Issei?

Issei: Asia wh-wha-!

Issei was then tackled by Asia to the bed, where she starts to cry.

Issei: Asia, what's the matter? Are you okay?

Asia: I'm sorry, I was just worried about you! You were out for so long and I didn't know if you would open your eyes again! *sob*I'm so glad, I'm so glad you're okay.

Issei: Asia... I'm so sorry for worrying you.

Asia: No, I'm just glad you're okay. That's the only thing that matters.

Issei: ...Asia, I want you to listen closely. I'm going to rescue President Rias.

Asia: Are you sure? You think that's a good idea?

Issei: She protected me, so now I need to protect her.

Asia: Then let me come with you.

Issei: No, it's too dangerous.

Asia: But I can help if you get injured-!

Issei: Asia... I'm partially responsible for what happened to her. All this time I've only been thinking about myself. But President Rias gave me a place to belong, gave me a new family. She understood my pain, but I never thought of hers. That's why I have to do this alone, to pay back what she's given me.

Asia: Issei... Alright, but please make me a promise.

Issei: Anything.

Asia: Please come back with Rias in one piece, no matter what.

Issei: I promise, I swear it.

Asia then got up and gave Issei his suitcase with the Faiz gear.

Asia: Here, you'll need this to help you.

Issei: Thanks, Asia. Alright, let's do this.

Asia: Oh, wait Issei!

Issei: What is it?

Asia: I almost forgot that someone left this for you.

As Asia gave Issei a box, he opens up to see what's inside.

Issei: This is...!


It shows the engagement party, where a lot of devils have gathered to celebrate the event.

It also shows Riser's peerage celebrating.

Ravel: *chuckles*My incredibly talented brother won himself a bride by demolishing the Gremorys. Of course I had no doubt he was going to win from the beginning. But at least it wasn't a complete bore.

Then it shows Rias's peerage, and later Sona arriving to the scene.

Kiba: Well she's delightful.

Sona: Yes, the girl's got quite a mouth, doesn't she?

Kiba: Sona, what's up?

Sona: The outcome was outstanding, I thought it's a good match. Though, I wouldn't have complained if the result was a bit different.

Akeno: Thanks for the support, but I promise this thing isn't close to being over.

Kiba: We'll get another shot at them, I'm sure. Only next time we'll be ready for their tricks.

Koneko: Yeah, screw those D-bags.

Suddenly, Riser made his grand entrance, getting the attention of the other devils.

Riser: Greetings fellow devils of the Underworld. On behalf of the House of Phenex, RIser would like to thank each and every one of you for coming today. This is an historic moment for the world of devils, and I want our dear guests to be the first to know. Two great dynasties are about to become one, Lord Riser of the distinguish House of Phenex shall wed Lady Rias of the illustrious House of Gremory. And now... I present to you my bride, Rias Gremory!

Then, Rias appears in a wedding dress, and everyone started to applaud.

Rias: *thoughts*This was suppose to be an engagement party, but I can't believe Riser made me wear this wedding dress. *sigh*

As Rias turns her head, she thinks about the flashbacks of comforting Issei after losing conscious.

Rias: *thoughts*Issei...

Suddenly, everyone heard a noise from near the entrance that got them surprised. The guards even got in front to prepare.

Riser: What is it now?

Then, the door got busted open as it reveals to be Issei riding Auto Vajin.

After he went in, he continued to ride his motorcycle towards the guards. Then, he performed a quick move and stopped his front-wheel and kicked all the guards with the back-wheel around.

The devils start to wonder who it is, until Issei got off his bike and tooks off his helmet to reveal himself.

Rias: Issei!

Issei: President Rias!

Riser: Who do you think you are boy?!

Issei: My name is Issei Hyoudou, and I'm here to bring back President Rias back where she belongs.

Riser: You dare...? Seize him!

As another group of guards came in, Auto Vajin charged towards them and transformed to its robot form.

Auto Vajin: Battle Mode!

It then started to fire its Buster Wheel while hovering, eliminating the group of guards.

Auto Vajin then threw the suitcase over to Issei.

While Issei started to assemble his gear, he was immediately surrounded by another group of guards.

Suddenly, he was saved by the rest of his team.

Issei: Kiba, Akeno, Koneko!

Kiba: Don't worry Issei we're here, and we got your back.

Akeno: Go save Rias, Issei.

Koneko: *nods*

Issei: Guys... You got it!

While Akeno, Kiba, Koneko, and Auto Vajin are fighting the rest of the guards, Issei ran and confronts Riser.

Issei: Give it up Riser, return Rias now!

Riser: Grr... What is the meaning of this!?

???: It's just a little entertainment I prepared.

Then, a man who looks like Rias appeared along with Grayfia.

Issei: Who are you?

Rias: My brother's here?!

Riser: What exactly mean by entertainment?

Sirzechs: I watched the game Riser, and honestly I was underwhelmed by you. My sister lacks her first gaming experience and larger forces, but she nearly had you beat.

Riser: It's the final result that counts, my lord.

Sirzechs: In the past, the games don't mean what they used to. Besides Riser, you were nearly brought to your knees by a first-time competitor. I can't imagine your family's proud the way you performed. I think you should give them another chance. Besides, we don't have a celebration like this everyday. This party can use some flare, I think. You there, the boy who carries that suit of armor!

Issei: Uh, yes sir?

Sirzechs: I heard a lot about you and seen how you performed in the Rating Game. I wanted to see what you're made of, which is why I had Grayfia brought you here this evening.

Riser: I see, you want a fight.

Rias: No, please don't!

Riser: An excellent idea, my lord. I would be more than happy to oblige you.

Sirzechs: And you, Issei Hyoudou I presume? There are many who are interested in your skills. Would you be kind enough to show them what you're capable of?

Issei: I thought you'd never asked.

Rias: Issei please, don't do it!

Riser: Relax Rias, Mr. Hyoudou is a big boy. Riser is certain he can handle himself.

Sirzechs: Then what would you like in return for your troubles if you achieve victory? A title, or perhaps a woman of great beauty? Ask and you shall receive.

Issei: *inhales**exhales*There's only one thing I want, Rias Gremory.

Sirzechs: Very well, then let us begin.


Issei and Riser got transported to a dimension battlefield where it's set for fighting. It's public, so all the inviters are watching their battle.

Rias: ...Issei, please be careful.

Riser: You really are a confident one, foolisly coming all the way out here. But do you honestly believe you can beat me?

Issei stayed silent. That it until he slowly grabbed his FaizPhone.

Issei: I may not have any certain talent like the rest of my team, but I have a lot of heart. And I will defeat and save Rias, I swear it.

FaizPhone: 5-5-5. ...Enter. Standing By!

Issei: ...Henshin.


Both got themselves in their stances, and Issei started to charge towards Riser.

They are head-to-head and both of them did a little bit of combat.

But Riser flew back and threw some fireballs at Issei. He dodged them, but suffered a little from the explosions they created.

In the dust, Riser saw Issei jump high above.

He then grabbed his Faiz Shot and installed the Mission Memory in.

Faiz Shot: Ready!

Then, he opened his phone and pressed Enter...

FaizPhone: Exceed Charge!

As Issei dived in, Riser charged towards him. Riser tried to strike Issei, but he dodged and got punched on the stomach and was brought straight down to the ground, crushing him.

However, Riser quickly recovered and hovered.

Riser: That impact kind of injured me... Who do you think you are Hyoudou!? Your nothing compared to Riser you understand?! Nothing! I'm a Phenex nobleman, the flame of the immortal bird flows within me! The Hellfire of my clan will soon scorch you to dust!

Riser then threw a large fireball at Issei like a Spirit Bomb from Dragon Ball.

But just when he thought it was over, Riser hears something.

FaizPhone: Exceed Charge!

Riser saw a beam being fired towards him and it got turned into an energy drill, which stunned him.

Riser: What... is... this!?

Faiz: You think I'm scared of you, Riser! I'm going to make you regret you ever messed with us.

Issei then emerged from the dust and performed his rider kick, Crimson Smash.

Riser got heavily damaged, but he stood his ground and surprisngly got close to Issei. Then, he threw him straight to a wall.

Riser: What a shame, one more of that attack of yours and I would've been surely done for. You should give up while you can, boy.

Faiz: *thoughts*How... I know he's immortal and all, but how can I stand up against him now.

Issei suddenly got a vibe, but it was very intense it caused him to get a headache.

???: *Issei's thoughts* *dragon roar*

Faiz: No... No! *grunt*Not you... again!

Riser: What is it now?

Rias: Something's wrong!

As Issei started to get up, he suddenly looks at his right arm as a red dragon's arm, horrified.

Faiz: Ah... Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

Issei started to scream more in pain, even the audience and Riser and shocked about what he's becoming.

As Issei moved around a lot, the Faiz armor started to deteriorate, showing more of himself transforming to a dragon.

Then, the transformations was complete...

Rias: Issei!?


Riser: What the-!?

Suddenly, Issei started to move at lightning speed with the help of the green flames from his back, like a jetpack.

He suddenly appeared behind Riser and kicked him, crashing to the pillar.

As Riser tried to recover, Issei grabbed him and threw him to another pillar.

Issei's super strength and speed completely overwhelmed Riser, as he keeps throwing him, and dragging and punching him to the ground like a mindless beast. He was even throwing red energyballs that are damaging Riser.

Sirzechs: The Crimson Dragon's armored form...

Meanwhile, Issei started to beat Riser to a bloody pulp, not nearly giving him enough time to regenerate.

Riser: *hacks blood* *pant*Such power... Where did this come from!?

Riser tries to get up while on his knees, but Issei starts to approach him.

But then... Issei started to get a headache and got on his knees, grunting in pain.

While Issei is getting a headache, it shows his human spirit and the dragon lightning spirit from before.

Rias: What's happening?

Sirzechs: It seems he's attempting to suppress it. The Crimson Dragon always takes control of the user and runs amok. Many previous users attempted to tame it, but failed. But this young boy just might...

Issei continues to fight back against the Crimson Dragon, and it seems to be working as the Faiz Armor is restoring.

Issei: I won't... allow you... to do as you please!

Crimson Dragon Spirit: *roars*

Issei: No! I'm the one in control!

Then after another minute, the Faiz armor is completely restored.

Faiz: *pant* *pant*

Rias: Issei... He actually controlled the Crimson Dragon!

Sirzechs: Fascinating. It seems he's more special than I imagined him to be.

As Issei tried to recover, Riser came in and held Issei by the throat.

Riser: That's too bad, but at least you showed something interesting. Do not worry, once you wake up, Riser will already wed Rias! Your foolish actions have been for nothing.

Faiz: Oh shut up you stupid chicken...

Riser: What did you say?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Faiz: I may not know the ways of clans or royalty, and this party may bring good for everyone. But what about President Rias? What about her? She never wanted any of this!

Issei then grabbed Riser's wrist.

Faiz: -Yet you all continue to go against her will, and forced her to be in this kind of situation without any second thought. I don't care if it's a sin, I will save her even if it's the last thing I do! And that... that is a promise!

Issei then kicked Riser's face, forcing him to let go.

Faiz: Riser, you said that one more of my attack earlier may finish you off. Well then, I will make sure of that.

Riser: What?

===stop music here===

Issei grabs something that looks like a wristwatch. But it's actually his new gear, the SB-555W Faiz Axel.

A flashback shows that it was the item in the box Issei was given by Asia.

Issei then puts it on his left wrist and switched the Mission Memory with the other one on the FaizPhone.


After the activation, Issei's chest opens up, revealing his armor's core. His whole armor began to change color too.

Riser: Hmph, I don't care if you change forms, you will never defeat Riser. Don't you understand this engagement is important for the future of all devils?! You are nothing but a mere servant, and you have no right to involve yourself in the affairs with your fat ass!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Faiz Axel: I don't care! All I care about right now is President Rias. The fact you only want her because of who she is, not knowing how she feels within her heart... That's why, I can't afford to lose!

Riser: You... Hyoudou!!!

As Riser charges at Issei, he presses the start button on his wristwatch.

FaizAxel: Start Up!

Now Issei can move at high speeds, but he only has 10 seconds.

For only two seconds, Issei landed a couple of hits.

Then he flicked his wrist, and suddenly, 5 energy drills appeared and all are pointing directly at Riser.

Issei then kicked at every single drill, performing his new special move, the Axel Crimson Smash.

After Issei landed, his watch started to countdown.

FaizAxel: 3... 2... 1... Time Out!

===stop music here===

FaizAxel: Deformation!

Issei's chest then covered the armor's core and his armor reverted back to his original color.

Sona: I see... That last attack from earlier was coated in light. Riser's body may be immortal, but his mind is far from it.

Riser: How can this be... How could I lose... to the likes of you?!

Faiz: You only fought for your own selfish future. While I was fighting to protect and save someone important. ...That's the difference.

Riser then got on his knees and lied on the ground.

Ravel: Brother!

Suddenly, Ravel appeared and checked on her brother.

Faiz: I'll take your challenge, anytime, anywhere.

Ravel then started to blush towards Issei saying those words.

Rias: Issei... you really did it.

Sirzechs: This battle is over.

Ravel was seen carrying his brother away, but not after looking at Issei one more time(still blushing) before flying off.

Suddenly, as the dimension started to disappear, Issei begin to fall.

But as he was falling, Auto Vajin catched him and put him safely on the ground and de-henshined.

Issei: Whew. Thank you.

Rias: Issei!

Issei then sees Rias flying towards him from the sky.

Issei: President Rias!

Suddenly, Rias surprisingly kisses Issei right on the spot.

After a moment, Issei started to get confused in the eyes.

Issei: W-Wha... President... Rias, why did you?

Rias then hugs him.

Rias: Issei, you saved me. Thank you. Thank you so much!

Issei then returned the hug back gently.

Issei: You're welcome, Rias.


After everything's settled down, Issei and the others already regrouped.

Issei: Well then, we should probably head back.

Akeno: We'll let you do the honors, Issei. After all, you did saved the day.

Issei then offers his hand to Rias.

Issei: Let's go home... to the place where we all belong.

Rias: *smiles*Yes.

Issei and Rias got on Auto Vajin and rode off.

Issei: We'll see you guys back at the club!


Sirzechs and Grayfia saw Issei and Rias going off.

Grayfia: It's a relief he didn't attempt a rescue, we would've had quite a mess to clean up.

Sirzechs: I wouldn't worry too much, my father and Sir Phenex have found some common ground. It's a shame though, for an engagement to fall apart like this.

Grayfia: Yes, it's terribly sad. You seemed devastated.

Sirzechs: No, it's a miracle. I never imagined the one bearing the Crimson Dragon would come to our side.

Grayfia: But it seems the encounter with the Vanishing One, the White Dragon, will be upon us soon.

As Issei and Rias are seen riding, Rias looks at Issei, still remembering about him transforming because of the Crimson Dragon.

Issei: Is something the matter?

Rias: You silly boy, to go through such lengths for me.

Issei: Hey it all worked out in the end. I would do anything to bring you back safely.

Rias: Issei listen, the engagement may be over, but I can assure you this isn't the last of it.

Issei: Then I will come and save you again. You don't have to worry, I will always be there to save you.

Rias: Issei...

Issei: Besides, I'm your pawn so it's my job. So matter what happens, I will protect you like you did for me. That's a promise.

Rias then hugged Issei from the back gently, touching his body.

Rias: As I thought... *blushes*You really are warm.

Issei chuckles a little, before he used the magic circle to open a portal.


Issei and Rias are seen back, through the end of the portal, back to their world.

However, there's someone from the rooftops with a pair of "binoculars". Watching the two ride down the road.


Asia is seen getting water...

Asia: Oh, I hope Issei will wake up soon.

Suddenly, Asia is confronted by that "someone" in a suit of armor.

Asia: Um, can I help you?

The person didn't say anything, but threw the box that contained the Faiz Axel to Asia, which she catched it.

The person then got on his motorcycle with a side-seat and rode off.

*end flashback*

The person then puts his "binoculars" down and revealed himself.

???: Heh, see you on the battlefield... Faiz.

To be continued...

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