Fight To Understand

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Shirou: AMAZON!


Shirou gets up from the ground and starts to run towards to Haruka and Jin. Shirou grabs his Belt Handle and pull it out to reveal a Spear.


Shirou threw the spear at Jin but Jin easily caught and threw back to Shirou. The spear scratches the armour of Shirou's body.

Alpha: Bad throw, try to aim alittle better. Will ya?

Omega: No more Mercy from now on, Shirou.

Gamma: COME AT ME!

Haruka ran first followed by Jin. Jin punch Shirou in the gut as Haruka sucker punches Shirou in the jaw.

Gamma: Oof! *Knocks off balance and goes back*

Shirou grabbed Haruka making both of them fell as Jin is trying to find a place to strike.

Gamma: Hrrraaah! *He shoves Haruka away and gets back up*

Omega: Like hell I'm going to get shoved like that!

Alpha: MOVE! *He shoves Haruka away just to get closer to Shirou*

Omega: Why am I the one getting shove around...

Jin throws a punch at Shirou and Shirou did the same to Jin. Both got punched in the jaw and still proceed to fight. Jin uses the claw on his elbow to attack Shirou and left a hard scratch on Shirou's cheek.

Gamma: Tch! *He attacks Jin with his own claws on his elbow*

Alpha: Stop joking around and fight. *He counter attacks Shirou by using the claws in his elbow too*

Both Amazons kept punching each other until they were distracted by the sound of an Amazon Driver.


They both turned to see Haruka doing a Rider Kick stratching both Jin's and Shirou's face. Both of the riders knocked to the side as Jin is yelling at Haruka.


Omega: You were in my way, asshole..

Gamma: (Mind: Woah, Haruka-sensei is really different in Amazon form.)

As this situation was going down, Kamui Woods was passing by after a villain incident and turned to see these three yelling at each other.

Kamui Woods: HEY! Can you just shut up?! There are some people trying to sleep in this neighbourhood!

Kamui Woods grabbed all three of them with tough roots and ultimately locking them so they can't escape. Keep in mind, Alpha could've break out anytime but doesn't because he could be misunderstood as a villain and have to go through alot of shit to clear up his name.

Gamma: Please don't arrest us! We're sorry for disturbing!

Kamui Woods: If you're sorry then get out of that costume or whatever that thing you're wearing.

Gamma: Alright just let us go first..

Kamui Woods lets go off them but doesn't retract the woods just yet as they might escape. All three of them de-transform and showed their human form.

Kamui Woods: Now do you mind telling me why you're fighting infront of somebody's lawn?

Shirou: My teachers were just training me and things got out of hand.

Haruka: Yeah, please forgive this guy. He's our responsibility and we'll take any actions that you give us.

Jin: Tch. No matter who it is. You just can't help but to be respectful hah, Haruka?

Haruka: He's a pro hero. Even if we're fighting for good, that doesn't mean we're above the law.

Shirou: So does this mean we're off the hook?

Kamui Woods: I supposed I could let you off the hook for now but if there's any further disturbance. You all will be imprisoned and your Amazon Drivers will be confiscated.

Shirou: know what these belts are?

Kamui Woods: Of course I do, Nozama Pharmacy isn't a secret. It's just that nobody has the authority to see pictures of the Amazons Drivers or even infomation on it.

Shirou: Oh...I see..

Kamui Woods: Stay out of harm, you three.

Shirou: Will do!

As Shirou waved bye, he turned to both Haruka and Jin to say something.

Shirou: Was that a test?

Haruka: Of course it was. Even Jin had to agree to it being a test whether he likes it or not.

Jin: Thank god you weren't stupid to not realize it otherwise I would've really killed you.

Shirou: Thank you, sensei.

Shirou bows down to them as Haruka pats him on his head.

Haruka: You did good against Jin. Not even Chihiro did as good as you the first time he fought.

Shirou: Chihiro? Is he another Amazon Rider?

Jin: You'll find out by yourself tommorow. Now go get some rest at home, it'll be a long day tommorow.

Shirou: Yes sir!

As he waved bye to both of the riders, he went inside of his home and watched the news seeing about All Might saving the day again.

Shirou: Man, I wished I could be like All Might. *Stomach Growls*

Shirou got hungry after his pathetic excuse of a fight. He got up from his couch and made some sandwiches that his mom used to make.

Shirou: Taste good but not as good as Mom's....Wait..Did I put my Driver on the table yet?

Shirou searches for his driver and found it somewhere near the couch at the doorway.

Shirou: Why did I even put this shit here?

Shirou clearly frustrated with how things turned out, went to take a shower and wore his pyjamas for bed.

Shirou: I feel like I should't be sleeping since it's still 7...Oh well, my phone won't be charge till tommorow so I guess I'll wait.

|| Somewhere in a town cafe ||

???1: So were the pro heroes busy when Zero Day happened?

???2: Yeah, busy fighting during a villain outbreak.

???3: Shut up boys, we're going on a Hero Hunt tommorow so get your things ready now.

???1: Yes sir!

???2: Understood sir...

As the two unknown strangers left the room. The third stranger spoke.

???3: This is going to be a fun puzzle.

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