Christmas Special Part 1

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Title: How Gamne Stole Christmas

Jingle bells and all seems well, Shirou was sitting under his tree and waiting for Santa's presents with joy and great glee. "Oh boy! I hope he comes this time!" Shirou said so happily until the bell chime.

Shirou's friend Kaito had entered the room. As soon as he did that, the
atmosphere went gloom. "Santa's not real, you know that right?". Shirou said "Of course he's real! You're just so uptight!".

As the two were bickering like Red and blue, the evil one came slowly as time passes through. Then from outside of the house's window, could be seen a figure in the shadow.

"Foolish riders arguing without a good reason, I should steal their presents this Christmas Season." said Gamne holding his laughter. He entered from the back door as nobody can even hear his footsteps getting louder.

After a bickering battle which seemed like forever, both decided to think and ignore each other. Gamne passing both of them without a sound. Kaito knew that somewhere in the room, there was a clown.

Shirou heard Kaito yell out in anger and turned to see what was the matter. Shirou saw Kaito throwing the presents at Gamne, he instantly thought Santa would be damned.

Shirou grabbed his driver and both of them were in his zone, with a quick twist on his belt. He yelled "Amazon."

Both Kaito and Gamne look towards Shirou with rage but all Shirou can say was "Have you read my latest page?". Both answered No and Shirou grew furious. "Next time, you both should consider your sentences".

With that, my awful rhyming is done but I do hope all of you reading at least had some fun. On 12th of
November, I'll be back but until then. Hope you guys enjoy my story stacks.

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