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(Musutafu, Japan)

Over above the city of Musutafu, we see a helicopter flying through the city, passing a few buildings and gose up to a roof of a tall building were a landed pad is seen with couple of people with black clothes and wear sunglasses while holds guns. One who is standing at the landing pad waiting for the helicopter to land and once the helicopter landed at the pad. The door slide open and a huge guy with gold chains around his neck looks around and puff out some smoke and walk towards the other man.

Boss: You've got the drugs?

Drug dealer leader: Yes, follow me.

The boss follows the drug dealer while on another roof a silhouette of a person with a sword on his hand stare at the drug dealing and blow a smokescreen to the ground and disappeared.

The dealer open a case and the  boss looks at them and we see it's cocaine. The boss smiles and nods. The dealer close the case and the bosses henchman hand his boss a case filled with money and they were about to make a treat when suddenly someone landed on the roof were they were at and the mafia boss see him and asked.

Boss: Who the fuck is that person!?

The dealer wave his hand and his henchmen point there weapons at the person. This person wears a outfit and holding a gun on his hand.

The vigilante looks around to see there is any opportunity to beat them and after a few minute of thinking he got it and throws another smoke bomb into the ground and the dealer's men open fired but after a few shots the vigilante disappeared after the smoke was gone.

They thought they got away with it but then the lights around them get cut off by someone throwing ninja stars at the lights destroying them. The it was dark as they try to find out who's responsibility for this.

Henchman 1: Where is he?

Henchman 2: I don't know?


Then suddenly there was a scream and turn yo see one henchman getting electrocuted by something and fell unconscious. Then another henchman gets kick in the head by someone and anothe right there gun sliced off and got knock out by the back of the head.

The henchmen have entered and open fire around them and try to hit this person. Ever shot they fire they see the same vigilante but missed every shot and he beats the last remaining henchmen off until it was silence as the boss and dealer have enough and make a break for it.

The vigilante see them escaping but didn't follow them as the boss and dealer made it down the stairs they were surrounded by sirens and police officer's pointing there guns at them.

The boss and the dealer were taking away by the police and drive off while the vigiliante watch them leave from another roof and turn to walk away. He would have rested if not until he saw a swarm of grasshoppers.

???: Locust Undead...

He then take out a card and a buckle

(Blay Buckle)

(Change Beetle Rouse Card)

He inserts the card on the buckle, then the belt appear and wrap the buckle on his waist

???: Henshin!

He then pulls the lever, reveal the Spade Symbol

Blay Buckle: TURN UP!

An energy screen called Orichalcum Element is released, the vigilante runs through the screen, become Kamen Rider Blade

(Kamen Rider Blade Ace Form)

Blade then jumped to the ground and ran to his motorbike

(Blue Spader)

Blade then drove his car to follow the locusts. When he arrived, Blade saw a number of heroes trying to protect the people such as Endeavor, Eraserhead, and Present Mic. Along with that are some heroes who are just trying to fight the locusts without caring about the people.

Endeavor: Blade?!

Eraserhead: What are you doing here?!

Blade: Dealing with that!

He points to the Undead

(Locust Undead)

Present Mic: What is that thing!?

Blade: Undead... Category 5 of Spade, Locust Undead

Endeavor: Undead!?

The Locust Undead roars as he charges at Blade, who enters combat position before he also charges at the Undead, and the two entered combat with each other as they attack at each other. Blade is now seen dodging the Locust Undead's punches before he blocks one punch with his forearm and punches on the Undead with his other arm.

Blade then drew out sword the Blay Rouzer, and stabs the Locust Undead with it, making the Undead to stumble back before it stops and roars before it begins jumping around Blade.
Blade was on guard as he waited for the Undead's next move, before the Locust Undead slashes on Blade's back and the Rider soon turns around to slash at the Undead but was too late as it begins to jump around again.

The Locust Undead lands a slash on Blade's back again which made him slash at the Undead but was too late yet again. The Undead then slashes on Blade's side, and Blade counter attacks again but were too late again, and soon the Locust Undead slashes on Blade's chest making him fall on one knee and used his Rouzer for support as he stabs it to the ground.

Eraserhead: Blade!

Blade: Damn he's quick but I won't give up!

He said before he stands back up and closed his eyes to focus on the Undead's movement.

The Locust Undead still continues to jump around Blade, and the Rider continues to listen on the steps it takes as the Undead jumps around. Until he finally sees the Locust Undead jumping straight at him which made Blade to immediately opens his eyes, and slashed on the Undead's chest sending it rolling on the ground.

Blade then charges at the Locust Undead as it stands on one foot and knee and the Undead soon turns at Blade, and it soon roars before its body transformed into a swarm of locusts, as they fly through and around Blade.

Blade soon stops as the swarm of the Locust Undead passed by and around him. Blade soon turns and saw the swarm charging at him, Blade slashes at the swarm but they easily dodges his attack as they split apart and surrounded Blade.

Blade soon saw the two swarms charging at him in both of his sides, and Blade dodges them by rolling on his shoulder and as soon as he stops he slashed at the swarm but they dodge his attack again.

Blade growls in frustration as the swarm of the Locust Undead begins to gather back together and charges at Blade again, but they were soon fired upon.

Endeavor: Do it kid!

Blade soon flips his Rouzer now holding it in a reverse grip style, before he opens up storage unit for his Rouze Cards.

(Blay Rouzer)

Blade soon pulls out a Card from his Rouzer and it was the Category Four of Spades, Tackle Boar.

(Tackle Boar Rouse Card)

Blade soon swipes the Tackle Card onto the side of his Rouzer's blade.

Blay Rouzer: TACKLE!

The hologram of the Card appears and went into Blade's chest.

As the Locust Undead manage to stand back on its feet, Blade flips his sword in a regular style he entered a tackle position.

Soon Blade charges at the Locust Undead and lands a tackle attack on the Locust Undead, and when his attack hits the Undead it exploded in a green flame explosion.

Blade jumps out of the explosion before it died down. Blade then turns back to and saw the Locust Undead was still alive and saw the buckle on its waist opening up.

Blade: Time to seal you...

Blade then pulls out a blank Rouze Card and throws it on the Locust Undead's chest, absorbing the Undead into it before it flew back into Blade's hand as he catches it. He looks at the Card and saw that it was now the Category Five of Spades, Kick Locust.

(Kick Locust Rouse Card)

Blade: 9 done... 45 Undead left...

Eraserhead: What do you mean by... 45 left?

Blade: Yagi Izuku... do you...remember him?

Endeavor, Eraserhead and Present Mic were startled when they heard that

Endeavor: You know him?

Blade: On his last moment...yes...

Present Mic: What do you mean by... last moment?

Blade: I read his last memories before he died. He hoped that those who had mentally tortured him would go to hell to meet him. At the same time, his death accidentally released the Undeads from the seal, or in other words... Yagi Izuku was a sacrifice. As a guardian of the Monolith, I need to seal all the Undeads.

After that, Blade climbed onto the Blue Spader and left. Continue his journey of hunting the Undead. 

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