Kamen Rider Chalice Bio

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Name: Remy Lambert

Nationality: America/France

Alias: Kamen Rider Chalice, The Heart Bow Knight, The Successor Of Hajime Aikawa, The Next Joker Undead, The Gambit (By Kouki), The Gamble Rider (By Seiji), Remy-Kun (By Ichika), Remy-San (By Tenma), The Gamble Idiot (By Akito), Another Joker (By Glaive), My Old Rival (By Eagle Undead)

Characters Type: Anti-Hero, Hero (Sometimes), Protagonist


Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Human, Undead

Personality: Kind, Caring, Confident, Cocky, Serious, Stoic, Calm, Cool, Ruthless, Merciless, Flirty (Sometimes), Funny (Sometimes)

Affiliation: Himself, Neo BOARD (Sometimes), Leo/Need

Occupation: Gambler, Kamen Rider, Manager

Background: Remy Lambert is the next Kamen Rider Chalice aka Hajime Aikawa, he is American-French gradutation student and big fan of Kamen Rider. He's lost interest to Power Rangers after the franchise fall down, his friend suggest him to watch Kamen Rider Blade. He watch it as he like Chalice and how dark the show is. He watch all Kamen Rider and become big fan of Kamen Rider. He is a gambler where he doing gambling and always win the bet, he took a lot of money to help people. He visit Japan to buy DX and CSM toy version for his toy collection. One day, he see an aurora curtain and took him to the city, he meet a man name Hajime Aikawa who told him that he is chosen to become the next Chalice but Remy worry that he gonna become the next Joker Undead, Hajime told him that he will be fine and it's up to him decide or not. Remy hesistant but he accept it and become the next Chalice but he feel pain inside him and become Joker Undead, Hajime take out Human Undead card and scan the Rouzer before revert Remy into human form. Hajime told Remy to seal Undead and find a way to remove Joker Undead curse as Remy understand and find a way to seal Undead.

Likes: Leo/Need, Ichika Hoshino, Helping people, Saving people, Playing Gambling game, Drinking his favorite Soda, Flirting with the girls, Teasing Ichika for fun, Facing his monster self, Hunting the Undead

Dislikes: Seiji's Meme Shenanigans, Tom and Jerry's shenanigans, Akito's Rude personality (Sometimes), Glaive/Albino Joker, Eagle Undead (Rival), Undead, Bully, Stalker, Rapist, Idiot, Corrupt people, Power Hungry people, People who NTR Ichika, People who make him angry, People who cheat on gambling


Chalice Rouzer

Change Mantis Rouse Card

Chalice Arrow

Wild Slasher


Chalice [Primary Base Form]

Wild [Final Form]

Joker Undead [Undead Form]

Love Interest:

Ichika Hoshino


- Henshin!

- Let's end this, shall we?

- Like a person once say this... IKUZE, TEMERA!

- It's showtime!

- The name's Kamen Rider Chalice Mon Ami... Remember it.

- You know how long I been waiting for this? Wooo I'm boutta make a name for myself here! *Spoke in Cajun accent*

- Yosha Lucky!

- I don't like people cheating on gambling.

- Guess I'll play a little solitaire. *Pull out poker cards*

- Oi Seiji... stop making fun of me!

- Kouki! Can you stop your pet fight?

- Akito, say it one more time or I gonna crush your nuts.

- I won't be like Hajime or Gambit! I will fight my fate and win!

- Let's end this, Glaive... I will destroy you!

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